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General Hospital Spoilers: Will Hayden Return To Give Her Daughter Violet Her Birthday Wish?

General Hospital: Hayden Barnes’ (Rebecca Budig)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Hayden Barnes’ (Rebecca Budig) grows more and more concerning as time passes. As viewers recall, Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) staged an attack on Hayden to convince her that she was in danger. The next day, Hayden dropped her daughter Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) off with her father, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) and disappeared. But where exactly did she go, and what happened to her? And more importantly, what is keeping her from returning home?

General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine helped her escape town

Nikolas helped Hayden leave Port Charles, but claims at some point that he lost contact with his wife. It seems entirely possible that Hayden is being kept somewhere because Nikolas doesn’t want Ava Jerome (Maura West) to know that he was already married before their wedding. But if that’s the case, Nikolas is lying to everyone, most importantly, his best friend, Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst), and if it gets out he will lose her friendship forever. Elizabeth is Hayden’s sister and watching poor Violet be without her mother has been heartbreaking.

GH Spoilers – Is Nikolas Cassadine telling the truth?

Of course, Nikolas could be telling the truth. Perhaps Hayden was in an accident and suffers from amnesia. That would explain why she hasn’t come back to Violet. Another possibility is that Hayden was severely injured or killed in such an accident. Or she could be the captive of someone else, as Hayden has made many enemies over the years. Any one of them could be keeping her hostage for reasons unknown.

General Hospital Spoilers – Violet Finn’s birthday

But if Hayden is going to make a grand return, it will likely be right in time for Violet’s big day. Perhaps if she has amnesia, her memories will come flooding back just in time for a big surprise? Or if she is someone’s captive, perhaps she will finally find a way to escape and make it back home to her loving daughter. Finally, if Nikolas actually does have Hayden stashed away somewhere, maybe he will finally see the harm he’s caused and do the right thing and let Hayden go!

GH Spoilers – What do you think?

Has Hayden been in an accident that has left her seriously injured, suffering from amnesia or even dead? Is she being held captive by Nikolas or someone else? Will she make it home in time for Violet’s birthday? Anything can happen, so stay tuned to General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information, and spoilers!

  1. Guest says

    Yes, Hayden is fabulous and beautiful. Bring her back, please. She’s so talented and I miss her.

  2. SupaCoop says

    Of Course, absolutely we want Hayden back and she needs to be home soon for Violet not necessarily for Finn-IMO though Finn is nothing more than a wet blanket with Anna as she overwhelms him and he’s nothing but dull in that pairing…but put him in the same room with Hayden and he comes alive and his love for Hayden is right there in his eyes-he’s full of passion for Hayden and it’s right below the surface-Violet needs her real Mom in a BIG way so how in the world can GH pass up this set up of blowing up a wedding that is shaky to say the least, give Violet her wish by reuniting MOM and daughter and the bonus is Finn and Anna crash and burn while Finn is drawn back to Hayden because of Violet and falls again head over heels for Hayden-additionally Hayden gets some measure of pay back if Nik indeed has Hayden captive so there’s so much story with Hayden if only GH had an EP who was smart and let Fayden happen and give Hayden her chance- We Want Hayden Home by the Nurse’s Ball-get it done Frank you moron!!

  3. Guest says

    No, let Hayden go stay gone!

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