General Hospital Spoilers: Did “Drew” Leave A Secret Message Revealing Peter And Helena Kidnapped Him?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that when “Frankendrew” Cain Baldwin (Roger Howarth) gave Cameron Webber (William Lipton) his cell phone, as Drew Cain (Billy Miller) before he underwent the memory transfer reversal procedure, there was a good reason – he may have recorded a memory of Peter August (Wes Ramsey) being there when Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) kidnapped him out of Afghanistan, after Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) sold him to her!

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GH Spoilers– Shiloh Archer Knocked Drew Cain Out

General Hospital viewers will recall the flashbacks where Steve Burton played Andrew Cain in 2012 shortly before Billy Miller, and his version of Drew Cain left the General Hospital canvas in July 2019. These were flashbacks that Shiloh was remembering. Drew, of course, didn’t remember anything because those memories were on a flash drive that was stolen from his Aurora Media office, and later transferred into Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) in an effort to save Cameron, who had been kidnapped by Shiloh.

Shiloh did knock out Drew before Peter and Helena arrived, but he could have woken up when he was being transported to Cassadine Island and remembered seeing Peter not just while being transported, but many times during the painful process of Helena making him into her “toy soldier!”

In fact, when Dr. Robin-Scorpio Drake (Kimberly McCullough) discovered who she thought was Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) in the clinic, he was practically dead – in stasis, and she was able to bring him back to life, but not with even his Jason memories intact! So what happened to him on Cassadine Island was horrendous – it nearly killed him! Little Jake Spencer (Hudson West) saw part of it and drew his memories of him being tied up on a pole and whipped and called him “The Scarecrow!”

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“Frankendrew” Cain Baldwin Didn’t Want To Delay Giving Franco Baldwin’s Life Back To Him

His body may have been Franco’s but his mind, personality, and memories were Drew Cain’s – and after finding out what Franco did for him when they were little he didn’t want to delay giving Franco’s life back to him if it could possibly be done – so instead of calling the police or telling Dr. Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) or even Cameron his memories of Peter being involved in his capture and possibly even his torture on Cassadine Island, he may have chosen instead to make a recording on his cell phone to be listened to after whatever was going to happen happened, because he didn’t know if he would even survive the procedure, and had signed a DNR form (Do Not Resuscitate) indicating he didn’t want to be on life support.

In a way, he made the decision for both himself and Franco in doing that, and fans, as well as Cameron, asked the question if it would be valid – it would have because if he was in a vegetative state Franco wouldn’t be there either.

If Franco as Drew did record a statement of the memories that he may have just regained while being prepped for the procedure on the cell phone he gave Cameron to hang on to, which would have been Drew’s, that he used during the few months he lived on in Franco’s body, it is just a matter of time before Cameron remembers he gave him the phone, and either he, Franco, or his mother Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) will find the recording and take action!

Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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Drew CainFranco BaldwinGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH Spoilers
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  • RavenJackal

    I do not know what message that flash drive Drew left for Franco. It could be about Peter which more than likely it might be. I have hoped that the situation with Peter and his involvement with Helena and Faison in regards to Jason and Drew is not as bad as it has looked. I had wanted Peter and Drew to be allies trying to take down Faison together. I think that it would be far more interesting to find out that Drew and Peter are not enemies but allies somehow. I have been hoping that Drew was alright somewhere. I have not liked that they had Peter do anything to to Drew especially since he tried to give Drew the flash drive many times. I hope that that they will work to fix this situation somehow. I think that if Drew is alright then Franco and Peter would make interesting possible friends. They have people in common, have battled their dark sides to become better people even though Franco is a bit ahead in that effort than Peter at this point, and have the love of someone who brings out the best in them.

  • Guest

    I Believe Peter Had Billy Miller As Drew Cain Kidnapped.! In Billy Miller As Drew Cain Will Get Away And Come Back To Port Charles.! In Step Out Of That Same Elevator When The Elevator Doors Open Up.! Billy Miller As Drew Cain Will Go After Peter To Confront Peter About What Him And Shiloh Did To Billy Miller As Drew Cain.! With From The Orders Of Helena Cassadine.!