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Meghan Markle Pissed Prince Harry ‘Went Behind Her Back’ On Australian Property

How dare Prince Harry do anything without the consent of his Queen? Of course, his “queen” is Meghan Markle, and not his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. Some are now comparing Prince Harry to John Snow of Game of Thrones (GOT) fame. “She’s muh queen.” It was John Snow’s mantra for the entirety of GOT’s last two seasons, and it’s obviously been Prince Harry’s chant since he married Meghan Markle.

Now, however, Prince Harry seems to have acted in a way that says he still has a mind of his own. At least, Prince Harry appears to. Indeed, multiple reports indicate that Prince Harry began looking at a beachfront property in Australia without telling Meghan Markle a single word on the matter. When Harry’s queen found out that her prince was checking stuff out behind her matronly back, she was allegedly “shocked” and “unimpressed.” Poor Meghan.

Prince Harry Sentimental Over Australia

According to insiders, part of Prince Harry’s infatuation with a place in Australia has to do with the fact that his mother, Princess Diana vacationed there.

In fact, an insider who gave an interview to a major women’s magazine reportedly said, “Harry has a soft spot for Australia and given that his mum spent such precious private time here, it’s no surprise he’d feel a calling to it and will want to search out what sounds like was once his mum’s spiritual home. Meghan was very shocked at first – and she wasn’t impressed that he went behind her back and did it – but she too would love to get her hands on something that was Diana’s… even if it makes William furious!”

Regardless of Meghan Markle’s motivations or she supposedly hurt feelings over Prince Harry’s actions, it’s not likely that she would object much to having yet another piece of real estate added to her family’s portfolio.

Do Prince Harry And Meghan Really Need A New Beach House?

Of course, following this news, there will be many asking why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new $14.5 Million estates in the ultra-exclusive Montecito neighborhood of Santa Barbara isn’t enough for the pair. Questions are sure to arise, such as “How much are Meghan and Prince Harry planning to spend on this new place in Australia?” and “Is the Netflix money already burning a hole in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s collective pocket?”

The truth though is that as long as Prince Harry spends his own money on new properties, well … it’s him to spend. It shouldn’t matter to anyone what Prince Harry spends his money on as long as he isn’t spending the public’s money any longer. Moreover, who would blame Prince Harry for wanting to follow in his mother’s footsteps, at least a little?

Maybe a beach house in Australia is something Harry wants because it’s something his mother wanted. Most would agree that sentimentality like that humanizes Prince Harry, and that can only be a good thing considering if he wasn’t already in the 1% of richest people in the world, he certainly is now.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Guest says

    Nobody really cares what they do! I’ve never heard of making until he married her and I’m still not impressed!

  2. Guest says

    Whoops not making Meghan

  3. Guest says


  4. Tabbycat says

    Your “article” is exactly as toxic, mean, spiteful and filled with lies, and a perfect example of why they left. It practically drips with scorn and hate, and from what I can see the only thing she’s done is marry Harry and keep breathing. There is no beach houses and no Australia property, but then, you know that. If you dislike them so much why write about them. If they are so awful and off putting why are you wasting valuable column space on them? It couldn't possibly be because they are popular and translate to clicks for you. Jesus, you really loath them, and frankly, it’s unhealthy. Just ignore them

  5. Guest says

    Why?? Got a problem with the TRUTH???

  6. Guest says

    I thought they were paupers basically, according to what they had to say on the Oprah interview. Prince Charles is depriving them of "their allowance", right?? Thank GOD, his Mummy and Great Grand Mummy left him a few MILLION DOLLARS to survive on, since his mean Old Non-Biological Father has stopped "greasing his palms with cash" and told him at 36 years old, its time to grow up and be a man….get a job, loser.

  7. Guest says

    I think people need to stay out of Harry and Meghans life. I think they are a nice family with two Royal babies. People shouldn’t talk, write or report about them.

  8. Guest says

    How can we stay out of Harry's and Meghan life when they making sure they on TV and people are talking about them? Harry said they are stepping down as Senior Royals to gain privacy. Why in the world they are giving interview after interview?

  9. Guest says

    I think you are, with the exception of just a few, a bunch of haters. You are ignorant and hateful. They are the most beautiful , smart royals ever! You just can’t stand it simply because he chose a woman if mixed race for his forever love! You wreak of jealousy and stupidity. Get with it, if you have nothing good to say about them don’t say a d…. Thing! Grow up get smart!

  10. Guest says

    Australia might not want them

  11. Guest says

    She is nothing but an attention seeker and a money hungry disgrace to the royals for someone that doesn’t want attention she sure knows how to get her facesplattered all over the magazines she should go get a real life and a real job

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