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Meghan Markle And The Royals Abandon Prince Harry During One Of The Biggest Moments f His Life

Meghan Markle And The Royals Abandon Prince Harry During One Of The Biggest Moments f His LifeBritish royal family news divulges that Clown Prince Harry will be all by his lonesome during his May 8 UK trip for an Invictus Games event. On that date the Games will celebrate their 10th anniversary with a celebration at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

According to reports, the royal traitor will not have the company of his jamstress wife Meghan Markle nor have any of his family members offered to host him in their homes.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Ps All Alone

Royal pundit Charlotte Griffiths told GBN that “No senior members of the royal family are going to be there. That’s where his parents got married. It’s going to be a very somber and senior event.”

King Charles and the late Lady Diana Spencer wed at the cathedral in July 1981 and theirs was one of the “nastiest breakups in 1,200 years of British royal history.” The location is also where Harry and Meghan were booed by crowds in June 2022.

Of poor solo Harry, Griffiths noted “It’s a really important part of Harry’s soul and the kind of thing he’d want his wife, maybe even his kids, by his side for.” This is what happens when you turn on the people who love you the most.

Royal Family News – Duke Of Sussex All Alone On May 8, 2024

She added that Meghan has no plans to accompany Harry and he will end up looking like a lonely man “without his friends around him, without his family, and without senior members of the royal family.”

Griffiths added insult to injury by saying that Harry will stay “in a hotel … for a couple of days … I just don’t think Meghan will let him out of her sight for that long. I think a couple of days is all he’ll manage.”

Royal Family News – Harry Is Reaping What He Sowed

According to Griffiths, during Harry’s significant moment, Meghan “will be in Montecito, prepping her outfits and getting ready for the tour [ to Nigeria ]” wishing to avoid “terrible memories of the past for her and awkward moments when she was in various churches and things.”

But we shouldn’t shed a tear for Meghan because as the expert adds “she’s a strong and tough woman … she’s always telling us how brave she is.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

  1. Marsha says

    Harry asked for this so he got his wish the royals owe him nothing

  2. Shay Shepherd says

    Prince Harry is stronger than he appears. He will reach deep into survival mode as he always does and not only survive but thrive without Meghan by his side.

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