King Charles Devastated Over Prince William And Kate Middleton Situation

King Charles is feeling absolutely devastated over the current situation between Prince William and Kate Middleton.

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The last thing that the King of England needs to deal with right now is a royal divorce, yet it looks like things are going in that direction as the Prince and Princess of Wales have been spending more time apart than they have together. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Divorce: King Charles Devastated Over Prince William And Kate Middleton Situation

Are Prince William and Kate Middleton getting a divorce? The answer depends on who you ask. But it’s certainly not a good look for the royals that Kate keeps acting as if she wants to be anywhere but near her husband. Prince William is currently in New York City while his wife Kate is back home in the UK. 

In the past, the Princess of Wales would never have passed up an opportunity to visit the Big Apple.

Something must have changed between now and then. This is the first time that Prince William has gone on such a huge, important trip on his own and unfortunately, he’s not doing very well.

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The Prince of Wales is being virtually ignored by the American press, and that’s mostly because Kate Middleton is not with him. She’s the main attraction.

Royal Family News: King Charles Doesn’t Want To Deal With A Royal Divorce

For King Charles, he has ever reason to worry. If Kate pulls the plug on her marriage to Prince William, then things are over for the royal family.

They won’t be able to recuperate their losses, and especially with the public. Prince William just doesn’t have what it takes to command the same amount of attention that Kate Middleton does or even Prince Harry or Meghan Markle.

So far Buckingham Palace hasn’t made any comments about the matter but at the same time, it’s been a very long time since William and Kate looked happy together. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is more royal drama to come.

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Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: ComposedPix /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Pat R

    To much pressure on the both of them .
    Their love for each is being tested .
    I thought the visit to New York should had been for both of them. The negative press is a
    necience .They never have any form of privacy
    Bring back a happy couple that loves family and each other deeply. I love this royal couple.

    • C. Pennington

      I agree with you the trash or what we in America call yellow journalism, is always finding something wrong with them especially Megan it’s disgusting! Why don’t they go find another whipping dog? And her father is a complete jerk. Anything to make his “beloved daughter “ look horrible he wouldn’t be in my life either.

  • Charleen

    William better learn what side his bread is buttered. On. If he has a mistress dump her and be faithful to your wife. You have a beautiful wife and children, honor them. Didn’t you learn anything from your parent’s divorce?

    • Arthurjohnson

      That’s what he get with treating Harry and Megan like he did karma is you know what in fourth house he’s getting what he did to Diana back at you

    • Deb

      They just announced yesterday she is pregnant with her 4 th child.

      • Trudi Marin

        What?! This can’t be so…Of all the horrible things that are going on in today’s world, I believe the media is once again, trying to cause trouble, where there is none. Prince William & the Princess of Kate are an easy target right now, so instead of the lazy media getting down & dirty, they still need to look for truth & publish that which IS inspiring.

      • Trudi Marin

        For real??

    • Kevin

      Bill might be buttering his bread, but it seems like he burnt the toast

    • Gigi

      So agree, hit it the mail

  • Barbara

    The pressure of being part of such a public family is horrendous. The press is relentless & responsible for the bad press and making people look bad. I truly believe that what the public & press did to Harry & Meghan & his mother before him is awful & before William & Kate were the favorites & now things have changed. Sorry for all couples in the public eye (especially the innocent children)

  • Julia Griffin

    Need to make up prince Harry his only brother

    • Gigi

      So agree, life is so short King needs to be big and set his foot down and have a summit, King is weak ❣️

  • Lin

    Wake up William you have the best best don’t screw it up !!! An quit slumming around with some broad and see what you have In your own back yard

  • Meg

    This is all BS. The kids ate in school. They are hands on parents. If this visit was in the summer, she’d have been with him.
    Gossip mongers abound in the twitterverse.

  • Joanie LAURENT

    I truly hope this rumor isn’t true. We all love William and Princess Catherine and their lovely family. My prayers are that you can resolve your differences, think of what you have , the world is watching you. We all want the very best for you and especially for your children. Remember Prince William how very hard it was for you when your family broke up…just do the right thing and I am sure you will be blessed.

  • Mo

    Not your precious William and Kate. If it had been Megan and Harry you all would have torn them to shreds, and said everything negative under the sun whether true, false or made up. Live your own lives if you have one and give these people a damn break!

