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Archie And Lilibet Expected To Question Prince Harry & Meghan About Keeping Them From Their Families

Archie And Lilibet Expected To Question Prince Harry & Meghan About Keeping Them From Their FamiliesBritish royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have two children, Prince Archie born in 2019 and Princess Lilibet born in 2021. It’s hard to know where to start in describing the kids since legend has it that they don’t even exist. Yes really. Here is what to know about Archie and Lilibet and some of it is tragic.

Royal Family News – Are Archie And Lilibet Real?

Archie was born in the UK before Harry and Meghan’s 2020 Freedom Flight. There are pics of him but fewer pics of Lilibet who did not have an official palace announcement of her birth.

While Archie was shown off by his proud parents in an official portrait, Lilibet was born in the United States and every year the Markles recycle the same picture to mark her June birthday.

The strange absence of a public trail leading to Lilibet has some wondering if the poor child even exists.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Are Parents To Lilibet And Archie

During the infamous 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview, Meghan said that she was suicidal while pregnant with Archie.

The Markle children have never met their maternal grandfather allegedly because Meghan is feuding with him, and King Charles has to make do with video calls with his grandchildren.

Many have commented on the lack of extended family for Lilibet and Archie wondering about how healthy this is for them.

Reports indicate that King Charles’ only contact with his grandkids is over FaceTime. Royal expert Michael Cole told the Daily Mail that “The antipathy between Prince Harry and his wife Meghan and the royal family has created a deep divide that makes normal family relationships so fraught as to be almost impossible.”

Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet have never met their grandfather Thomas Markle despite living a short drive down the coast from their California home.

The alleged reason is that Meghan got mad when he had a heart attack before the wedding and could not escort her down the aisle. That’s what’s been reported.

Thomas has the right to legally force H and M to let him see his grandkids but unlike his daughter, doesn’t want to rock the boat: “I don’t want to involve my grandchildren as pawns in a game they’re not part of.”

What’s In A Name?

Princess Lilibet was named with the late Queen Elizabeth’s nickname. Although her parents claim they cleared this with her beforehand, recollections vary about this matter, as reported by numerous inside sources.

Additionally, Archie and Lilibet were unable to see their grandmother one last time before she died in September 2022. At the time Town & Country reported that the Sussexes’ did not get the security they demanded and so they left their kids at home.

Perhaps this was the reason why Harry alone went to King Charles’ coronation. Meghan, Archie and Lilibet did not accompany him and he spent zero time meeting with his family in the UK.

Royal expert Victoria Murphy told ABC News: “Meghan not coming can absolutely be interpreted as a sign that not all is resolved between the Sussexes and the royal family.”

Will Archie And Lilibet Have Questions?

Former royal butler Paul Burrell told the Mirror that he foresees Archie and Lilibet wondering about the Markles’ estrangement from both sides of the family.

He thinks that Archie and Lilibet will say “Well why aren’t we part of that world? We’re prince and princess, and we should be part of the royal family.”

He added that “What Harry and Meghan have done in fact is deny them of their heritage.” Yes, but there are the rescue chickens to play with.

Tell us what you think of the way Lilibet and Archie are being raised royal fans!

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