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General Hospital Spoilers: Have GH Writers Dropped The Ball On The Who Killed Neil Story?

General Hospital Spoilers: Have GH Writers Doped The Ball On The Who Killed Neil Story?

General Hospital spoilers and updates tease in Port Charles, New York Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan) has been dead for weeks. For a man who had no history of drug use, Port Charles Police seem eager to believe that he simply overdosed with little or no investigation into his death. Have the GH writers dropped the ball on this story?

General Hospital Spoiler Insights

There was never any evidence of drug use with General Hospital’s Neil. (Joe Flanigan) Neil would have never used drugs because his daughter died from a drug overdose. Neil knows how much his daughter’s death hurt him and he would never put Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) through that. Neil spent a great deal of his time as a therapist helping people to shake a drug addiction. Neil would have been dead set on staying away from drugs at any cost.

It Happened While With Alexis Davis

Let’s be honest, if Neil was planning to overdose, why would he do it in General Hospital’s Alexis’ bed? If Neil was going to intentionally overdose, he would have done it at home while broken up with Alexis. Neil wouldn’t have committed to a life with Alexis just to kill himself and leave her. Neil would not take that chance, he was too excited to be with Alexis to risk overdosing in her bed. There has to be more to this story. The PCPD needs to spend a little time on this case and realize that something does not add up. The viewers know that none of this would be a real scenario, so why have the writers left us hanging?

Someone Had To Be After Alexis Davis

General Hospital fans know that the only thing that makes sense it someone was targeting Alexis. Neil could have been killed to frame Alexis for murder. Alexis has already been called in for questioning about Neil’s demise, was someone trying to frame her for murder since she has killed twice before and gotten away with it? Could this have started as a revenge killing and Neil got in the way? After all, Keifer Bauer (Christian Alexander) was killed by Alexis.

Keifer’s sister Kendra Bauer (Michelle Argyris) sister was killed while trying to get revenge on Alexis for Keifer’s death. Keifer’s father and sister are now dead but what about their mother? This woman has lost her entire family and would likely blame it all on Alexis. Is it possible that Neil died because someone was trying to kill Alexis and found him instead? Was Neil murdered just to make Alexis suffer?

There are so many ways the writers could go with this story. However, the writers need to go somewhere with this and explain how this overdose took place.

  1. Guest says

    These writers Unfortunately seem to drop the ball on NUMEROUS stories!!!!

  2. Guest says

    GH is so so so stupid once again they lied I just want to cure these fuck up writers and GH and I’m going to do that he they keep messing up they lied about everything

  3. Guest says

    Writees need to give us a break and finish some of these stories! I was brokenhearted when the just dropped Drew's story, and I loved Niel, that is also astery that needs to be solved, love to have both of them back!

  4. lbc says

    The whole story of Neil dying of an over dose is crazy, let alone it be in Alexis' bed. Alexis needed a chance at love and a happy professional life but all went down hill and resulted in Neil being killed off. Can't understand why the character has been put through so much torment the last few years. There are so many questions surrounding Neils's dehave not even been approached which brings up another question. What is Jordan actually doing in her position as PC's top cop. All that seems important to her is to be sure wwhat Cyrus asks is granted. ired of seeing yet another woman being dumbed down so much that she is not recognizable. Don't want to go through Alexis and her alcoholic problems again for months on end. Let's get rid of Cyrus and his drugs, and put Alexis back on a path of becoming her old self with a professional future and just being a nice person and a friend. At this time, she is a crazy mess the character deserves more.

  5. Guest says

    Story writers are famous for NEVER ending storylines OR the SAME story goes ON and ON… Peter’s, Billy’s, Nina’s lost daughter,Holly’s disappearance, and the list goes on! I love this show, the actors are great, but the writing is going downhill! Really too bad!

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