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General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin And Nina’s Wedding Will Happen

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) - Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros)General Hospital spoilers tease that Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) and Nina Reeves’ (Cynthia Watros) wedding will happen!

James Patrick Stuart posted the confirmation that the Reeves/Cassadine wedding will happen on his Facebook page on August 29, 2019, with a photo of the two actors together. Fans have been wondering if Valentin’s past and the possibility of the fake daughter secret coming out and hurting Nina would split the pair up again.

In addition, current storylines have Sasha Gilmore’s (Sofia Mattson) very survival is in question, since it took so long to isolate the strain of deadly flu that was injected into her grapefruit by Cassandra Pierce (Jessica Tuck) while she and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) were on their island getaway.

General Hospital Spoilers – Wedding Wouldn’t Happen If Sasha Gilmore Died

Obviously, the wedding would not happen were Sasha to die. As a matter of fact, on this Facebook post a fan commented that she was glad the wedding was going to still take place but hoped that Sasha wasn’t killed off. It looks like Nina and Sasha had bonded as strongly as if they really were mother and daughter, and blood relation may not even matter anymore if it were disproved.

Stuart put a like on the comment, so that could imply Sasha will make it. And obviously Nina, as distraught as she is over Sasha’s illness, would not be able emotionally to go through with a wedding to Valentin were Sasha to die, real daughter or not! Actually, the bond between Nina and Sasha is closer than many real mothers and daughters.

As General Hospital viewers will recall, Nina wants Sasha in her wedding, and that cannot happen if Sasha were to die or Nina gave Valentin the boot because of the fake daughter scheme. On a recent episode, Sasha did promise Michael that when she was well and out of the hospital that she would tell him the whole truth about her past. But she may decide that being that completely honest with either him, Nina, or both of them may do more harm than good and hold on to the secret.

General Hospital Spoilers – Extreme Resemblance To Liesl Obrecht’s Daughter

On the other hand, there is that extreme resemblance to Liesl Obrecht’s (Kathleen Gati) daughter, Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thibaud) which is hard to get away from. It could still turn out that Nina and Sasha are related, but not as mother and daughter.

Or their close bond may override the fact that they are not really mother and daughter! It’s hard to say how General Hospital writers will resolve this storyline, but we do know that Nina and Valentin’s wedding will happen straight from James Patrick Stuart’s mouth – or computer!

Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!


  1. David Cosloff says

    I just hope all these secrets are over with and I don’t want to waste anymore time with these old, dragged storylines.

  2. Guest says

    I really hope the truth comes out and no wedding. Nina will be heartbroken if wedding happens then later finds out the truth. No wedding please. The whole truth needs to come out now

  3. Guest says

    Agree completely

  4. Guest says

    It’s too bad that Valentine and Alexis are related because they would make an excellent pairing. Actually, has it really been determined that Valentine IS a Cassidine?

  5. Guest says

    Sick of the merry go round let me off in a new story. I want more Finn and Hayden.

  6. Guest says

    Not at all!!! Don’t care the new Nina so I really don’t care about any story including her or sasha

  7. Guest says

    I agree 100%, but obviously these miserable writers DON’T KNOW HOW 5O WRITE NEW STORIES!!!!

  8. Guest says


  9. Guest says

    Not interested at all. Since Michelle left I don’t watch Any of Nina, Valentin or sasha

  10. Guest says

    Love Nina and Valentin so hopefully they can redeem him some way. Just hoping Willow will be Nina’s daughter.

  11. Guest says

    It doesn’t matter how close Nina and Sasha are now. What matters is that Sasha and Valentin lied. He pretended to give her what she most desired in life, her child. Instead, he lied again. Enough. I hope they split up permanently.

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