Hollywood Closes The Door On Prince Harry Because Of This Reason

We didn’t even know that the door was open to begin with. There’s a new report that suggests Hollywood has closed the door on Prince Harry.

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That’s because he supposedly made a “colossal” mistake with the entertainment industry by trading in his high profile life as a royal by moving to paparazzi-friendly California.

And because of it, he might be forced to become an manfleuncer like Joe Rogan. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Hollywood Closes The Door On Prince Harry Because Of This Reason

Royal commentator and critic Daniela Elser, who often has something or another to say about the royal family, thinks that Prince Harry might have made a huge mistake by following his wife Meghan Markle to the Golden State.

She started off her column for News.com.au by writing,In trading the grey skies of the Windsor Home Park for dappled West Coast sunshine, the Sussexes have not just plonked themselves in the very epicenter of the paparazzi universe but in an environment where every time they step out in public, they face having strangers’ phones trained on them.”

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Elser went on to say that Harry might find a little comfort i knowing that he and Meghan have “only found middling success as TV makers and recently jettisoned podcasters, they are doing colossally well over on social media.”

But then again, mild success isn’t going to cut it, especially when you have colossal bills to pay at your $14 million dollar mansion in Montecito.

Yet, Elser did add, “that maybe if all those content-making attempts don’t pan out, we might yet see another version of the duke emerge – arise Hashtag Harry, king of the manfluencers, the Joe Rogan of the jojoba set.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry And His Career?

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Prince Harry as a manfleuncer? That would definitely be intriguing and not a bad idea at all, right? Watch this space as there’s probably so much more to come. That said, both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been contacted for comment.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: AU Media / Shutterstock.com

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Cindy

    I love Harry, princess Diana was the best. I think he could have done better than his wife she is a gold digger. I wish the best for Harry.

    • Crystal


  • Carolyn

    One of the many mistakes Harry has made. His first was marrying the bimbo Meghan.

  • Joyce

    That’s the life Meghan wants. The more paparazzi, the more she likes it. It makes her think she’s an A lister. Never happen. Harry got sucked into it by the narcissist. What Meghan wants, Meghan gets. Even at his own expense.

  • Dani

    I keep seeing the question online Did Prince William contact Harry on his birthday. I keep asking did Harry contact Prince William on his birthday? Has Harry apologized to Prince William or the other members of the RF?

    Why is this situation so one sided

  • Susie

    I’m praying for there family and for both of them in figuring out there futures. It’s OK to fail cause that is how we all grow and learn about our selfs. They are young with great hearts and many ways of getting things done. Congratulations on there wonderful INVICTUS GAMES FOR THE VETERANS and PRINCE HARRY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HE IS LOVED BY THE LITTLE PEOPLE LIKE HIS WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL MOTHER. NO GREATER GIFT THAN THAT…CONGRATULATIONS PRINCE HARRY ♥️

  • ZippyPurpleKitten

    Harry gave his nuts to Megalomaniac Mrs. Simpson 2.0 and she will never give them back to him. He’s a useless eunuch. And she will not be satisfied, with any amount of money. She will ditch him for a billionaire the moment she traps one, and Americans will still hate her. We like people of substance and character, she has none.

  • Eileen

    Hey we all make mistakes in life.
    Harry will be full of regrets when he is 60.
    Can not ever repair.
    Megan runs the show. When you do not love your own blood family, life will
    Deal bad blows forever.