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Pippa Middleton Had A Reason To Keep Her Distance From Meghan Markle

Pippa Middleton Had A Reason To Keep Her Distance From Meghan MarkleLet’s just say that she knew it was going to happen well before it happened. There’s a new report that says Pippa Middleton knew that she had to keep royal newcomer Meghan Markle at a distance during her 2017 wedding to James Matthews. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Pippa Middleton Had A Reason To Keep Her Distance From Meghan Markle

There’s a new report that says Pippa Middleton was worried that Prince Harry’s girlfriend at the time, Meghan Markle, would bring a circus to her wedding.

She certainly didn’t want Meghan getting any more attention on her big day then she would have already gotten. And who can blame her for feeling this way, right?

Pippa didn’t want Meghan to steal her thunder and that’s why the Hollywood actress only arrived much later than everyone else to the reception. She was forced to skip the wedding ceremony altogether. But Pippa clearly knew what she was doing.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Were Forced To Separate

One source close to the situation put it this way, Harry and Meghan agreed that she couldn’t possibly turn up at the church, only fifty meters away from a specially arranged media pen, after such a crass cover story.”

The insider added, “If they worried their arrival might create a media circus despite taking every precaution, now they had no doubt that it would. Meghan’s church outfit and Philip Treacy hat would have to be worn another time.”

What’s more, it seems like Harry and Meghan were separated for the night – just like every other couple that attended the wedding.

The tipster also said, “Sitting together in the custom glass marquee that has been erected on the eighteen-acre property should have been a fun night for the couple, but, per Pippa’s request, no couples sat together.”

Of course, Pippa herself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

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Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

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