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Did Gwyneth Paltrow Shade Meghan Markle?

Did Gwyneth Paltrow Shade Meghan Markle?Is there anyone left that is on Team Meghan Markle anymore? That’s what a lot of critics can’t help but wonder as there’s a new report that suggests Gwyneth Paltrow might have thrown some shade at the royal.

Royal Family News – Did Gwyneth Paltrow Shade Meghan Markle?

That’s only because she made some comments about Meghan’s royal rival, Kate Middleton. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

According to new reports, Gwyneth was one of thousands of supporters who shared a comment under the royal family’s Instagram account about Kate Middleton’s appearance at the Trooping the Colours this past weekend.

The Hollywood actress wrote, “So happy to see you looking so happy and well.”

And of course, many naysayers took that as Gwyneth being on Team Kate rather than Team Meghan. But that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. At least not according to royal author Phil Dampier.

He told Fabulous in a new interview, “Gwyneth Paltrow is the latest celebrity who seems to be taking sides in the Wales v Sussex standoff. Meghan is said to have based her new lifestyle project American Riviera Orchard on the actress’s own products and she admires her greatly so this will hurt.”

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“Gwyneth didn’t have to make any comment about Kate being at Trooping the Colour but the fact she has means she fully supports her, and like the rest of us, wants her to make a speedy recovery.”

He continued, “It comes after other well known people like David Beckham, who was once friendly with Harry and Meghan, have very much pinned their colors to the royal mast.”

For Gwyneth Paltrow, she didn’t think that one social media comment would ignite a royal war of words, yet here we are.

But then again, it’s highly unlikely that Kate Middleton even noticed Gwyneth’s comment, nor does she even care about it. After all, she’s got bigger things to worry about right now including her cancer battle and chemotherapy treatments.

So far Gwyneth Paltrow herself has not made any additional comments about the matter. We will update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a line in our comments section below.

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Editorial credit: DFree /


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