Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Planning Pre-Wedding Getaway

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Planning Pre-Wedding GetawayPrince Harry and Meghan Markle are planning to take a much-needed vacation before and after their royal wedding. As a matter of fact, new reports indicate that Harry and Hollywood actress Meghan are planning to take a quick getaway in January in order to escape all of the “Meghan Markle Mania” that has taken over Great Britain in recent weeks. They will also be taking a honeymoon after their wedding ceremony and reception.

AMP in the post

Ever since Harry and Meghan announced that they are engaged to get married, the public just can’t get enough of the royal couple. They want to know everything there is to know about Meghan Markle and what made Prince Harry fall in love with her. Some have even called her the most refreshing thing to happen to the royal family since Princess Diana.

And while the happily in love couple are currently planning their wedding, they are also taking a few days to spend some time away from it all. Harry and Meghan are expected to visit the Caribbean in January. The couple had previously wanted to visit Norway, but have nixed the idea. While no one knows which island they will visit yet, many royal fans believe that they might be headed to the British Virgin Islands, Jamaica or even St. Lucia.

Wherever they will end up going, there’s no doubt that they will soak up as much sun as they can before heading home. Meghan herself has already said that she is very eager to work alongside her future husband in his royal engagements and charity work. She also wants to meet and speak with as many people as she can in both Great Britain and the entire Commonwealth. Something tells us that Meghan Markle is going to be a very active member of the British royal family.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expected to get married at Windsor Castle sometime in May of 2018. An official wedding date has not been announced yet. In the meantime, come back here for all the latest news and updates on Meghan Markle!

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle and Prince HarryMeghan Markle NewsPrince HarryThe Royals
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  • PennieP.

    Great. A vacation.. Because why? She shook a few hands and tossed her Bouquet of flowers for some pack mule to lug around.. Until they were tossed in the nearest trash bin?
    They both make me sick.
    She can jet to the Caribbean, but can’t go home for the Holidays, she’s an interloper in the Royal Family and is already calling the shots.
    Good luck with this one.

    • KittySiggy

      Right, she’s revolting. I wonder of it’s a business arrangement. I don’t think Harry ever really planned on marriage. There’s some quackery going on.

      • PennieP.

        ??The corgis took to her straight away. ‘I’ve spent the last 33 years being barked at — this one walks in, absolutely nothing,” Prince Harry revealed during the couple’s engagement interview. And Meghan, who has two dogs herself, replied: “They were laying on my feet during tea!”☕☕

        Snarkel was probably humping THEIR legs.. Ugg. Horrid ?creature

        • KittySiggy

          LOL !!!!! Ha yeah she probably was !

          Yes Snarkle loves dogs………so much so that she’s abandoning one of hers and will leave it behind in the USA. The b*tch.

          • PennieP.

            You know what? Someone said it was probably her boyfriend, Cory’s dog. She left him behind because they took their dog with them.
            So, Snarkel was given custody of one dog and her boyfriend got to keep the other dog as part of the split up.

          • KittySiggy

            But it’s been portrayed as her dog all along,right ? There were excuses given ! So now A NEW EXCUSE ? LOL ! Before it was “the dog can’t travel because it’s too old”…………..

          • PennieP.

            The dog is 5..I took my 9 year old dog on a plane to Atlanta.
            She is full of baloney.. A cheat and liar.. Hard to change when you are Middle aged.

          • KittySiggy

            Agreed. I read somewhere someone was calling her out saying the dog was certainly not too old. LOL – yeah ..MeAgain Markle is too old to change her ways !!!

  • KittySiggy

    “Ever since Harry and Meghan announced that they are engaged to get married, the public just can’t get enough of the royal couple.”

    ????? SPEAK FOR YOURSELF ! She’s annoying and phony as HELL. Bleah !

    And as for Snarkle being “fresh air” PLEASE don’t use that phrase. It’s so ridiculous. Diana as young as she was, as truly sincere too, WAS THE ONLY BREATH OF FRESH AIR that stank,sordid,creepy inbred family ever had.

    Snarkle is too old,boring,calculating,egotistic and overly fond of the press to be anything pleasant, let alone “FRESH”.

    • PennieP.

      Did you see where Waity is Furious about the Christmas Debacle, but now Sharks wants her MOTHER to tag along..
      This woman is D A N G E R O U S

      • KittySiggy

        No, I’ve had to deal with extra B.S. lately and I’m behind on news.

        What Xmas debacle ? I thought Snarkle was back home in the USA ? Oh good Lord, Snarkle’s MOTHER ? Ha ha ha. Shades of Scarole ?

