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General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Stage Set For A New Hot GH Couple – Jason and Britt Sizzle

General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Stage Being Set For A New Hot GH Couple - Jason and Britt Sizzle

ABC General Hospital spoilers tease that in Port Charles, NY Stone Cold Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is becoming a toasty marshmallow in the presence of Britt “The Britch” Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud). How much longer before these two hooks up? Everything is screaming right now that these two are a new hot couple on the Port Charles horizon, it’s just a matter of time.

Fans are wildly divided over this prospect, however. First of all, it would mean an end to JaSam. As if that hasn’t already happened–these two spend zero time together.

But it would also mean the softening of one of the toughest vixens to ever have graced Port Charles. Are viewers ready for Bason?

General Hospital Spoilers – Jason Morgan Is Mush With Britt Westbourne

They may have no choice. Explosive show spoilers tease that Jason is dead set on bringing Britt over to his side in the war against Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). He has gone out of his way to be in Britt’s orbit and this week he spilled his plan to her and even she couldn’t figure out why.

GH Spoilers – Cyrus Renault Has Made An Enemy Of Half Of Port Charles

Britt knows that no one likes her and she was puzzled as to why Jason (Steve Burton) confided in her. Jason wants her to snitch on her boss Cyrus that much is simple. But why in the world did he trust The Britch of all people? He took a huge risk and everyone is warning him off of dealing with Britt. (Kelly Thiebaud)

General Hospital Spoilers – What Happens Next On Port Charles?

But it’s obvious that Jason trusts Britt and he has been incredibly open with her which is so not like him. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that he is falling for her. Why else would he go out on a limb with someone with such a horrid reputation and who has the power to squash him like a bug? At the same time, Britt’s rough edges are being filed away slowly but surely.

The dominoes are now being placed for an epic November Sweeps finale. A bomb detonated in Port Charles and people have been harmed. Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) is already showing her annoyance with Jason.  Are they setting the stage for a JaSam breakup?  Rumor has it that Jason will soon declare his true intentions toward Britt and when that happens there will be no going back.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Guest says

    I love Britt. I think her and Jason would rock port charles

  2. Guest says

    Think they would make a great couple!

  3. Suzanne Wolfe says

    I think Jason and Sam belong together. I think writers right now. They need to bring they old Sam who is a kickass and doesn't take scrap. She fights besides Jason's side and doesn't just stay home and waits for him. No matter what Sam and Jason belong together. Britt can never be what Jason needs, she can be a alley but that is it how can he really trust her.Sam is and will be someone he can trust and be himself. I really believe they're soul mates. I don't think I can continue to watch if they put Jason and Britt together.

  4. Soapaholic says

    Not my cup of tea. JaSam can be made exciting again if the writers so choose.

  5. Guest says

    No leave Jason, & sam alone

  6. lbc says

    A couple of what?? Don't see potential for a pairing. Viewers are so in the need of a good pairing at this point in time but this one would not work in my opinion and my reasoning is not that I want Jason/Sam together. Not pleased with their pairing at this time either. But, writers could fix that with a stroke of the pen or pencil.

  7. Guest says

    My thought's exactly ! Right now I'm in the point of not watching GH, I just feel that they are going to split JaSam for good. It's a shame that since Jason has returned 2017, and told Sam that he still wants to be with her, and FV promised us that they will get together but they will have to go through rocky road b4 they get together. If his intention was never to pair Jason and Sam together, then why did he have Drew and Sam get a divorce.

  8. Guest says

    Agreed !

  9. Guest says

    What we need to do is start a petition !

  10. LovemyGH says

    YES to Britt and Jason! Sam (Kelly) doesn't like Steve Burton in real life and it really shows on camera. I think it's time for them to split for good. Jason needs someone who will stand by him and Sam is not doing that.

  11. Guest says

    Covid-19 is keeping all of them at a certain distance.

  12. Guest says

    Jasam has been boring and stale for a long time….If they made Sam the old Sam then perhaps it would spice things up…….Not too sure about Britt, but Jasam doesnt work anymore….so I say why not????

  13. Guest says

    Will I must be blind because I have never seen any sizzle or spark or flirting or anything between Jason and Britt. Jason needs her for info, and that's it. I like Britt, but not with Jason.
    And Sam and Jason play Jasam exactly as written. If they've lost their passion its became the writers haven't allowed them more than a day or two together before putting up yet another wall to keep them apart.
    And while we're talking, WTH! Liz and Franco, have been together several years, as have Ned and Olivia and Maxi and Peter, sure they had their issues but they didn't break up. Even boring Molly and TJ have been together years and years. Ava and Nicholas have even been together longer than Jason and Sam this time around.
    Well guys, thanks for letting me stand my soap box for a minute.
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  14. Guest says

    NOOOOOOO!!!!!! This is horrible! Not Britt! Please…. I’m not a Jasam fan, but I’ll take Jasam over this ! Liason Forever Fan!!!!!

  15. Guest says

    Sam and Jason are freaking boring yes Jason need somebody come on y’all you know they are boring Jason need someone he can light it up with Sam is so boring

  16. Guest says

    Yay for Jason and Britt. Sam and Jason have gotten boring and there’s no fire there. All Sam does is whine about everything. Looking forward to the new pairing.

  17. Guest says

    Hell no no no. That sucks I will loose all respect for Jason.

  18. Guest says

    No I don't think they are a great i agree wth Suzanne they need to bring back the old kick ass sam

  19. Guest says

    Leave Jasam alone ,,, but bring back kickass , strong hearted Sam that took no bs , & didn’t whimper over everything ,,, they took a strong Sam & made her weak ,,, Bring the Sam back that was Jason’s Right hand watched his back ,,, shooting up port Charles ,,, that’s our dragon & the Phoenix

  20. Guest says

    Excellent! Hope it becomes a steady relationship/ Sam has her mother and sisters to keep her busy until Drew comes back, the one she really wanted.

  21. Guest says

    Sam, always has other business to handle. jason is an afterthought

  22. Guest says

    too many rocky roads for them, apparently writers can't find a spark for jasam

  23. Guest says

    Right on!

  24. Guest says

    got this one right for the first time

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