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General Hospital Spoilers: Wes Ramsey Talks Possible Return, Peter’s Twin Coming To PC?

Wes RamseyGeneral Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Wes Ramsey is gone from Port Charles as Peter August, but might he return to town as a doppelgänger? He was at the recent General Hospital Creation fan event and what he had to say is pricking up ears!

General Hospital Spoilers – Wes Ramsey Was Peter August

According to SoapHub, Ramsey was on a panel with Bradford Anderson (Damian Spinelli) and Cameron Mathison (Drew Cain). Of course the subject of Peter’s evil ways was brought up, to which he responded: “If there were no reaction and everyone was bored, then maybe I wouldn’t be doing my job?”

Ramsey said, “It was over four years of conflict with Peter in Port Charles. I think that in his mind, he was never doing something that was so bad.”

GH Spoilers – Peter August Was A Bad Guy

Ramsey seems to have sympathy for his former character noting, “Peter never had a family. He just wanted to be loved. Unfortunately, he was broken to begin with, but he believed it was still possible for him. I encouraged that aspect of his journey.”

Next he pulled a Prince Harry move and blamed Peter’s dad for his bad behavior: “what he considered [to be] good or bad was based on his father [Cesar Faison, played by Anders Hove] and childhood. That allowed me to continue full force with his convictions regardless of the feelings of not being reciprocated by other people.”

General Hospital Spoilers – Is Wes Ramsey Returning To PC?

Wes Ramsey was asked the million dollar question, will he be back to the show after his wild run as Peter? He was diplomatic and of course gave nothing away saying, “That’s a very good question. I appreciate all the fan support I’ve received over the last few years. GH has been one of my favorite journeys. I promise to keep you all posted on whatever the next chapter may bring. I’m looking forward to it. I can tell you that.”

He added, “Isn’t that the beauty of daytime? You never really know. The writers and producers of daytime are capable of doing anything … Certainly, they know where to find me.”

Daytime fans know that Ramsey’s SO is Laura Wright who plays Carly Corinthos on GH. Tell what you think fans, is a return inevitable, perhaps as a love interest for Carly?

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  1. RavenJackal says

    I would be happy if Wes Ramsey returns to GH. It would be great if Peter has a twin brother. It would be Interesting to see Peter's twin interacting with the people who knew Peter. It would be good for Wes and the fans to get to have a fresh start with a new character to get to know.

  2. Guest says

    So over them bringing back the same character's to be other people on the show…yawn…bring someone fresh in…sheesh

  3. lbc says

    At this point in time, canvas does not need a new character to get to know. CM has been recast as Drew and with all the time that has passed, Drew still hasn't been used much. If WR is returned to canvas as a new character, I am afraid he will be taken on the same path as CM and just be included in other story lines which doesn't solidify his existence. Bringing characters back for soap dead and recasts is not what GH needs at this time. Long on going story lines need be concluded before another is presented. The Peter character was not a villain that was loved to be hated, he was just hated and if that was writers intent he did the job very well. If WR is returned to canvas, I definitely hope he is not a twin or any family member of the old Peter, as that has been repeated too many times to be effective in my opinion.

  4. Guest says

    Please, no more twins! He's not that good an actor anyway.

  5. Guest says


  6. Guest says

    Absolutely! Was hoping the real Peter had been kidnapped and switched!

  7. Guest says

    Please, no. Just no. GH has enough characters that get no storyline. Let’s use them instead of bringing back another actor in a very tired and overused way.

  8. Guest says

    No Wes return for me! He needs to try Young and Restless.. he and Victor could do lots of horror together. Rather have Jason back! Or Nathan

  9. Guest says

    NO WAY! If that happens I’m done with GH.

  10. Guest says

    . No Way NO He did so many bad things according to the writers.Now you are in a bind and think the fans will put up with it….wrong…. I and a lot of fans of this show will turn GH off. Too many changes and too many dead brought back to life…..boring!!!!! I will turn off this show that i have watched since the very beginning. for good.

  11. Guest says

    If course he's a good actor. He portrayed a charceter that the writers made impossible to like. He committed to that role and he was excellent at it. It was time for Peter to go but its not time for Wes to go and I hope he returns……

  12. Guest says

    How about NO. We’ve had WAY MORE than ENOUGH of Wes Ramsey in ANY incarnation!!!!!

