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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Having A Hard Time Getting Past Their Long List Of ‘Failures’

Some people call them failures but other people call them life lessons. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a hard time getting past their long list of ‘failures.’

That’s because there’s been so many of them these last few months, from Spotify canceling their contract with them to the embarrassing car chase story that no one seemed to believe. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Having A Hard Time Getting Past Their Long List Of ‘Failures’

Angela Levin, who often has something or another to say about Harry and Meghan on almost a daily basis, thinks that the Sussexes are genuinely worried about their future.

Angela also suggested that their failure to get an Emmy nomination for their Netflix docuseries, Harry and Meghan, has left them scratching their heads and wondering what’s next.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Having A Hard Time Getting Past Their Long List Of ‘Failures’

She said, “[Meghan and Harry] have had a long list of things that have gone very wrong, Spotify and Netflix and all these things but this Emmy which Meghan asked if she could be on the panel to decide what goes in.”

Not only that, but Angela also thinks that Meghan totally regrets the fact that Prince Harry had thrown his royal family members under the bus in the way that he did in his tell-all book, Spare.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

She added, “Then she looked at his book, the Spare and thought it was ok and now she regrets that she didn’t look at its properly. It’s just really extraordinary.

What they want to do seems to change every day and I think this is typical of people who [are] much too much in a hurry without thinking things through and that’s made their life such a mess I think.”

Now, whether or not Harry and Meghan do end up picking themselves and getting back to work with some new, and maybe even more positive projects, remains to be seen. Watch this space.

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  1. Lynn says

    First off, we saw this coming! She seriously thought she could be on a panel to decide who the nominees are for the Emmy when she thinks they should be on – NOT! How stupid to think that! Next everyone for the most part is sick of them and their lies and want them to go away! So what new projects, nothing we want to hear about or see! Let them go back to where they came from!

  2. G.. says

    I think the two of them should take a good look in the mirror before criticizing others

  3. ShanLee says

    Unless Harry and/or Meghan are quoted directly, or say something in person, I do not believe any of it. The media and press are like salivating dogs claiming to dig up legitimate dirt on this couple when none of it is verified. None of us know what is really going on between them. There are just those who enjoy gossip.

  4. Debby says

    It’s hard for people like M&H because they haven’t done anything wrong in their minds. Just an unlucky break. Narcissism prevents them from being anything but a victum.

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