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General Hospital Spoilers: Marcus Taggert Back From The Dead – Pulls The Ultimate Con Against Cyrus

General Hospital: Real Andrews (Marcus Taggert)ABC General Hospital spoilers reveal that Real Andrews is not gone from our screens, after all, his character Marcus Taggert is back today even though the character was believed to be dead. Yet, there is soap death and then there is real death; they are not the same. But many fans were led to believe that the character was really over and out when Andrews himself declared as much. So much for veritas.

Of course, after the initial shock wears off and the “I told you so’s,” die down, hardcore GH fans can admit that having the character return is like manna from heaven.

General Hospital Spoilers – Marcus Taggert Is Not Really Dead After All

Marcus Taggert was presumed dead after his burial—duh. But characters have a way of cheating soapy deaths and apparently Marcus is one of them.

He was supposedly shot dead during a heckuva shootout that involved his arch-enemy Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). Lots of folks were in the line of fire including several Corinthos’ and Taggert’s daughter Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla).

Now it appears that Taggert pulled a con not only to confuse Cyrus but also to save his lovely daughter. For that, he cannot be faulted.

GH Spoilers – What Will Marcus Taggert Do Next In Port Charles?

Today’s episode showed Taggert with Briana Nicole Henry‘s character, Jordan Ashford. Many, many fans thought the character was still alive based on a past scene in which Jordan pulled a phone from her safe and called someone. The convo was furtive, and some believed Marcus was on the other end. Well, they were right.

According to Andrews, “It is beyond Phenomenal to be back. Gratitude does not even do the feelings I have justice. I am especially grateful to all of my Champion GH Supporters because they were truly a major part of this becoming a reality for real. So thank you all. I love you and appreciate you. Stay tuned great things are coming :).”

General Hospital Spoilers – How Did Marcus Survive The Warehouse Attack?

The way Andrews phrased his words it could be that TPTB caved into fans’ demands that his character is brought back. That’s because after the character died, Andrews himself was adamant that the character was truly gone.

What’s the lesson in all of this? That the fans who watch soaps and drive ratings can be a powerful force when they band together and demand change.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Guest says

    Very happy that I was right all along! Too long coming!

  2. larubia1353 says

    I Knew He Wasn’t Dead I Been Watching GH For Years And I Can Just About Predict What’s Going To Take Place But I’m Glad He’s Going To Take Down Cyrus And They Can Take Peter Along With Him .Welcome Back (Taggert )Andrews

  3. Guest says

    Yes, i hope they give him a great storyline

  4. Guest says

    They act like we didn’t already know he was alive and it’s a big shock to us. The only shock is that it took so long to happen.

  5. Guest says

    I never liked Taggert, wish he was gone completly

  6. Guest says

    Of course. Now let him get on with getting rid of that awful. Cyrus

  7. lbc says

    I agree, glad the fans rallied and the character rose from the ashes. Hopefully, viewers pleas will help other story lines that have been dragging on to end quickly.

  8. Madeline Capitano says

    Yes very Happy to have him back. He is a great actor, love the character too!

  9. Guest says

    Yes!!! So happy 🙂

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