Jeremy Roloff Amuses LPBW Fans With A Spelling Error
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Jeremy Roloff used to be on Little People, Big World (LPBW), but many fans think that he became a bit weird as he likes to write word salads after reading up about things. So, when the former TLC star made a spelling error recently, fans had a lot of fun mocking him.
The Spelling Error Gets People Giggling
LPBW fans who follow Jeremy saw that he shared a photo on social media that showed him starting a new project. He hadn’t done much work there for a while, as he and the family went on a vacation at their little cabin. The new picture showed some poles and planks piled up, and he looked ready to start working.

A fan who spotted the spelling error shared it on Reddit on Monday this week. As soon as other people in the community spotted the spelling mistake, they started laughing and made some witty remarks. That’s because he wrote, “Shed/coup project begins.”
The Difference Between A Coop & A Coup
Jeremy Roloff probably made the mistake with autocorrect, but that didn’t make fans unwilling to troll him. A coop is something a chicken lives in. Meanwhile, a coup is an armed uprising, often by the military, to take over the governance of a country.
TLC fans were quick to react, and one of them wrote, “Viva la chickens!! La regla de las gallinas!” which is Spanish for “Long live chickens!! Chickens rule!” Others who love to mock the parents of four little kids took up the theme.
More Comments Arrived
TLC fans didn’t seem to mind Jeremy before he married Audrey. But these days, some people claim that he seems to have a self-inflated opinion of himself. So, when he makes mistakes, he’s always going to get mocked for it. Here are a few more reactions that people wrote:
- Coup instead of coop is Freudian slip if I’ve ever seen one.
- They could not handle a chicken coup. Woefully underprepared for something like that.
- I, for one, welcome our new chicken overlords.
- I’d watch them [chickens] careful… chicken coups can be violent…
Not everyone joked though, because they got in some chickens on the farm before, but didn’t make a coop for them. So, some of the birds were lost to predators.
An unhappy follower said, “They got the first batch of chicks in…Days before they went on vacation. 2 of those chickens have survived predators and illness by living under the deck when they aren’t free ranging the yard.”
In reply, someone else wrote, “I get so angry when people who clearly don’t give two sh**s about their animals, have animals.”
Do you think it’s funny that Jeremy Roloff made a mistake about a chicken coup? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Little People, Big World cast news and updates.
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