  • Jan Damron

    Always did favor William and Catherine and the family and I pray and Hope that they will not divorce but try to get help to reconcile and save your marriage. Please you too don’t divorce it will devastate the children as well as everybody that loves you guys even as Americans

  • Ella

    I truly believe the press is relentless when it comes to the royal family. There are times when husband and wife’s can’t travel together for many reasons that does not mean their marriage is on the rocks. Please give them a break. It is well deserved. Love them both.

  • Liz Jackson

    Some fairy-tales don’t last forever have to wait and see

  • Mark Sabey

    I hope and pray that the Royal Highnesses find a Jewish-Christian Holistic Clinical Psychologist, whose therapy is based on Biblical principles. Moreover, sinçe tomorrow is Yom kippur, that they pray ànd fast for 24 hours from Sunday Evening to Monday Evening. (From Sundown to Sundown.)

  • teresita malonzo talamisan,

    william must forgive his brother and meghan. he can not do the royal job alone. he has a big family that needs him. forget the other woman.

  • Ann

    Oh please . Quit looking for a headline to sell papers. Leave them alone nothing wrong. They cut back so much not enough royal couples to ho traipsing around the world. Get a grip…they are a loving couple look at their eyes when they
    are’s love.. Go count ND remark about the roadways all over Charles wifey.

  • Laurie

    I still think it’s equally likely Kate simply thought it was best to stay home with her kids. School started recently, they’re involved parents, and she’s (reportedly) not keen on George going to boarding school. Maybe she just felt New York could wait.

  • Jennifer

    Sorry to hear that. But at least they kept it quiet until after the Queen’s passing, I think that would have broke her heart

  • Gillian

    Just let them be!! Kate us a hands in mum so it’s normal for her to stay at home to look after the children. Isn’t that what most families do….mum keeps the home fires burning while dad travels.
    Stop reading things into their relationship that aren’t there!

  • Gigi Caras

    Karma to Charles , his parents had to go his divorce to Princess Diana, I don’t feel sorry for the King at all. I think she pregnant and gets very sick her first trimester, I think their marriage is fine. The same with Harry and Meghan. It’s time the King puts an end to this stupid fighting with his sons, life to short . William is talking to his Dad telling him no, don’t let Harry back in , King should see his grandchildren before his life is over .

  • Elsa

    You people need to leave Megan and Harry
    along again people Harry and Megan doesn’t
    want to be king or queen if the queen could
    not give Harry a specific job to do in the firm
    then he had to leave to make his own path
    way in the private sector and the fact reminds
    the British press was brutal critical about
    Megan all the time and Harry family
    did nothing to put a stop to it but
    If you recall when someone in the
    press said something about Kate in the
    Press jokingly William got so upset
    no more was said about it the palace
    aides had his back they never back
    Harry or Megan when the press was being
    just down right vicious with Megan
    all the time from day one when
    she was dating Harry and when she
    married him and that’s what Harry
    means by no one had his or his wife
    back would you stay with the family
    who is supposed to have your back but
    they throw you to the wolves you would not
    put up with that why should they Megan and
    Harry they do charity work some of the work
    they do gets reported in the press and some
    of it doesn’t so stop blaming Megan for them
    leaving England Harry had enough of his
    family just because these people carry
    titles and do some charity work doesn’t
    mean they don’t have problems like any
    other family they need for you people
    to stop putting them on a pedestal Harry
    did print the truth about his family in his
    book and not so nice things about himself
    as well this has nothing to do with Megan
    she didn’t live Harry’s childhood he is the
    only one who knows what it was like growing
    up around his father and brother and the
    palace aides and grandmother people not
    you and Kate doesn’t know either so she
    doesn’t have the right to say the word
    recollections may vary and Kate’s own
    family is not so perfect either her brother
    had drug problems and God knows what
    else went down in her family and the press
    didn’t hold that against her like they did with
    Megan and still do about her family so you
    tell me would you go back to a country you
    try to embrace and they would not accept
    you because you are of mixed heritage and
    American no you wouldn’t that’s telling me
    the British doesn’t think AMERICANS are not
    good enough for their country and
    good enough to marry into the Royal family
    that’s insulting to us Americans who
    they think they are they are no better
    than anybody else so I do not blame
    Harry and Megan for leaving.