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Meghan Markle Snubbed Her Own Children On Mother’s Day

Meghan Markle Snubs Her Own Children On Mother’s DayIt looks like she’s got different priorities all of a sudden. There’s a new report that says Meghan Markle apparently snubbed her own children on Mother’s Day. That’s because she was too busy touring Nigeria with her husband, Prince Harry.

Yet, a lot of people can’t help but wonder why the Duchess of Sussex would choose to travel on the holiday, seeing how she’s made a point of always being with her kid during important occasions. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Meghan Markle – Snubs Her Own Children On Mother’s Day

Did Meghan Markle snub her own children on Mother’s Day? That’s what fans want to know. Last year, it was reported that Meghan couldn’t go to King Charles’ coronation because it was the same day as her son Archie’s birthday.

Yet, this year she had no problem hopping on a plane and traveling across the world to visit Nigeria while leaving her kids behind.

Of course, many royal fans and critics sure did have a lot to say about the matter on social media.

Some even commented with,For a couple that constantly whisper about The Prince and Princess of Wales’ parenting, they certainly plan a lot around their kids birthdays and major holidays. Even when Ms. Markle didn’t attend the coronation (aka knew she’d be booed) she went hiking with a dear friend instead,” along with, “It’s impossible Harry got back home in time for a 4 year old birthday party on the busiest day in London back to California unless the kids’ birthday party was like 11pm. That was his curfew because SHE couldn’t go and had to deprive him and their kids of Coronation.”

Did Meghan Markle Make A Mistake?

Another critic wrote, “She compares herself to Diana (LOL!) who always wanted to have her kids with her every time she could, and fought to have her kids with her when she had to travel. Meghan doesn’t seem to be a maternal person.”

So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Photo by filedimage – Deposit Photos

1 Comment
  1. Cadi Fonewood says

    Typical Megan: Do as l say, not as l do…as l am special! She doesn’t belong here in the US either.

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