General Hospital Spoilers: Brad Refuses To Lose Wiley To Shiloh Or Birth Dad Michael – Skipping Town With Baby?

General Hospital Spoilers: Brad Refuses To Lose Wiley To Shiloh Or Birth Dad Michael - Skipping Town With Baby?General Hospital spoilers tease that Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) is so determined to keep his family safe from Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) and in particular Wiley Cooper-Jones (Eric and Theodore) on Friday, June 27th’s episode of General Hospital! Of course, as General Hospital fans know, Brad doesn’t make the best decisions in the world, and even less so if he’s worried!

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In Monday’s episode, Judge David Walters (William Allen Young) ruled in favor of Shiloh, partially because Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) didn’t arrive in time for court and she was not allowed to speak. Most General Hospital fans, however, agree that the judge is probably a “Dawnie”, or, a Dawn of Day member and Shiloh has him retrained or brainwashed mentally.

General Hospital Spoilers – Shiloh Is Dangerous And Won’t Stop Until He Gets His Son

After all, as shown with Kristina Corinthos (Lexi Ainsworth), Shiloh’s main objective with a Dawn of Day follower is to get them under his control by retraining them to think Shiloh’s thoughts and view anyone who disagrees, including and especially the follower’s family, as the enemy and to disown them and hold only to Shiloh and the cult as their family and Shiloh the one the follower is to please above all else.

So even though Shiloh may be paying his attorney Zahra Amir (Maysoon Zayid) handsomely, the results of the Family Court were probably a foregone conclusion!

General Hospital viewers know that the baby that Brad and his husband Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes) adopted is not the original Wiley. Wiley died the day he was born, and as Brad sadly drove out in the country with the dead baby, not knowing how to break the news to Lucas, he came across Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) carrying her live healthy baby boy that Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) had delivered out in the woods; Brad stopped to pick up Nelle and her baby and the switch was made!

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General Hospital Spoilers – If Brad Doesn’t Lose Wiley to Shiloh, He Will Lose Him To Michael

Nelle took original version Wiley and presented him to Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) as their baby Jonah, while Brad took Michael and Nelle’s baby home to Lucas, who hadn’t seen original Wiley because he was on call and working at General Hospital!

Brad probably made a mistake in notifying Nelle at Pentonville recently, since GH viewers could see by the look on her face when he showed her recent pictures of “Wiley” that she might want him back, and she even mentioned becoming more of a female influence in his life and an upcoming parole, which more than likely wind up being an escape, possibly with Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) and maybe even Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) “along for the ride”!

It looks like we’re in for a great episode on Wednesday! As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!

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Alexis DavisGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHShiloh Archer
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  • lbc

    After many more months of back and forth so called mystery, Michael will end up with Wiley, and probably rename him Jonah. Michael will allow Lucas to be a part of the baby’s life and am not sure what will happen to dumb old Brad. Another point in this story – why are viewers now believing that the Judge is a part of DOD. The writers have brought so many people into this story line that every new addition is considered to be on Shiloh band wagon in a manner not for the Wiley story to come to an end. Can’t remember the case now, but this Judge has appeared before and was quite strict in his views. If you are not present for a court case, most Judges will feel unfavorable and rule against you. Don’t care for the writers allowing things to detain Willow from attending court on time other than to continue the story with bias against Willow and yet another win for Shiloh.

  • Guest

    michael, just hope this storyline ends soon. It’s gone on to long.