‘Mama June’: Homeless Honey Boo Boo Begs For Help
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Alana Thomson, AKA Honey Boo Boo attends college in Denver, Colorado and she’s about to become homeless. So, she is asking Mama June: Family Crisis fans to help her.
In fact, she is well aware that she probably takes some heat because WETV fans hate it when she begs. But, she was desperate enough to put out an appeal, anyway.
Honey Boo Boo Is Soon To Be Homeless
When the WETV star went to college, fans already heard that she would live with her boyfriend, Dralin rather than live on the premises at Regis.
At the time, Alana Thomspon’s followers thought she was going to miss out on a lot of fun by committing to Dralin. Well, she took no notice of that and now, they need a home urgently.
Honey Boo Boo often gets slammed as a grifter when she asks for financial help. Her mom, Mama June Shannon diverted her funds to her own use. And, viewers all saw it play out in the last season of Mama June: Family Crisis. Now, there’s another crisis
Alana Explains Credit Problems
A few days ago, Alana Thompson took to her TikTok and told her followers:
This has been in my drafts for a few days because I was hesitant about the response I might get from the video. I honestly thought we’d have a house by now, but we’re on the home stretch and really need your help! If you can assist, please reach out—I’d appreciate any suggestions. Also, we almost got scammed out of our money, so please, serious inquiries only!

More followed, and she said that Dralin’s credit was too high, like “more than $1000.” So, he can’t sign. Meanwhile, she has “no credit” history at all, and never did. So, they are stuck and have just days to find a place to rent. The WETV star asked for suggestions and plenty of fans sent in their ideas.
Here are some of the reactions to the plight of Honey Boo Boo from Mama June: Family Crisis fans:
- talk to someone at your school. they should be able to help you!
- Lana you need to apply for a credit card, like a discover credit card even if the limit is $200 and then use it to buy dinner and pay it off right away and you will have credit.
- could you buy a mobile home in the area like a trailer and live in it while your in school and maybe try and sell it when you graduate?
- Maybe an Airbnb? Some do monthly rentals. Even if it’s just long enough to find something else.
- U can have a cosigner—- ask a relative.
What are your thoughts about Honey Boo Boo begging fans to help her out with accommodation in Denver, Colorado? Do you agree that she could perhaps live in a camper, or get a relative to sign for her rental? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Mama June: Family Crisis news, updates, and spoilers.
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She needs to grow up! She has been around her family long enough to know that she can be better.
Drop Dralin, he is nothing but trouble and she knows it. If she truly wants an education, live in a dorm & find a part time job. She needs to take care of herself before she anything else!
how about you shut your damn mouth
I totally agree!
Get a f ing job!!!
Quit eating so much junk food and you will lose weight and be able to pay rent! And ditch the nails and eyelashes! Don’t you get paid to be on T.V.?
You really are rude , talking about losing weight .this is about somewhere to live. You are a real winner with your rude comments. People like you need to keep your mouth shut before someone shuts it for u!!!!!!
Welcome to Adulthood! Others have gone before you without a TV show or Tiktok to ask for a handout. Best advice ever: This is a time in your life you should be putting yourself and your dreams and goals first! Go live on campus, get a job on campus and get a part time job off campus and study your butt off knowing that this is part of a journey! Some make it through the journey and others don’t, decide which one you will be and be it! Stop letting stupid shit get in your way.
How can Dralin’s credit be too.high?
That’s definitely a lie. Get a section 8 apt. They’ll help you if your in school. But if your making money on TV they will not. You can’t make over a limit. I worked for a rental company yesterday back.good luck
Now you know that doesn’t sound right As a matter of fact it’s down right ignorant to say that.So right there tells us she’s lying.
She means he is in debt too much already,his credit ratio compared to his income.
Yes I agree DITCH THE DUDE!! CHANCES ARE HES NEVER GOING TO WORK. How about asking your Mom for the money she took from you !!??? You ( and PUMPKIN) always acted like you had your sh*t together on T.V. … WELL FIGURE IT OUT.
