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General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Blackmails Nina With Daughter DNA Bombshell

general hospital spoilers valentin cassadine, gh cast updatesGeneral Hospital spoilers & updates tease that Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) may reunite but it has nothing to do with love and everything to do with blackmail!

Who’s zooming who? In a stunning and ironic twist of fate, Valentin could have the upper hand where Nina is concerned. He’s never stopped loving her even though she kicked him to the curb for cruelly deceiving her about her daughter.  Could that daughter now be the one to bring them back together on General Hospital?

General Hospital Spoilers – Valentin sunk his boat when he decided to fool Nina into thinking that her daughter was Sasha Gilmore

Valentin and Nina once had a good thing going. Until his sneaky and deceitful Cassadine DNA crept in and he pulled a classic stunt that upended his life.

When he and Nina were a couple he wanted to cement his status in her eyes and so bribed a young woman to pretend to be Nina’s supposed MIA daughter. Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) happily agreed to the con and pretended to be Nina’s kin, all the while lying to her face and collecting Valentin’s moola.
Sasha is still in town but Nina wants nothing to do with her.

General Hospital Updates – Nina eventually found out about the horrible ruse and kicked Valentin and Sasha out of her life

When Nina discovered that she had been fooled, she was devastated. It happened at her wedding no less, and she had to confront the awful truth on what should have been the happiest day of her life, in front of all her family and friends.

As a consequence, Nina has wanted nothing to do with either Valentin or Sasha since that fateful day.
Could that all be about to change?

Valentin could have the answers, but will Nina believe him on General Hospital soap?

Explosive speculation for General Hospital spoilers in two weeks shows that Valentin may stumble upon the elusive evidence as to who Nina’s daughter really is. What will he do with it?

Valentin would be wise to tell Nina immediately, but she may not believe him. If she does trust him, he will want something in return for the info!

Valentin has it in him to demand that Nina return to him before he spills who her daughter is—with rumor indicating it is someone currently in Port Charles.

Is Nina willing to do anything to find her kid—including getting back with Valentin?

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  1. Charles David Haskell says

    I got a bad feeling that Valentin and Nina will become a couple again when Valentin show Nina the DNA evidence to get Nina back in his life. I just wish that the GH writer will finally tell who is Nina’s real daughter. It look like Nelle Benson Archer will be daughter that no GH fan wanted.

  2. Matt Crider says

    I dont think Valentin would ever hang anything concerning Nina’s daughter over her head again.

  3. Guest says

    I agree totally about Nina and Valentin. I pray that Nelle is NOT the daughter! I still hope that somehow it is Sasha after all or even Willow, but never Nelle.

  4. Charles David Haskell says

    Micheal Valentin will used some dark secret from her past to keep Nelle from getting Wiley. I must the minor that don’t want Nelle become Nina ‘s daughter. I still don’t see the family custody ending in her favorite. She will have a happy ending for Nelle. She will go crazy at the end and maybe I get lucky that Nina’s real daughter will finally show up.

  5. Guest says

    I agree I don’t think Valentin would ever hang anything concerning Nina’s daughter over head again I think Nina would be stupid to believe him over something like this again or anything else. He has lied and deceived her time and time gain she would a be a fool to trust him again after everything he has done

  6. Guest says

    I read also in soap opera digest that Nina restarts the search for her daughter

  7. Guest says

    If GH is really going to go there and make that psycho Nelle Nina’s daughter, then kudos to Valentin for keeping that psycho from that freak gold digger! If he tells her now I’m not sure what his angle is but we shall see.

  8. RavenJackal says

    I do believe that Valentin and Nina will get back together. If Nelle is Nina’s daughter then I do not see Jax being able to be around Nelle. He is too loyal to Carly. Valentin still loves Nina and would want her to be happy even if Nelle is her daughter. I could see Valentin supporting Nina as she tries to become Nelle’s mother. I know that Charlotte would be happy to have Valentin and Nina get back together. I do not believe that Valentin would ever do anything again to Nina about her daughter unless he could really bring her real daughter to her. He lost her over this situation and would not want to risk losing her again. I do think that Valentin, Nina, Charlotte, and Nelle could make a go of it as a family unit.

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