  13. Guest says

    Everytime something happens that you people don't like you start threatening to stop watching. Not much of a fan then are you? Its easy to be loyal when things are going your way but a lot tougher when they aren't…but one thing about it, GH will do just fine with out fairweather fan's

  14. Guest says

    Goodbye. You will not be missed.

  15. Guest says

    Please keep Wesley who played Peter on gh gone ,sorry don’t want back from dead or twin junk. Kevin and Ryan is enough

    Bring back from the dead maxie husmand ,don’t carry do it with drew so common . He is no Jason.

    when is chase and Brooklyn do it romance women and man old good romance need it .on the soaps happy love come on!
    Like the old days
    what is Robert and Mac doing with out Anna .
    don’t have ideas please keep diane the lawyer .!
    I wanted to say who hears big Jason Steve fan and good for you with any new ideas and gh fan will miss Jason but you can’t replace him he is the one ! And disappointed in sonny ,Maurice sad ,send Nina packing .
    is Eva going to be like Eva Jerome come ah . !
    Brad is boring.
    And willow is bor8ng when is she and Michael go away get married
    And can’t figure out sneaky what happen to the actress played harmony nit fair she was good friendly .the new lady is short with black hair no smile

  16. Just123 says

    P;ease, NO!! I’ve already stopped watching the absurd Sonny and Nina debacle and had hoped to possibly someday return to GH. But this bringing Peter back as Peter or a twin or anything…..good grief, it’s time to move on. It took months and months too long to get rid of him. His storyline just kept dragging on and on, just like Sonny and Nina.
    It’s difficult understand why these writers are ‘re-imagining’ all of the lead characters.
    Look at what they’ve turned Sonny into!! And no….it’s not just the bi-polar aspect. We’ve been there done that with Sonny being bi-polar that’s a good storyline and it’s good to re mind us of his battles with it. But to make Sonny a frumpy whiny and pitiful excuse of the MAN he used to be …. And to turn him away from his strong family ties and family first and above all else …. for the likes of Nina??

    Bring back Jason and Jax!!! It’s disgusting that they were let go in the first place.
    Sadly Disney is not the company they used to be.  
    A company of morals and integrity….gone!

  17. Guest says

    I can't believe GH is considering another stupid storyline about a wicked twin when we just got rid of Peter. Please don't. I won't watch.

  18. Guest says

    PLEEEZE Writers Keep PETER
    CHARLES For At Leat 6 Months
    Up To A Year, So The Fans Of
    GH Can Forget How Nasty &
    Rotten & How Pathetic He Was,
    Can Have Some Peace Knowing
    That CREEP Is DEAD. I For One
    Dispised His Chatacter, He
    Was A Good Actor I Know
    Because I Realy Hated His
    Character He Was To Much
    Like His Father FAISON, &
    He Made Me Want To HURL,
    Never Liked The Fact That
    MAXIE Saw Any Good In
    Him, Because I Only Saw
    Anything That Came From
    From The Devil. If You
    Need To Bring Someone
    Back Bring JJASON OR
    Go Over & Take His
    OF OUR LIVES, He Can
    GH Fans Have Had Enough.

  19. Guest says

    I would love it if he came back as a new character that sweeps Carly off her feet

  20. Guest says

    Most likely

  21. Sincere Washington says

    I love Wes I welcome him back with open arms great actor please don’t let Willard be pregnant if she is let Nina be the grandmother

  22. Sincere Washington says

    I would put up with Wes come back

  23. Sincere Washington says

    I miss you Wes

  24. Sincere Washington says

    I would love to see Wes back

  25. Guest says

    Lol. My too!

  26. Guest says

    Me too Sincere.

  27. Guest says

    Doesn't take long for some people to abandon ship does it GH040163?

  28. Guest says

    NO!! We’ve had more than enough of Peter or a twin !! Other storylines to get on with and NO to including Wes.
    Sorry Laura Wright.

  29. Guest says

    It only makes sense that Peter has a twin. Why else would Faison have been so obsessed with Andrea Maddox"s study. We know Helena's motives were solely about Drew and Jason. We also have a hanging question about Kevin's involvement and why he has Faison's brain in a jar somewhere. I think Peter's twin could answer or at least help find the answers to this. So maybe he comes to PC in search of the truth.

  30. Guest says

    I like Wes. I'd love to have him return in a role that didn't make me want to kill him everyday at 2:00..

  31. Guest says

    Me three Great actor

  32. Guest says

    Right on!

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