General Hospital (GH) spoilers have seemingly hinted that Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) could be a bone marrow match to save Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). However, this is the land of Port Chuckles, and there’s nothing more the soap loves than providing a plot twist in the mix. What if Liesl doesn’t end up being a match? Will all hope be lost for Willow and her young family?
AMP in the post
General Hospital Spoilers – Liesl Obrecht Is Outraged, But Why?
GH spoilers imply that TJ will provide some important news the week of February 27th. Could he have the results of Liesl’s bone marrow test? Added teasers suggest that Obrecht will also be outraged by something or someone, so there’s a good chance she learns she isn’t a match for Willow, after all.
This would upset Liesl to no end. Not only because this means Willow’s time will be running out (even more now), but also because she was unable to save the day for Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and her daughter. But could there be hope in the form of another family member?
GH Spoilers – Maxie Jones Is Brought Into The Loop
GH spoilers for the week of February 27th tease that Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Sutton) will confide in Maxie Jones (Kristen Storms). Now this could be about the “deal” she signed with Linc Brown (Dan Buran), or it may be about Willow’s current health condition. If BLQ notes that Nina and Liesl have been tested and are not a match for Ms. Tait, Jones may have an epiphany. After all, Willow has one more newfound bio family member in Port Chuckles, and that’s Jones’s son, James West (Owen and Curtis Rufca).
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Jones could jump into action, get James tested, and perhaps saves the day for Willow when all is said and done. GH spoilers promise plenty of unexpected drama in the little town, so anything is possible.
Will Liesl end up being a bone marrow match for Willow, or will James swoop in to help? Have your say below in the comments! Plus, you won’t want to miss an episode of your favorite ABC daytime drama to see how this unfolds. Lastly, check this site daily for the latest in General Hospital news, spoilers, and updates!
[…] However, now that Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is dying, and everyone knows she is Nina’s daughter, Michael is having second thoughts about how far he’s willing to take his revenge game against his father. Meanwhile, Sonny is just looking for a way to get back on solid ground with him. Is Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) his way back into his son’s inner circle? […]
Stop dragging this out You don’t have to be related to be a bone marrow donor. And enough with all the Nina trash. Just get rid of her already she makes this soap unwatchable. She thinks she is owed everything the more she attacks Carly and Drew the further she will get from ever getting to know Willow and her and Michael’s kids
I say same thing… Nina needs a exit. She has been a thorn since day 1. Now she demands acceptance. No dear Nina, this is karma giving you what you gave.
Wiley will be Willow’s donor
I say either give her a donor or let her die. Dragging this story out is getting to be too much.Plus all the stories here lately are sad and depressing. Give us some happy times.
I want somebody to help Willow. Please don’t let her die. Liesl or James. Just someone.
Who is this James guy who could help willow. The only one I can think of is Maxie’s son
Ryan likely did kill Nik, remember there was only one round left in the gun Ava shot Ryan with. That was Mac’s gun, what police officer only has one round in his gun.
That was not Mac’s gun. I believe it was the officer’s gun who Ryan killed at the facility.
Has anybody thought about Finn? If I remember correctly, his twin brother Silas was married to Nina, therefore being Willow’s father. Could Finn be the one that saves the day?
That’s a great thought!
Do you watch the show??? Finn and Silas were not brothers. They were just the same actor playing two different people. Finn’s brother is Chase the cop
they are not twins. Same actor played two different people.
I sure hope that they didn’t really kill off Ryan Chamberlain. I was so looking forward to Ryan, and the fabulous actresses that play Heather and Esme going on the run and stirring up trouble. They are characters that we tune in daily for. If I have to FF any more boring storylines like Portia’s and beatnik strange style Spencer, I won’t have any GH left to watch. The writers get one storyline right and then they end it too soon. Escaped convicts had so many possibilities!!!! Let Ryan survive!!!!
I hope it’s Liesl because children under 18 can’t donate. If they go with James, that would be misrepresentation. But then again, it’s GH and they often don’t follow proper medical protocol. ♀️
Here we go with children again. I hope it does not come down to James ( a child) to save Willow. Writers please let Lies be a match, this storyline is starting to become boring.
What if Nina’s mother comes back and she is a match. I can see Liesel telling her for all she put Nina and her children through it would be the least she could do to make up for it.
This storyline has dragged on for much, much too long!! End it already. I am so tired of it, it doesn’t even interest me any longer;. That’s just how long you people have dragged it on!!!
This is a good story line
At this point I no longer care. Just kill Weeping Willow off. I’m sic’k of her weeping & wailing all the time. Miserable Michael can continue hating Nina & Sonny. His nastiness and revenge can continue unabated without his poor me the victim Willow. I’m sick of them both.
You nailed it! Sooo sick of weeping Willow.
Save Ryan, let him loose with crazy Heather, get rid of Nina, and wrap up story line with Dax!
Everything is drawn out too darn much.
It seems it is being overlooked that Jossyln was a match for Willow’s twin to be able to have received her kidney. Seems she would be a match for Willow also
Joss is the one who got the kidney, she didn’t donate her kidney.
It’s unconscionable to keep dragging children into these adult situations. It would be much better if Liesl or her sister, Nina’s mother, is a donor. But for the love of god stop dragging this story out for February ratings. It’s boring already. Let’s get on with it before viewers stop caring about Willow, Carly, Nina & Michael because of it. That’s a good way to lose an audience.
Wow what a heartless person . I’m sure you would be crying all the time if you had to play that part . Stop watching . Most of us enjoy the soaps . And they are soaps remember that
Why hasn’t Joss been tested? She and Nell were a match so there is a good chance she would be a match with Nell’s sister.
What about Wiley or James as donors?
It needs to be Liesel. Be done with that story. Then Willow can open her heart to Liesel ,Nina,Maxie and kids.
What about Wiley? If we’re talking family, he is Willow’s twin’s child might be the match.
Federal law states that to be a donor you must be at least 18 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. I don’t think James qualifies.
Can someone explain to me yay Michael son hasn’t been tested if his mom is the twin of willow shouldn’t he be a match for bone marrow..
Since NN is thrown down our throats everyday why can’t the writers let the donor be Carly….