I agree quit feeding your face get a fuckin job.
Your not a fat little kid your an adult.
What does her eating habits have anything to do with anything. That was low blow and rude as hell. I guess you wasn’t raised with manners huh..
I agree that honey boo boo should live in a dorm, get a job and take care of yourself!
Sue your momma for spending YOUR MONEY!!!
Sue your low life mom for your misappropriated money to start with. Get a job and talk with your school for living on campus. Lose the nails and lashes eating up your fund and concentrate on the education. Only you can choose your path. Do you want to end up like your back stabbing mother or get a good life for yourself? Having her around will just bring you down. Your smarter than that.
Google her net worth. She is far from homeless. She has the ability and resources to secure a place to live.
Really you think the internet really gives an accurate reflection of your net worth? Long gone are the days where people get paid big bucks to be put on tv. When you have 1000 channels vying for peoples attention- “stars” aren’t stars anymore. They are mere participants.
Time to grow up Alana. Apply for a credit card, not one with like 5k limit, but one that has $300 limit. All companys have what they call credit starters or rebuild credit cards. Use it one time, buy gas or dinner, or just a pack of gum. Pay it off right away but leave a 10$ balance it shows it’s being used and within 30days you could have a 700 score or more. Sorry you were not taught these things from your parents, hell neither was I unfortunately. We have to do what we have to do to survive. Goodluck.
That was the best answer! And you were kind about it.
Please ensure you are taking full time 12 credit hours this will qualify you for the most financial aid. Most school now have food pantries for students full or part time you just need a student ID. Housing is either dorm for single students or married housing you need to provide a legit marriage certificate. You will have to cut costs everywhere hair nails etc there is probably a college student doing these for 1/3 of the price check your schools message boards. Most college students do without this as it is not necessary for survival or do Lee press on nails. You and your mam MUST GET JOBS at least part time . There are work study programs on campus wonderful jobs that work around your class schedule by law they are required. Look at these frequently choose a job that you will come back to each semester. Has he thought about becoming a student he could live in the male dorms. Basically if he is not going to school he has to work FULL TIME PAY HIS WAY. I am hoping that she is not falling into the same path of her mom and Pumpkin always having to have a man and supporting them instead of getting support from them. Most college students who are serious about graduating soon live in the dorms go full time and finish school before moving in together. Experiencing college means in the dorm going to functions making friends. If you cannot do this because of being recognized as Honey Boo Boo then stay off social media do a fans only thing I loved the show as my whole family did a shout out from fans only to someone might earn you some money. Move back home with your family or his and do school online or commute somewhere close to where you are living. I have 3 college degrees Im working on my masters and I came from no money I worked full time for all of them. I even sold my plasma for money as many students did. Your gonna have to get a real job live anonymously to do that. If you let everyone know all the time where you live where your going to school who you are dating etc everyone knows everything. Get a job don’t tell the employer or employees yea I’m Honey Boo Boo. You’re beautiful but you also have a look that you could be just you’re average beautiful young lady from Georgia struggling who is a first generation college student. Their are scholarships out there as well even if you are not a strait A student. Also reach out to fellow childhood stars that went to college Jody Foster, Sarah Gilbert, Beckhy from Roseanne, I think Drew Barrymore, many others who may have advice. What are you getting a degree in? Your older sister has a college degree talk to chunk or chump Im sure she can advise you.
Your credit score will never rise to 700 in 30 days.
Find someone that will rent you out a bedroom in their home…concentrate on school so you can become a better person than your mom… send dralin back home …if he really lives you… he will wait for you…
It ridiculous that you have the gall to ask people what to do. Ditch your fun stuff, lashes, nails, junk food, facials, hair and join the real world.
Sue your mother for your money.
Put your big girl panties on and move on campus.
