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General Hospital Rumors: Franco Cracks After Kiki’s Death, Turns To The Dark Side To Take Ryan Down

General Hospital Rumors: Franco Cracks After Kiki's Death, Turns To The Dark Side To Take Ryan DownGeneral Hospital’s Franco (Roger Howarth) used the tumor excuse to get by with every crime he committed from murder to sexual assault, to kidnapping. However, now fans want Franco to turn to the dark side and avenge Kiki’s (Hayley Erin) death. So did the tumor make Franco evil or can he access his evil side without that pivotal aid?

Gh spoilers – Franco Was A Serial Killer In Two Countries

When Franco moved to France, dead people began to show up in several places, and he was always considered a suspect even though the evidence wasn’t found to prove it. Franco proved his self a killer when he started sending crime scene photos to Jason (Steve Burton) and his friends and family. Franco told Jason that for everyone Jason killed, he would kill as well.

Franco was supposedly fascinated with Jason and wanted to be like him. Franco also used a brain tumor excuse to get by with all the murder and mayhem he caused from the time he was eighteen. If Franco turns back to the dark side, can he then be held accountable for all of the murders he committed while suffering from the tumor?

Franco Supposedly Changed For The Better

GH writers spend years of time, effort, and money to make Franco a likable character. If Franco can turn his evil side on and off at will, how has he changed? Franco thinks of Kiki as his daughter, and any parent would want revenge for what happened to her.

However, most parents are not reformed, serial killers. Franco was not only a serial killer but a sexual predator yet when Jason Morgan expected Franco to pay for sexually assaulting his wife and setting up circumstances that got Michael (Chad Duell) raped in prison, Jason was told he had to let it go because Franco was sick. So is or was Franco sick? If Franco can go to the dark side as he said before, to figure out this serial killer or to get revenge for Kiki’s death, then Franco cannot blame his past on a tumor. Unless, of course, he has a second tumor.

Why Bother With the Tumor Excuse If Franco Is Going To Go Rogue?

Fans cannot have it both ways, either a tumor caused Franco’s actions before or Franco truly has an evil side is the flip of a switch away. Franco going rogue would completely cancel the tumor excuse and ruin all the work put into redeeming Franco.

Not that he is redeemed to all fans or that he ever will be, but why would fans who believe this redemption excuse want Franco to go back to the way he was before? What would this mean to his and Liz’ (Rebecca Herbst) marriage plans? Can Liz live with a man who can turn evil at the drop of a hat? Remember Liz couldn’t handle Jason’s life choices and Franco’s would be much worse. What would this mean for Liz’ kids and their attachment to Franco? If Franco goes dark, is there any possible way back?

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  1. Guest says

    I really hope that Franco doesn’t turn ‘dark’.. I hope he Figures out that Kevin is not Kevin though.. He could psychologically turn on Kevin, but I don’t want to see him become a ‘killer’ again.. Liz deserves some happiness, as well as Franco. Besides that, The writers could be writing Franco right into a corner.. I don’t want to lose Roger from the canvas. period.

  2. Peggy Chastain says

    I don’t want him to be evil BUT he could lead the police to the killer, Ryan or let Jason handle it because he knows who killed her I am pretty sure! I want Franco to be good and marry Liz!

  3. Guest says

    Franco get Ryan but not kill him

  4. Guest says

    Yes, but just because he can go to the dark side (name one parent who wouldn’t want to murder the person who killed their child) doesn’t mean he is DARK. Hopefully he will incapacitate Kevin (who is actually Ryan) or better yet Laura gets him committed and they find the REAL Kevin languishing in Ferncliff.

    Sandra McIntyre – do you proof read your article, lots of stuff wrong with the composition and some of the facts. Franco NEVER said his going dark was due to the tumor, that was what his lawyer said to get him off.

  5. Denise Daniel says

    Your article reeks of agenda. Franco’s tumor wasn’t an “excuse”. It was a medical fact. He’s turned his life around & lives a productive & loving life with Elizabeth & the boys. Jason & Sonny are far worse. Sonny actually raped an unconscious Karen. Sonny & Jason murder for money & power. Franco’s crimes were due to a tumor causing psychosis. Sonny & Jason haven’t evolved in 20 years. They won’t even change for their kids even when their kids have been harmed or died.

  6. Guest says

    Yes, but please don’t make him kill him, I Love the new Franco, love him with Elizabeth !! Maybe have Franco save Carly’s life then Jason will forgive him…

  7. vet302 says

    Yes, Franco is the right person to do it!

  8. Guest says

    YES, but not murder him, I like him as the good guy, but I would love to see him figure out the fraud.. and have the real Keven set free….

  9. Judith 3283 says

    That is a big NO. Franco has come a long way to become a kind, loving, helpful man. I don’t want to see this side of him tarnished by taking Ryan out. It could be misconstrued as vengeance & start a Franco is a murderer once more.

  10. Guest says

    Yes i would, like it if Franco took Kevin down, but then again i don’t want him to stay in a dark place. I would like to see him and Eliz get married and become a great stepfather .

  11. Guest says

    Hope he catches Ryan for killing Kiki but not turn him back to evil. Franco needs to stay a good guy but still get revenge. Love the idea that Franco has changed , so don’t change that part. Maybe he and the others work together to trap him and Kevin gets even.

  12. Longhorn says

    Do NOT do this to Franco. The character is much more profound as the good guy. Bad idea. He should help Carly discover the Ryan truth instead!

  13. Guest says

    I hope Ava catches Ryan trying to kill Carly and finds a way to save her. I think she deserves a break from Carly’s attitude. Carly bus in everyone’s business just hate her I do nothing wrong attitude.

  14. Guest says

    Yes I would like Franco take RYAN down and stay out of port charles for good for one

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