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Prince Andrew Threatens To Spill Family Secrets If He’s Evicted From Royal Lodge

Prince Andrew Threatens to Spill Family Secrets If He’s Evicted From Royal LodgeBritish royal family news reveals that the momentum in King Charles’s alleged effort to evict Prince Andrew from Royal Lodge may have shifted. Although Charles is king and Andrew is the spare, the latter has a valid lease at Royal Lodge.

Nonetheless, there is no denying that the opulent estate is too large for Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson who remains by his side in splendor.

Charles successfully drove out Hank and Skank from Frogmore Cottage so what is keeping him from booting Andrew in a similar fashion from royal property? Here’s what you need to know about this hot mess!

Royal Family News – Will Andrew Be Evicted?

Charles was apparently successful in “cutting off” Andrew’s security and post-midlife allowance. But short of getting some muscle to physically remove Andrew and his ex, what can a landlord do with a refusenik tenant? Throwing Andrew out on his literal bum would not be a good look for Charles.

Deliciously enough, one royal expert is predicting that Charles should stop while he’s ahead because Andrew could pull a ‘Prince Harry’ and spill his guts to the highest bidder.

According to Richard Eden, “Charles should be careful not to piss off Andrew, because Andrew will happily sell out everyone in the family.”

Royal Family News – Will Andrew Pull A Harry?

Eden confirms that Charles withdrew security funds for Andrew, the man who settled a shocking legal case out of court after being accused of being a pedophile by Virginia Giuffre.

Despite Andrew and Fergie not needing a 30-room mansion in Windsor Great Park, some sources are slamming King Charles: “why now? It makes no sense. The King hardly needs to save money.” The taxpayers may disagree.

Royal Family News – Will Andrew Have The Last Laugh?

The source added that “Whatever you think of Andrew or his former wife, they have always been loyal to the Crown.”

Come to think of it, there is a lot to think about Andrew, accused child molester, and Fergie who scandalized the royal family with pic of her lover sucking her toes while still married to Andrew. These are the people now allegedly sponging off the monarchy and the taxpayers.

Royal Family News – Andrew Primed to Spill the Tea?

The outlet notes that Andrew has threatened to spill “family secrets” a la Prince Harry if he doesn’t get his way. Andrew could pile on the damage that Harry has done if he chooses to, apparently.

Tell us royal fans, what do you think of Royal Lodge-gate and how do you feel about shady Prince Andrew?

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Photo by ChinaImages – Deposit Photos

  1. noellastober says

    You know Andrew your threats are just that You will kick up your heels and throw your tantrum to get your way First of all, you are not in charge and thank God for that. You are a spoiled brat, just like Harry and you have seen what that does to the brat, it f**ks them over big time You are far from a man because a real man would leave when being asked to but no you are one entitled arss. You want everything Even your mother wanted you out but she died before she could throw you out once and for all. Spoiled you are but entitled, I do not think so You have smeared the name of the royal family all because you could not keep your johnson in your p ants. How disgusting you are and you still lie about it You have defamed the royal family Good thing you are not my brother because you would be totally mortified as to what I would say to you Far from a real man you suck as a human being You have gone against children and God does not like that You knew what you were doing but to constantly like about is an atrocity within itself You should bow y our head in shame and go find someplace other than where you are to live. You are neither welcome there and forget y our 75 year entitlement to living where you do That was given to you on the terms you would not defy or bring harm to the Royalty of England You are a piece of scum I hope you leave before you get thrown out on your arss You have not clue of what is coming down the pike just for you

  2. Cathy Roden says

    Andrew is no better than Harry

  3. Pauline Dowson says

    Prince Andrew was given a 75 year lease, but there were rules to abide by, the main one being the maintenance of the property. As he has not kept the property in good sound condition, he has broken the terms of the contract and should therefore be evicted before the property falls down around his ears.

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