        • PennieP.

          ??Yet, Meghan is already getting special treatment from Queen Elizabeth while also breaking royal protocol, too. Just recently Harry and Meghan were spotted holding hands in public.?

          If that weren’t enough, at one point Meghan even walked ahead of Harry during their royal engagement, which is something Kate Middleton would never do.
          The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge never show any display of affection in public and she certainly doesn’t say anything or act in a way that would jeopardize her relationship.

          ** Didn’t you catch hell from some posters on another article about her inappropriate behavior? Like ✋hand – holding?
          See? You were right!!!

          • KittySiggy

            Special treatment ? How ? I wonder of it’s because queenie likes the extra attention the RF is getting ? As long as Snarkle doesn’t goof up. Well, sh*t I think she already has goofed up. In general. She’s yucky.

            Hmmm, I don’t think Chuck and Diana held hands in public, but then again, Diana was a virgin too and Snarkle isn’t even close. I guess we can’t go by the past that’s for sure. Strange that Snarkle would walk in front of Harry,yes. But she’s a Leo and aside from that has issues with just wanting attention,period !

            Oh hey Pennie…..WAITY did get alarmed by Snarkle and is trying to one-up her !
            I guess you didn’t see it. Waity just got some press attention just for touching Wimpo’s knee. And like you said, they rarely touch in public. I think they do a little bit on tours, but not normally at home. So Waity , very childish, decided to copy Snarkle. Waity’s never been very bright.

          • PennieP.

            Waity is very dumb and childish.
            But, she should not stoop to MeGans level.. I never thought I’d be a Cheerleader for Waity.. But, between the two of them.. Waity has me… Hands down.

          • KittySiggy

            I forgot ! Did I get flack from anything I said, ? Ohhhh, yes I did ! I said it wasn’t appropriate.

          • PennieP.

            Oh, yes.. Fredda and Blue Balls, Golden Showers and a few others jumped all over you AND Ladyhawke for saying it wasn’t approiate or Royal..
            And look, for behaving like a Teenager at the Prom, she’s getting all kinds of privileges.. She is going to leave a very ?dark stain on that Family for a long, long time

          • KittySiggy

            Her and Waity, the Kiss of Death to the RF. And Andrew the Perv.

          • PennieP.

            Samantha claims to have “helped raise” Meghan for 12 years when they were kids growing up in California. And she now says in interviews that the two are not estranged. However, one of People’s sources claims that Meghan has not had contact with Samantha—or any of her half-siblings—for more than a decade. She also claimed
            ?? Hollywood has changed her and that the royal family would be “appalled” by the way she has treated her own family.

          • KittySiggy

            Wow. That’s going to be hard for Snarkle to cover up. Sounds bad. It’s like the RF has gone on auto-pilot and just accepts “anyone” now {I’m not trying to say the RF is “above” anyone though}. I knew that as far back as when they let Wimpo Willy marry that stupid exhibitionist git, Waity Middletrash.

        • PennieP.

          Queen Elizabeth.

          Apparently, Queen Elizabeth has made an exception to a long-standing rule that girlfriends and fiancés are not invited for Christmas dinner at Sandringham. One Kensington Palace aide said in a statement, “You can expect to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry and Meghan on Christmas Day.”A lot of people also can’t help but wonder if Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland will also be joining them during Christmas dinner at Sandringham this year.
          Meghan and her mother are very close as Doria is the only person the actress can truly trust in her family.

          • KittySiggy

            Ha ha ha. That reminds me. Yes. Her FAMILY. They get arrested and all sorts of interesting things, right ? LOL ! GOOD ONE HARRY ! WAY TO GO !

            If they bumped off Diana for dating a muslim….then why on earth……….

        • PennieP.

          Yeah. Poor Snark.. Her sister hates her, the brother is in Prison, her father is indifferent.. She has NO friends.. So, let’s drag mum to Sandingham and ruin a 300year tradition because of Some filthy divorcé.

          • KittySiggy

            Sounds great ! I’m OK if the “ROYAL FAMILY” gets ended by some untalented soap opera actress/grifter. Cool.

          • PennieP.

            Sounds like she’s going to be the kiss of death for this gang.

          • KittySiggy

            They deserve it though.

          • PennieP.

