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Meghan Markle Stuns With New Career Goal, Miffed At Prince Harry For Tarnishing Her Brand

Meghan Markle feels mad at Prince Harry over her brand. And her tantrum comes after the Duke of Sussex’s popularity plummeted from his tell-all Spare memoir.

Find out why Meghan feels so annoyed with her hubby. And keep reading to learn her stunning new career goal.

Meghan Markle Miffed At Prince Harry

Prince Harry has tarnished Meghan Markle’s brand, claims royal expert Richard Kay. And the harm to the Duchess of Sussex comes from the backlash Harry experienced over his memoir Spare.

Kay shared that Meghan, 42, believes that her 39-year-old hubby has increasingly been “tainting her brand,” according to the Post.

Meghan Markle Stuns With New Career Goal, Miffed At Prince Harry For Tarnishing Her Brand

But the royal expert shared that Meghan has focused on aiming to “rebuild her brand” after she and Harry exited the royal family in 2020. And he noted, “I think we can be sure that one thing she is really doing is being a mom and spending time with her children. But it is interesting,” he added about the Duchess of Sussex’s focus on her brand. 

And though Meghan does talk about her son, Archie, 4, and daughter Lilibet, 2, in interviews, Kay observed that the Duchess of Sussex sought to stay silent about her plans for future projects after Harry’s memoir. That book widened the rift between the royal family on one side and Harry and Meghan on the other. But the backlash reportedly made Meghan miffed at Harry.

Meghan Markle Separated Herself From Prince Harry

But Kay expressed concern that Meghan’s on-going silence about her projects will make it more challenging for her to create a unique brand. And he pondered why she did that.

“Is it because she wanted to give a bit more space to Harry who had so much to get off his chest this year with his ghastly book and his interviews about his family?” asked Kay. “Maybe she wanted to put a bit of clear blue water between what he had to say and what she’s going to do next, didn’t want to taint her brand.”

But that question led to another, which involves exactly how to define Meghan’s brand. “However, what is her brand and will that brand still be there? The longer she’s out of the public eye, the harder it will be to kick-start it,” warned Kay. 

Meghan Markle Sets Stunning New Career Goal

However, Meghan teamed up with Harry for partnerships with Spotify and Netflix. But on her own, the Duchess of Sussex has stayed silent. And her decision to sign with talent agency William Morris Endeavor reportedly could lead to a new launch for her lifestyle blog, the Tig. That could feature content ranging from food to travel to style. 

But Christopher Andersen, author of The King, shared that the Duchess of Sussex feels determined to become a “Hollywood power player.” And he revealed her unexpected new career goal: Talk show host. 

“If Meghan doesn’t end up hosting a daytime syndicated talk show, I’ll be surprised,” Andersen said. “She certainly seems well-suited to that role in particular,” he noted. “And I can easily see her pursuing a career path similar to Oprah [Winfrey]’s in the media: a show, a magazine, producing, directing — the works. She still has a sizeable chunk of the viewing public in her corner,” he claimed.

Tell us what you think. Why do you feel that Meghan Markle seems miffed at Prince Harry? And do you think that she could follow in Oprah’s footsteps? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

  1. Sharon says

    Meghan needs to stop blaming prince Harry for everything she needs to take the blame for her part she started it all in the first place she’s the bitch from hell

  2. Joanne says

    Meghan has not been affected by Harry’s book or his appearances. Has she forgotten that she sat with Oprah and conducted an extreme nasty interview about the British Royal Family. If My Ethan feels people are not interested in her anymore, she has no further to look than that nasty interview. Most people were appalled at her nasty attitude and wondered who did she think she was!

  3. Deborah says

    A talk show host, really???? I didn’t realize talk show hosts talk about themselves.?? And SHE WILL NEVER be in Oprah’s league

  4. Patty says

    Those people you claim who are interested in seeing Meghan are all in her mind. She was a D list actress when she married Harry and she has done nothing to improve that in the time that has passed.

  5. Bonnie Lee says

    Meghan pushed for Harry’s book. She was vile during the Oprah show. All Meghan talks about is herself. How can she do a talk show when she’s the only one talking?
    Meghan has nothing to offer to the world. She is running on empty.

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