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Buckingham Palace Is Quivering Over Meghan Markle’s Weekly Podcasts

Buckingham Palace Is Quivering Over Meghan Markle’s Weekly PodcastsBritish Royal family news suggests that Buckingham Palace might be quivering in their royal boots knowing that Meghan Markle’s podcast is doing more than just breaking down barriers – it’s got people both listening and talking. And for some royal aides, that might be a problem. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Buckingham Palace Is Quivering Over Meghan Markle’s Weekly Podcasts

According to royal expert Omid Scobie in his new column for Yahoo, he says that Meghan’s podcast, Archetypes, is pulling no punches and that’s why it might have some people scared. He said, “The topics raised are issues that the duchess knows all too well— overcoming stereotypes as a woman of color, inequality in the workplace, climbing the career ladder without privilege and, sexist labels. And from what I’ve heard so far, it pulls no punches.”

He says that he also understands the outrage from the royal rota, so far. He said, “Because, predictably, many pounced the second the show went live. ‘Vapid and preposterous,’ sniffed the Times’s one-star review which, like a grumpy old man at a bus stop, went on to complain about Prince Harry’s use of the word vibes and the repeated use of Californian platitudes. The Daily Mail dedicated a lengthy report on how pathetic and yawn-worthy contents of the show are, while also assigning a team of reporters to pump out 16 (and counting) articles about its first episode.”

What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

Not only that, but it also seems like Buckingham Palace sure has a reason to be shaking in their boots right about now. He added, “Of course, it wouldn’t be a conversation about the Sussexes without mentioning the palace’s fears. I’m told Buckingham Palace aides were most definitely not keeping calm, nor carrying on after the show’s premiere on Tuesday, worried about what else might be shared over the next 12 weeks.”

Scobie continued, “But then this is the reality that the royal institution helped create. Uncensored and unbothered, Meghan, like Harry, has managed to create a healthier and happier existence since being shown the door after the couple’s half in, half out proposal was rejected. The two are now free to show their battle scars as and when they see fit.”

In the meantime, let us know what you think with your thoughts in our comments section again. Be sure to catch up with everything on the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for the British Royal Family news and updates.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

  1. Jezz says

    There is nothing healthy or happy about this. Is podcasting now just an opportunity to tell embellishments to make yourself look like a victim? Is presenting yourself as a victim at every opportunity the new fashion accessory? There is nothing strong or progressive about women gossiping about their perceived hardships, especially in public if it has no
    real benefit in helping others to figure out their issues. Scobie is a puppet with no ability to look at Meghan objectively. I would love nothing better than for Meghan to get off this path of vindictiveness and then she might truly have something to offer women looking for a role model. Until she can achieve genuinely showing some grown-up behavior lets do ourselves a favour and listen to intelligent people with truly healthy views on life, not those with a massive chips on their shoulders looking for innocent people to pull into their toxic world to settle scores.

    1. Maryann says

      Everything she says or does, you guys criticize! You just love to hate her… And still, she rises!

  2. Ellen Gassett says

    Well said Jezz

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