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Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Sign With An Employment Agency – Will Anyone Hire Them?

Meghan Markle And Prince HarryGood news from Tinseltown today, if you’re one of those who can’t wait to fork over cold hard cash to listen to the man formerly known as Prince, and his wife, cable actress Meghan Markle, you’re in luck! For a price, you can now book them (two-fer pricing in effect?) as “guest speakers.” After leaving the motherland, they are definitely moving on up.

Hello, Magazine has confirmed today the news originally reported by the Los Angeles Times: Meghan is available for a price—wait, that’s not news!

You, Too, Can Now Pay Harry And Meghan To Talk At You

The facts are this: Meghan has signed with the New York-based Harry Walker agency which also reps the Obamas and the Clintons—and now they have the Markles!

A New York-Based Company Is Taking A Chance On The Speaking Skills Of Meghan

What this means, besides the Markle’s hopes of lining their pockets with enough money to pay their bills, buy their own house and maybe a private jet, is that they are kinda, sorta, officially employed.

Actually, that’s a big if. What they actually are is represented by an employment agency. It remains to be seen who if anyone takes the bait and hires them.

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Have Been Signed By An Employment Agency

It is expected that the pair will be booked to speak at corporate and community events; sorry, they don’t do living rooms (then again, if the price is right maybe they’ll do A-list living rooms?).

They are thought to be willing to trade words for cash to preach about their causes which by their own admission includes race relations, gender equality, and environmental justice.

The Markle’s Are Now Repped By The Harry Walker Agency, “The World’s Leading Speakers Bureau”

Their new employment agency says this about itself on its website, “The Harry Walker Agency and our speakers are ready to help you host a branded, secure, proprietary, live event with moderated Q&A, VIP meet-and-greets, and high production value.”

Fancy Schmancy!

Of course, Meghan and Harry have already got one such event under their belt, a JP Morgan event in Miami earlier this year.

It remains to be seen how long they stay with their new toy—they have a record of disposing of things that no longer suit their purpose: the UK, his family, mansions they reject, Jessica Mulroney, Thomas Markle, and the latest castoff, their once-vaunted charitable venture, Archewell.

Good luck Harry and Meghan, you’re now officially part of the working class—don’t forget to pay your taxes!

1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    Who is going to PAY to hear them blabber?

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