            OK. Here is some more of the “Charity ” Snark is soooo involved with. The one that are near and dear to her cold, black heart. Check this out :

            ?While the Royal Foundation has a clear agenda helping veterans, disadvantaged young people, and supporting conservation initiatives around the world, Markle wants to specifically help vulnerable women in some of the world’s poorest countries. “She has a clear idea of what she wants to do and who she wants to help. She doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, least of all her boyfriend’s, and is keen to develop the charity work she’s already doing in the areas that interest and resonate with her,” adds the source. “She and Harry would love the future to be traveling around the world together, putting the spotlight on charities and causes that they care about.”✈?

            Now, what exactly is she so passionate about, besides travel around the World… Doing????
            She’s full of baloney. It is one big vacation for her, all expenses paid.

          • KittySiggy

            Hey Pennie…..Chitlin’s and greens at Sandringham. They’re asking for it. Sounds quite British, eh ?

          • PennieP.

            Only if it’s served with Earl Grey Breakfast Tea..

          • KittySiggy

            ha ha

  • PennieP.

    Honeymoon? They’ve been shacking up for 6 months.
    They need a vacation AND a Honeymoon?

    • KittySiggy

      Exactly. That’s another thing that is rather mind blowing. I know it’s 2017 and all that, but they’re publicly announcing, and showing on TV, that they’re shacking up. Uhhh. I think queenie has gone senile. No one’s watching the kids, you know ?

      • PennieP.

        Yep. But, again… Remember Kit.. They are “ROYAL ” and are far more superior than we are.
        So, different standards only when they decided it is OK for them

        • KittySiggy

          Yeahhhh, but, that’s going pretty far. It’s going to help ruin them. But then again, the media and globalists are busy cutting down any idea of class and good conduct anyway. Nothing’s sacred anymore, largely thanks to the media + globalists.

  • KittySiggy

    OK, so the RF made sure Diana didn’t survive Paris because she was with a muslim. So why are they now welcoming MeAgain Markle ? Odd. Really odd.

    • PennieP.

      And her MOTHER!!
      Diana’s parents were Aristocracy.
      What about Snarkel? Her dad was a Go-fer on some cheesy sit com in the 1980s

      • KittySiggy

        I would literally die laughing to see pics of MeAgain and her Mommy at the queen’s for the holidays. Yes indeed,Diana had more royal blood than the dunces she married into.

        Oh they KNOW who MeAgain’s father is ? Ah,surprise.

        • PennieP.

          Yeah.. They got out the Yellow Pages… And opened it up.. Put a ☝️finger on a name.. Bingo!! Baby daddy.

          • KittySiggy

            LOL !

          • PennieP.


          • KittySiggy

            Hey you know, Waity tried to compete with MeAgain + Harry’s press on how affectionate they are, by touching Wimpo on the knee at a recent outing. Too funny –

          • KittySiggy

            LOL yeah don’t forget the w-melon !

  • Elizabeth Connell

    I wonder if she’ll try to get pregnant during this trip?

    • PennieP.

      She best get a move on, she’s not getting any younger.

      • KittySiggy

        For sure.

    • KittySiggy

      Do you think it’s even possible ?! She’s rather old for it. You know,at her age and never settled down and had any kids….she really doesn’t want any, I’d bet.

  • PennieP.

    Ahh haa.. Andrew Morton is writing a Book about MeGan… I do hope it comes out before the Wedding.!!
    Ha!! Andrew Morton… Yes!!!

    • KittySiggy

      Yes I heard ! I hope he’s not “FOR” her. I hope he simply exposes her for what she is. I hope the RF don’t put a hit on him.

      • PennieP.

        I’m going to see if I can find out the contents.
        Like an excerpt.. But we all know he’s not very nice!!

        • KittySiggy

          ha ha ha . Oh wow. This is getting better all the time – !

          • PennieP.

            She will also need to know who the Queen’s favourites are when it comes to the seating plan for lunch.? Usually, it is Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips and the monarch’s niece Lady Sarah Chatto who sit either side of the Queen. But yesterday some staff were speculating whether the Queen might place herself between Harry and Meghan.?

          • KittySiggy

            That would be really funny. I hope they do it. Would be absurd.

          • PennieP.

            ?This holiday season, Meghan Markle will become the first royal fiancée to spend Christmas Day with the royal family — making her the exception to traditional protocol.

            Prince William and Kate Middleton, for example, spent Christmas apart, despite announcing their engagement in November 2010.?

            But what Harry asks, the Queen is likely to grant. A family friend has told PEOPLE, “If Harry asks for something, the Queen would say yes as she adores him.”

          • KittySiggy

            Ahhh. I see. Grandma’s favorite.

          • PennieP.

