General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Abandons Plan With Carly – Feels Sorry For Nelle, Helps Her Get Custody Of Wiley?

General Hospital: Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) General Hospital (GH) Spoilers hint that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) may have tension in upcoming episodes of GH. Nina and Carly have been on good terms for a while, and it seemed like they were on the same page. They both wanted to take Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier), which is why Nina hired Nelle. However, in upcoming episodes, they will realize that their goals have shifted or at least Nina’s have. How might this affect their friendship in the future?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nina Reeves Abandons Plan

Nina recently hired Nelle on to her team as her assistant with the false pretenses that she will try to help her get custody of her son, Wiley Quartermaine-Corinthos (Eric and Theodore Olson). However, in reality, she will be trying to gather up dirt to use against him during the custody battle. However, it seems that things will take a significant twist since Nina and Nelle work so close to each other.

This will lead to them learn a lot about each other in upcoming episodes, which will change the way that Nina views Nelle. She has already learned a little about her past, but she may learn even more. Not to mention that Nelle could be Nina’s daughter. However, could this be the reason why Carly and Nina do not see eye to eye?

GH Spoilers – Carly Corinthos And Nina Reeves Bump Heads

Carly has been tormented by Nelle ever since she came to Port Charles. This has made it almost impossible for them to repair any kind of relationship with each other. So when she sees that Nina is starting to feel comfortable around Nelle, she will wonder what is going on and if Nina switched sides. When she sees that Nina is becoming more and more on Nelle’s side, the two of them may bump heads with each other at Nina decides to abort the previous plan that she had and to just be there to tell things the way that she sees it, which is that both Nelle and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) love their son.

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Viewers may see some tension between Carly and Nina. What do you think? Will Carly and Nina be able to set their differences of opinions aside? We’ll give you updates as GH news comes in. Stick with the ABC soap, and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, updates, and news.

CArly CorinthosGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerNina Reeves
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  • Matt Crider

    I do. This is the problem with Nina. She is completely ruled by whatever emotion she is feeling at that moment.

  • Pat Mitchell Bryant

    I hope not. Don’t do this.

  • Guest

    Nina is an idiot and Nelle is not her daughter. The stupid writers are the ones doing this to GH and I hope that show goes the hell off the air too. They refuse to get rid of NELLE which should of been done last year. this child story line should of ended a long time ago.
    The writers suck in there script writing , How the hell they think they can redeem NELLE is totally beyond me. She is a sociopath and belongs under a doctors care. Not running around loose in PORT CHUCK

  • ole man spirit

    Nina has no life now that what she thought she had went south. I’m not so sure that she is in this relationship with the guy from down under (Jacks) for real. She does like him, but I believe she’s still into Valentin and she just may turn on Jacks.