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Meghan Markle Refusing To Travel To The UK In 2024

Well, it’s not like she’s really received an invite, now has she? There’s a new report that says even though Prince Harry is looking to find a place that he can call his own back in  the UK, if there’s one thing that his wife Meghan Markle won’t do, it’s follow him there.

That’s because she’s made it pretty clear that she’s refusing to step foot in the UK in 2024, or anytime in the future. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Refusing To Travel To The UK In 2024

One of the many reasons why the Duchess of Sussex decided to leave London was because of the treatment that she received by her royal family members and of course, the British public.

Meghan Markle Refusing To Travel To The UK In 2024

Meghan feels as though she was never really fully accepted, nor was she even given a chance to prove herself to her critics.

That’s why she and Prince Harry packed their bags and haven’t looked back. Well, at least until this point.

There’s a lot of speculation among royal pundits that Prince Harry is feeling very homesick. That’s why he wants to return to the UK, or at least have one foot in London and the other one back home in California. But this is a plan that’s not going to work for Meghan Markle.

There’s no way that she will ever return to the UK again, even if someone like the King of England dies. Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was hard enough on her.

And that wasn’t just because the queen had died, but because of the toxic environment between her and other royals like Prince William and Kate Middleton behind closed doors. She never wants to experience that ever again.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

So far the Duchess of Sussex herself has not made any comments about the matter, but her actions definitely speak louder than her words.

Then again, whether or not Harry does end up going back to the UK – on at least a part time basis – remains to be seen. Watch this space for more.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

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  1. Matilda Flippo says

    Megan needs to stop being a spoiled brat and stop trying to run things. Prince Harry is a grown man and can do what he pleases. Who does she think she is telling him he can’t go back to the UK. That’s his birth place and home.
    Ever since they married she has had him by the nose, telling him what to do. Grow a pair Prince Harry you are the head of your house or are you hen pecked?

  2. Kari says

    Meghan, instead of being an avid learner you tried to control everything instead. Why don’t you follow instead of trying to lead the 1000+ year old institution you married into. You have no one to blame but yourself. You will never be William and Catherine’s equal within the Monarchy.

  3. Susie says

    Hello ALL, I agree and truly believe and watched on my TV the bullshit you both went through. They I guess were much disappointed you gave up your jobs as royals. I really feel it all could have been avoided and handled so much better. Prince William is very child like in his actions towards you both. Fighting and grabbing you and also understand he is very, very aggressive towards his wife as well and very rude to her as well. I have seen that on TV when they went to a wedding bossing her around in line while Kate tries to speak to the bride and he has a fit with her. He is a very aggressive man and his power gets to his head. I am not respecting him but they work hard to hide his ways and he is NOT a sweet man and a real bully behind the scenes. He does the same to his FATHER as well the KING in many different ways but still a bully. So can totally understand MEGHAN not wanting to going back to the bully and Kate hangs with her husband as HARRY as said in many examples. So she is not pure at heart and JEALOUS of the HARRY way of doing things. HARRY always has shined above WILLIAM in many of there events together and it really makes William very, very made and KATE goes along with it as they are a team. It’s very disfunction for them all to live and be around. KATE herself has anger issues with William all the time, he is traveling alone right now because he is very jealous of her attention she gets when they go out together. It’s not just this HARRY and Maghen ideas people think it is or looks like. It’s hell in the castle and outside the castle and they can have the jobs really. Anyway understand you Meghan and why you don’t what to be around these people. Your all different and should be respectful and work hard to figure out to doing things better. With a BULLY that is hard case for anyone…❤️

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