Kate Middleton Led THIS Famous Royal Response To Meghan Markle

A new book sheds light on what happened behind the Palace doors when Meghan Markle famously accused the royal family of racism. And it reveals that Kate Middleton secretly led the way in how the royal family responded.

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With help from hubby Prince William, Princess Kate managed a diplomatic balance that impressed everyone involved.

Find out what famous phrase Kate persuaded the royal family to use. And learn what else the new book reveals about the “steely” Princess. Get all the details below.

Kate Middleton Deserves Credit For THIS Famous Royal Comeback

A new book reveals that Kate Middleton secretly led the royal family’s response to Meghan Markle’s racism allegations. And royal correspondent Valentine Low’s book also shows how Prince William followed Kate’s lead.

But Low documents how the royal family debated behind the scenes over Meghan’s accusations in her Oprah Winfrey interview, reported the Daily Mail.

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Princess Kate predicted that history would pass judgments on how the royal family reacted. And so she pushed to get the late Queen Elizabeth to make the new-famous statement, “Recollections may vary.” But insiders revealed that Kate actually came off as more “steely” than William in reacting to Meghan’s racism allegations.

In the wake of Markle’s Oprah interview, Kate and William urged the Palace to issue a “toughened up” statement, revealed Low in his book Courtiers. And he described how the late Queen agreed on Kate’s comeback to the attack on the royal family. The racism scandal began when both Prince Harry and Meghan alleged that someone in the royal family worried about Archie’s possible skin color before his birth. 

Kate Middleton Led Buckingham Palace ‘Crisis Talks’

Because of Meghan’s and Harry’s Oprah interview, Buckingham Palace began “crisis talks,” according to Low. However, the statement from the royal family did experience a delay. And an insider revealed why. “One of the reasons was that the late Queen was adamant that she was going to watch the program first.” As a result, the royal family delayed a full day until they began negotiating on how to react to Harry and Meghan.

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But Low’s new book reveals that the initial palace statement involved a “much milder version.” However, “William and Kate were clear which side of the debate they were on. They wanted it toughened up a bit.” And because of their own challenges with Harry and Meghan, the couple believed that the royal family needed to react more strongly.

At first, the royal family didn’t want to use the “recollections may vary” phrase. But though some thought it might anger Harry and Meghan even more, Kate disagreed. “It was Kate who clearly made the point, ‘History will judge this statement and unless this phrase or a phrase like it is included, everything that they have said will be taken as true.’ She does not get as much credit as she should,” reveals the new book. 

Tell us what you think. How do you react to learning that Kate Middleton led the fight for the royal family to respond strongly to Meghan Markle’s racism allegations? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Lorna Roberts / Shutterstock.com

Kate MiddletonMeghan MarklePrince WilliamPrincess KateQueen ElizabethRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Deborah

    GO Catherine, you definitely got the situation right. But history will repeat after all the lies, misrepresentations those 2 have told. That is what history will remember now.

    • Sherry

      Absolutely agree with you 1,000%, way to go Catherime as you are the future with William.

  • Robyn

    Princess Kate is everything Meghan wished she was!
    Like I said before you can put lipstick on a PIG but it’s still a PIG!!
    Princess Kate is Royalty!

    • Sherry

      Great commemt, agree with you totally.

  • Dolly

    She is going to an incredible Queen.

    • Sherry

      Oh yes she is………William really really got the gold girl with Catherime.

  • Carolyn

    Do you really think the Royals are going to admit to racism……..if so you have no real understanding of racism Or how the Royals cover their lies and ass over their behavior. Treatment of British people of color have been unfair for years going back to the countries they took over. Why do think many of those countries even many Brits do not enjoy paying such Hugh sums of money for their outrageous life style. Many countries under British rule are becoming independent. Maybe you forget Will and Kate’s visit to one of the Caribbean nations that did go well due to feelings about Great Britain’s ruling them.
    No one is better than anyone else in this world…….not even the Royals who live others who have far, far less due high taxes….
    .just a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled brats. GET OVER YOUR WORSHIP OF THEM……go back in.Brit history to see what the Royals have done to keep their position…….not a pretty or proud history…..shows what they would to keep their life style. Remember how Diana was treated…….then remember the Royals cover their ass with.lies courtesy of the Firm all b the time.

    • Maryjane

      Princess Catherine loves William and knew when she married him, she was joining the family. Princess Diana, even though I really liked her, made a huge error by going on tv and spilling her guts. I am not giving a pass to Prince/King Charles for having an affair, but I am not sure Diana put much effort into giving him a reason to stop. Nonetheless, you do not go on television and try to put down your husband to embarrass him, and his in this situation. Diana looked pathetic in that interview. Harry and Meghan looked patheic too.

  • Sherry

    Mobody cam chamge history, it is what it is, we all have a history, evem you amd me.