General Hospital Spoilers and Recap Tuesday, March 31: Jordan’s Huge Lie – Julian Attacks Neil

General Hospital Jordan AshfordWelcome to your Tuesday March 31st General Hospital (GH) recap! We begin our day at General Hospital (GH) where Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) are leaving an AA meeting. Finn wonders why she was so quiet and Alexis admits she has not been sober.

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In his apartment, Julian Jerome (William Devry) is in bed with Britt Westmore (Kelly Thiebaud). He laments that they need to stop meeting like this. Britt says she is hoping that it happens again soon.

At the Metro court restaurant, Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) sits with his daughter Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) and says she can order whatever she likes. Ned apologizes for firing her but said it was necessary.

General Hospital Spoilers – Trina and Cameron discuss their kiss

In the Port Charles park, Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) meets up with Cameron Webber (James Lipton) as he flashes back to their intimate kiss. Cameron is distracted and talks about sports and its good effect on his psyche. He tells Trina that he is now seeing Dr Byrne and Trina wonders if he needs a therapist.  Cam warns her against being friends with Ava as she defends their friendship.

General Hospital Spoilers – Portia catches up with her ex-boyfriend Curtis

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In her office at General Hospital, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) explains to Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) that there was a lot she did not know about Taggerts work. Portia says even though they divorced, she still loved him.  Curtis asks Portia how much she knows about the work Taggert did against Cyrus.

General Hospital Spoilers – Jordan meets with the Feds to give the fake story

At the police station, Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) enters and asks Mac Scorpio (John York) where Jordan is? In the interrogation room, Jordan Ashford (Brianne Nicole Henry) is meeting with the Feds to tell the fake story to get Cyrus out of prison.  Jordan lays out her story about her 3 colleagues being murdered and fibs that they had fabricated evidence.

General Hospital Spoilers – Alexis tells Finn she fell off the wagon

At General Hospital, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) feels bad that he was not there to help Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) when she slipped and drank. Alexis says its not his job to help her and she explains it was only one drink.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Julian and Britt have another intimate encounter

In his bed, Julian and Britt continue to canoodle as he says he “could get used to this”. Britt says she needs to go and she says her and Brad (Parry Shen) are kindred spirits.  Julian mentions Dr Byrne and Britt realizes that she knows who he is. She saw him and Alexis in NYC.

General Hospital Spoilers – Brook Lynn and Lulu still have daggers for each other

At the Metro Court, Ned has to calm Brook Lynn down when shes spies Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan) and wants to confront her. Ned says he will find her another job as Lulu looks on angrily.

Dustin Phillips (Mark Lawson) calms Lulu down and says he remembers when Brook Lynn was a nice person just trying to become a singer. Olivia confronts Lulu and says she had no idea thaf moving on would mean abandoning the whole family.

Tuesday Excitement!

Jordan lies to Portia and says her team went rogue, including Marcus Taggert.

Olivia tells Ned that shes afraid Brook Lynn is lying again.

Brook Lynn goes over to Lulu and Dustin and says she needs a favor – to have her boyfriend.

At the hospital, Julian spies Alexis and Neil in a room, he busts in and throws Neil against the wall……flash to preview

Alexis DavisGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersNeil Byrne
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  • ole man spirit

    Well, I’d say it’s a hot booty call for both parties involved!