            I’m shocked Princess Ann hasn’t “accidentally ” shot her on one of their Hunt trips.

          • KittySiggy

            LOL ! From what I know about Anne.I’d have to agree !

          • HotMess88

            Oh, Morton’s now a “sell-out” – he’s obviously writing the book and capitalising on Markle’s “curiosity” value for the dollars. I thought he did a fine job on “Diana: Her True Story”; he was prepared to assist Diana to shake the foundations of the Monarchy, by revealing the truth about the institution generally and Diana’s experience specifically.
            Now he’s rolled over and become a sniveling sycophant, along with Lacey, Seward and Junor

          • KittySiggy

            WHAT ?! His book is “pro-Snarkle” ?

          • HotMess88

            Yes, it sounds like he’s a smitten-kitten – as least as far as the dollars are concerned.

          • Sigi

            That’s disgusting. I could understand him using Snarkle to make a profit {why not ? she’s on the make herself}, but I sincerely hope he doesn’t truly admire her. How could he ? ugh

      • PennieP.

        Oh. Dear… Yikes!! Read this with a grain of salt.. Daymm!!!

        ⭐⭐’I was a fan of Meghan’s long before she met Prince Harry. She has star quality, what some have called “the Markle Sparkle”,’ he said.

        ‘Confident, groomed and camera ready, she is a dramatic contrast to the blushing, coy royal brides of recent history.?? ‘The warmth and affection Meghan and Harry displayed during their engagement interview is light years away from the stilted “whatever love means”? conversation with Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.

        ‘Meghan is an exciting and genuinely charismatic addition to the royal family – she makes the House of Windsor seem relevant again. Hers is a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it.’ ?

        • KittySiggy

          PASS THE BARF BAG !!!!

          Nasty and absurd,that anyone would try to put Diana down. MeAgain can’t hold a candle to Diana.

  • KittySiggy

    I know why Harry thinks he loves her. Put a short, red wig on her and she’s his twin. They nearly ave the same face.

    • PennieP.

      OK. Here we go :

      ?Ever since his daughter confided in him 16 months ago that she was dating Prince Harry , he has been conspicuous by his absence, living a quiet, modest existence in rented homes.

      ??While he gets by on his £1,307 monthly pension, driving around in an old battered blue Chrysler PT Cruiser, his new family-to-be is one of the richest and most powerful in the world.

      • KittySiggy

        Wow. Geez, you know,? who will be at the wedding ? I guess just her mother. That will be bad enough too, I’m sure. Not certain this fiasco will really happen, or maybe I’m in complete denial !

        • PennieP.

          Her Mother is a Yoga Instructor that she tried to pass off as a “Therapist “.. I really believed she was a Social Worker or Psychologists.
          She is saying “Yoga is a type of therapy ”
          How stinking sad.. Trailer Trash, at best.

          • KittySiggy

            Her mother looks pretty out of shape so I guess the yoga was eons ago. And right not exactly in the same league as a real therapist !

            MeAgain = liar,liar,pants on fire !

          • PennieP.

            Yep.. Now I see why she’s such a liar and social climber

          • PennieP.

            Hey.. Look here what I found :
            ?Meghan is extremely close to both parents, particularly her mother Doria, 60.

            The social psychotherapist and yoga instructor?

          • KittySiggy

            LOL !
            “Psychotherapist” sure….and I’m the Easter Bunny ! Too bad she’s not a therapist, Waity could use one and so could ME-AGAIN.

          • HotMess88

            So, her mother isn’t a therapist? This tale gets murkier and murkier.

          • PennieP.

            Hang on.. Let me get a definition of Sharkels’ “yoga therapy “…

            See, when you are an accomplished liar, you need to challenge words and put them in an order that is the most beneficial for you.

          • HotMess88

            Seems there’s been an incredible amount of lies and manipulation to get these two together. It sounds more and more as this was a setup.

          • PennieP.

            Oh, did you know her father is practically INDIGENT?
            He lives off $1,200 USD / Month. Rents some shack near the Mexican boarder.
            He’s going to look swell roaming around Buckingham Palace.
            I’m wondering who is going to pay for his Airfare and Lodging for this multi – million £GBP Wedding
            I don’t recall reading anything about MeMe Sharkel offering to spring for the tab
            Isn’t that what kind, wealthy humanitarian, big Movie stars do for their parents??

            ??While he gets by on his £1,307 monthly pension,
            ?driving around in an old battered blue Chrysler PT Cruiser, his new family-to-be is one of the richest and most powerful in the world.

