General Hospital Spoilers: Sam Goes Undercover In Beecher’s Corner, Will A Dawny Spot Her?

General Hospital Spoilers: Sam Goes Undercover In Beecher’s Corner, Will A Dawny Spot Her?General Hospital’s Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) is determined to help Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) get Carol Lockhart’s (Mandy Musgrave) statement and keep him out of the hands of Billy Price (Jonathan Stanley). Will someone from Dawn of Day recognize Sam before she can get what she needs?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Carol Took The Fall For Shiloh In A Murder

Thanks to General Hospital’s Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) Carol visited Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) after he murdered Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) father and was convinced to take the blame for the overdose.

Carol’s testimony could certainly help Jason and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) in their bid to take Shiloh dow, but she’s not allowed to leave Beecher’s Corner. If Sam gets Carol’s statement, it can be used to have her transported to Port Charles to testify against Shiloh. Can Sam get the statement they so desperately need?

General Hospital Spoilers – Dawn Of Day Members Have Relocated

General Hospital’s Michael bought the house Shiloh was renting for DOD meetings and evicted them. Most of the DOD members relocated to Beecher’s Corner and the DOD chapter there. Working at the diner could get Sam recognized by DOD members who know her from Port Charles leading to Billy going after Sam as well.

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If Sam is caught by the Beecher’s Corner police, Billy could use Sam to lure Jason back to Beecher’s Corner and kill them both or hand Sam over to Shiloh after eliminating Jason. Sam working in Beecher’s Corner could be a very dangerous move that could get her killed.

General Hospital Spoilers – Members Know Sam Is Back With Jason

With Harmony in prison for drugging Sam and Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Lexi Ainsworth), Dawn of Day members knows that Sam set up Shiloh and would be willing to turn her into the cops for revenge.

However, Dawn of Day members could take it upon themselves to get revenge on Sam as well, and she would have no protection from them without Jason in town. Sam’s life will be in imminent danger if she is caught in Beecher’s Corner. Can Sam safely get the information she so desperately needs to obtain?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Did Milo Relocate With The DOD Members?

Does Sam have a backup in Beecher’s Corner that she isn’t aware of at the moment? General Hospital’s Milo Giambetti (Drew Cheetwood), joined DOD posing as a broken man who’s girlfriend had left him and was trying to find a reason why. Milo was there to help Sam but hasn’t been seen for some time. Is Milo at the DOD house in Beecher’s Corner still trying to gather information? Will Jason have Milo watching

General Hospital Spoilers – Sam’s back while she is in Beecher’s Corner?

Sam is a savvy con woman, but DOD members follow Shiloh’s orders. If Shiloh has any indication that Sam is in Beecher’s Corner, he will have DOD members searching for her, and this could put Sam in grave danger. Will Sam be able to pull off this con and keep her identity a secret? Will Carol’s statement make it to Mac Scorpio? Can Carol help take Shiloh down before Sam is recognized?

It looks like we’re in for a great episode on Wednesday! As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHSam McCallShiloh Archer
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  • Guest

    Sandra McIntyre – It’s Beechers CornerS. How can you make such an obvious mistake????????

  • Guest

    The D of D storyline is boring!
    It needs to end soon or I’ll stop
    watching the show!
    The writers are Idiots!

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