Ditch Dralin
True %
It’s against the law to use a child actors money? I know you love your mom but there comes a time in our lifetime that we have to think about ourselves. Your mom makes money off her show, right? I would ask her to give me the money back or I would get a attorney and take her to court. It’s your money not your mom’s . Just my opinion, for your housing problem there are motel that have a room with a kitchen, bedroom and living space, they rent them by the week,day or month just like a small apartment, try that. One more thing your boyfriend does need to go to work……. We all have to work if we want a good life. You both need to think about your priorities before anything else, that includes paying for nails, or eyelashes you need a house not them thing…..
Truly the amount she pays on a regular to have her nails done and eye lashes itself is about $350. She also needs to let go of the leech that is living off of her. What do far has he done to contribute to the relationship?
Please don’t beg if you have too go somewhere else to college you can get a nursing degree anywhere. We all go through hard times deal with it. Can’t live outside your means, and that is what you did. Stop living with someone and get a job and go to school. People do that and so can you.
Can you not live on campus? I did when I went off to school, I had a work study job in the financial aid office as a file clerk, Alana this is what’s called growing up & life, look sweety focus on u’re future & what’s ahead, you have plenty time to have young men in your life. Dralin, is that the young man’s name he also needs to focus on his future also. I’ve never heard of a credit score being too high that’s a new one for me.I wish u much luck but 1st get u’re ducks in a row go & talk to the schools financial counselor I’m quite sure they’ll give you options to your situation that’s what they’re there for, why would u not live on campus anyway? It’s time to put the big girl panties on & do what’cha gotta do, wish u well
See if a lawyer will sue your mom for your money for a percent. If your boyfriend doesn’t work dump him. See if you can get in a dorm or check extended stay hotels at a decent rate. Get a part time job. Growing up means you have to be responsible for you. If your boyfriend isn’t helping then he’s in the way.
Why cant she moved back home with Con momma june and do online college classes. Just another reality tv show disaster.
She, and the other cast members, including Dralin, make plenty of money off this show from TLC. Google says after 3 successful seasons you are right up there w the Kardashians. I doubt she’s even enrolled in college… . Remember all those plane trips back and forth for her and her sister…eating out all the time. And those nails and eyelashes are not cheap. I don’t understand her asking fans for $$. That’s so trashy
Honey, check out places like comfort suites or embassy suites. They have long term rentals with everything you need and they even offer housekeeping and pools! Most places the price is cheaper than an apartment. Good luck!
Good grief. The girl gets paid $50,000 PER EPISODE (at least, that’s what Google says). She can afford her tuition and her rent. She could probably pay her rent just on what she spends on her nails! Yes, she should establish a credit line… but surely this girl has a CPA or financial advisor who can help her with these first-world problems.
I agree time to grow up. Get a job. Stop begging for money. Money is tight for everyone out here. Itvis just u and him . Go to welfare and get GR for 3 months. Same with him. U want to be a adult well ur one now. Sue ur mom for ur money. If u do not then u get what u get. U let that fat ugly hearted mom of urs rip u off. Or was that just in the script to make people feel sorry for u. People work and go to school all the time. Ur no better. Time to look at ur future.
Y a house ? Get a studio or 1 bedroom . Alot cheaper.
I feel kind of bad knowing that awful mother of hers stole a bunch of her money but come on….what about that so called boyfriend? What’s he doing about the situation? He needs to be a man and take care of her.
Wow…I’m sorry Alanna…I’m sorry these people are so rude and hateful….I really do hope u figure something out…but I know whatever happens…everything will be ok…I have watched u since toddler and tiaras …since the whole thing with Josh and pumpkin…I believe I’m done watching… God bless you young lady ..I pray for the best for you!
Send Dralin home and let him get a job and establish himself and you live in the dorms and concentrate on your studies.. also get a part time job.
Sell that new car you have! Stop flying home every other day
Honey Boo Boo and her boyfriend should go get real part time or full time jobs at Walmart or McDonald’s to save for an apartment and also Honey Boo Boo needs to sue the heck out of her mother Mama June for violating the Jackie Coogan law about stealing the child star’s money.