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Will General Hospital Really Ruin Sprina With An Unintended Pregnancy?

General Hospital spoilers report fans are concerned that their beloved Sprina could be facing rough waters ahead. Everything just feels so darned perfect right now. These lovebirds have finally consummated their relationship. They finally said those three little words. It’s on the verge of being saccharine sweet but we don’t care. We want this union to last as long as any young twenty something relationship in Port Charles can be expected to.

We want another Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) and Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson). We want another Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and Laura Collins (Genie Francis). Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) bring the same chemistry to the screen, but rumor has it they’re going to face some hurdles ahead. Could one of them be Spencer facing fatherhood?

General Hospital Spoilers — An Unintended Pregnancy Would Be in Poor Taste

It’s a different era in the soap world. Can GH writers really get away with an accidental pregnancy between two young twenty somethings the way they would have twenty something years ago? It’s not likely.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will GH Really Ruin Sprina With An Unintended Pregnancy?

Times are changing and it would seem that an unintended pregnancy is the last thing anyone wants for Trina right now. She’s on her way up and out. Her future is full of more adventures to artistic cities, time spent running galleries and commissioning art pieces to show off.

She’s not destined to be trapped with a Cassadine for the rest of her life, Laura-style. But fans are having a hard time ignoring the fact that so far, she’s a great deal like Laura.

GH Spoilers – Claim Like Laura Collins, Like Trina Robinson

Are Spencer and Trina the new Stefan Cassadine (Stephen Nichols) and Laura? Sure, Stavros Cassadine (Robert Kelker-Kelly) was Nikolas Cassadine’s (Adam Huss) father, but he started off rather obsessed with her and forced his way into her life with that pregnancy.

Stefan, on the other hand, actually loved Laura. She saw the good in him, in spite of the Cassadine blood running through his veins.

Being with Laura made Stefan want to be a better man, much the same that being with Trina has a similar impact on Spencer. Fans can’t stop comparing the two twosomes.

General Hospital Spoilers — Spencer Cassadine Is A Father, But Not To Trina Robinson’s Child

But let’s not forget that when Laura became the mother of a Cassadine heir, she wasn’t painted as an up-and-coming somebody who had her whole life in front of her. The stage has been set for Trina to take on the world as a rather independent woman.

The fans would have a hard time parting with that image just to let Trina become a young mother to the first guy we’ve really seen her fall for. Instead, rumor has it Spencer is going to come out of this relationship as a father, but to Esme Prince’s (Avery Kristen Pohl) child — not Trina’s.

That will certainly complicate matters as Trina struggles to figure out where she really fits in Spencer’s life. Learning that he is actually Ace Cassadine’s (Jay and Joey Clay) dad may cause him to shift his priorities. Sorry, Trina.

It looks like romantic getaways to Manhattan are going to be tabled indefinitely. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers as this storyline continues to play out.


    Well considering you said about a week ago that Sprina wasn’t going to make their trip, maybe you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Could it be that you are projecting because you know that you couldn’t hack it as a Psychologist so you are raging against an actress who is smarter than you, has more money than you. Keep on raging Racist Karen!

  2. MidnightQueen says

    This is hands down one of the worst ideas I have ever heard from GH. First Trina is nothing like Laura at all. Second I don’t know who you all were watching but Trina and Spencer have no chemistry. They are both stick as a board when they are close together, and their lips are tightly closed when they’re “kissing” I have no problem with interracial relationships. They just don’t have any chemistry and to have Trina be pregnant is ridiculous because she is smart and wouldn’t have unprotected sex. Just let them be young adults and progress as such.

  3. lbc says

    Certainly hope not.

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