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Todd And Julie Chrisley Ordered To Hand Over $30k Trust Fund

Todd and Julie Chrisley have run into more financial trouble as the two both serve time in prison for tax fraud. Recently they made headlines after it was revealed that their son Grayson Chrisley was in a car accident and is currently being sued. Now the family who used to be the stars of Chrisley Knows Best are being forced to hand over close to $30k they have saved in a trust fund.

The Chrisley’s – Trust Fund Will Go Towards Their $17 Million Judgment

The Chrisley’s trust fund is known as a Interest on Lawyer Trust Account. Typically these accounts are used to fund legal council.

Instead of using the funds to help in the couple’s appeals process they have been ordered to turn over the money towards their $17 million judgement to have been ordered to pay back.

Todd And Julie Chrisley Ordered To Hand Over $30k Trust Fund

Todd and Julie Chrisley reported to prison in January 2023 after the couple was found guilty of bank fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and tax evasion.

Julie Chrisley was also charged with obstruction. Todd Chrisley has been sentenced to 12 years in prison while Julie will serve 7 years.

Speaking out about her parents, Savannah Chrisley frequently discusses Todd and Julie’s legal woes on her podcast.

Recently she spoke out, sharing that she tries to “stay as positive” when it comes to appealing their sentencing. “I try to educate myself. It’s just so hard knowing that it could not go in our direction. That’s a tough pill to swallow.”

The Chrisley – Family Have A Plan B

If Todd and Julie Chrisley are unable to successfully appeal their sentences, Savannah has shared that the family has worked out another plan. “Once again, like, super grateful for that,” she said.

“… there are other avenues due to how our trial played out that we could take to get a new trial or to, you know, just hopefully get them out early.”

Todd Chrisley is slated to get out of prison in 2035 while Julie will get out in 2030. What are your thoughts on the Chrisley family? Sound off below in the comment section.

  1. Lisa O'Neill says

    If Trump doesn’t get any prison time then the Chrisley’s need to be released. I love the Chrisley’s and miss them so much❤️

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