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General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Carly Realizes Nelle Needs Help, Forgives Her For Wiley’s Sake When ‘GH’ Returns?

General Hospital: Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), Chloe Lanier ( Nelle Benson)ABC General Hospital spoilers and updates suggest that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) could do something no one expects when the show returns. GH fans know that Carly and the evil loathe one another. However, some are now suggesting that there could be room for forgiveness in Carly’s heart if certain conditions are met!

General Hospital Spoilers – Carly Corinthos Remembers Her Past

If the truth were told, Carly ought to be just a touch ashamed of her behavior toward Nelle Benson. (Chloe Lanier) After all, it’s not like Carly hasn’t “been there, done that” when it comes to a majority of things Nelle has done. True, Carly hasn’t murdered her own husband, but she did commit attempted murder against Olivia Jerome (Tonja Walker). In other words, while her actions didn’t have the same result, her intentions were identical to Nelle’s.

Then too, Carly has assaulted people, she’s committed adultery with half of Port Charles and she’s fornicated with the rest, she’s blackmailed a ton of individuals, and she’s been in and out of mental institutions. To many GH viewers then, Carly is hardly any better than Nelle.

If Carly can be made to look in the mirror … perhaps she might find a touch of regret for how her relationship with Nelle has gone down.

Gh Spoilers – Nelle Needs Help, Not Condemnation

With all the stuff Nelle has pulled on the Corinthos family, it might seem rather obvious that she came from Crazy Town. However, as noted above … so did Carly. If someone could just point out the fact that Nelle’s a sick woman who desperately needs the care of a mental health professional, Carly might find it within herself to actually forgive Nelle.

Now, forgiveness doesn’t mean that Carly would have to soften her stance or allow herself to be a sucker for Nelle’s manipulations. However, it does mean that Carly would need to knock it off with the death threats and with the belief that she is any better as a person. Many would agree that Carly absolutely has zero moral superiority going on here.

General Hospital Spoilers – Carly Corinthos Makes An Effort

Finally, there’s no telling how Michael Corinthos’s (Chad Duell) child custody battle with Nelle will turn out. However, if things don’t go well for Michael and Nelle ends up with custody of Wiley Cooper-Jones (Erik and Theo Olson) then Carly might have to swallow her pride, take off her shoes, and tiptoe on eggshells.

Since everything on General Hospital has been “All Wiley, All the Time” for literally months on end, and every Corinthos in existence has expressed his or her belief that “it’s all about the best interests of Wiley” … Carly is going to have to woman up and actually be the better person. That is if Carly wants any chance in hell of seeing her grandson again.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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