          • KittySiggy

            LOL, that’s funny about B. palace.

          • HotMess88

            I really find that appalling about the father. We don’t know the backstory, but Hell’s bells, at least let him have some dignity.
            Catch you later, P – getting quite fagged:)

          • PennieP.

            ?The man who will become Prince Harry’s father-in-law lives a secluded life in a little yellow house perched high on a 120-foot cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, DailyMailTV can reveal.

            Thomas Markle, 73, is seen in exclusive DailyMailTV pictures at his home in Rosarito,Mexico just south of the border with the U.S., where he lives in a peaceful retirement.
            ?His red-tiled home sits on a cobblestone street,✔ with plywood covering the windows that face inland.

            DAILY MAIL

          • HotMess88

            Oh dear, that’s a bit sad. One would think Markle could toss a few shekels his way, if only to give the public perception she cares as much for her family as she does for her charitable causes.

          • PennieP.

            Yeah.. You just have to love this “Humanitarian ” fake b! Tch and her passion for helping out the disenfranchised..
            The guy is probably eating cat food.. And Me me Markle is dinning at Buckingham Palace
            That, to me is exactly how she rolls. Look how she treats her family, you can sum it up right away

          • KittySiggy

            Good point about how “humanitarian” Snarkle supposedly is, and then lets her Dad live like that.

          • HotMess88

            LOL!!! “eating cat food”. I shouldn’t laugh, but where the Hell did the RF manage to find these two dregs of society. It’s a slippery slope down a greasy pole.

          • PennieP.

            ?50-year-old Thomas Markle Jr shares the same father as Suits actress Meghan, who is dating Prince Harry.

            It’s been reported that he’s close to his half-sister but friends have disputed this, saying they have not spoken for some time.

            He recently moved to Oregon in the US after separating from a partner.

            He was married for 11 years to Tracy Dooley, with whom he has two sons – Thomas and Tyler.

            ?His ex-wife, Tracy, said he has alcohol issues.

            ??While he ( Thomas Markle, Sr.) gets by on his £1,307 monthly pension, driving around in an old battered blue Chrysler PT Cruiser, his new family-to-be is one of the richest and most powerful in the world.

            Yessiree.. This sounds like a fantastic ?love ? match. Just the type of family that Harry was looking for all his life.
            Golly, they don’t get much better and refined than this crew.

          • HotMess88

            Very classy, indeed.

          • KittySiggy

            They all ought to start hanging out with Waity’s family. Geez, imagine WTF sort of news that would generate.

          • KittySiggy

            She’s semi-talented at B.S., Has a Master’s in B.S. but should have not got a passing grade.

          • PennieP.

            The word “therapist” is used as a broad term to describe someone who provides psychotherapy and counseling.✔
            Welcome to the alternative universe according to MeAgain.

          • KittySiggy

            You know, the usual B.S. “PR” from the RF !!!
            A lot of abbreviations eh ?

          • HotMess88

            Yes. Here, you can refer to yourself as a “Counsellor” with no training at all.

          • KittySiggy

            Her ah knowledge “therapy” didn’t help her freakish daughter. Failure !

          • HotMess88

            Whereas Clueless is “stupid” personified, I get the impression Markle is rat-smart – she seems to know how to play the “game”, however, it makes her no more appealing.

          • KittySiggy

            HA ! Perfect description and I really agree with it ! Would be funny to see Waity dealing with Snarkle alone in a room. Both are pretty
            ratty in their own ways.

            Waity really is stupid. I found out by accident,by watching a video about Jill Dando….guess who helped deliver baby Prince George ? Dando’s fiancee at the time of her death {a doctor}. “Dando Web” was the title of the video. Looks like the “widower” did OK after Jill’s death…got moved up {in a manner of speaking} to attending to the likes of P. William’s spawn. The video was hinting at why he got promoted. UGH !!!!! ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE RF = CREEPY,CORRUPT AND JUST NASTY STUFF. So deeply corrupt.

        • PennieP.

          Maybe they will catch her stealing the silverware from the Lunch Buffet.
          I’d frisk the b! Tch, before AND after every time she went to the Loo.

          • KittySiggy

            ha ha ha !

          • HotMess88


    • PennieP.

      The kids will look like they have a rusty BRILL-O Pad on their wee head.
      ☺Did you let Ladyhawke know about this site / I’m going to dash off a message to her
      I like this format much better. It’s like DISQUS.

      • HotMess88

        Found it P!. This format allows me to use HotMess, whereas the other site didn’t recognise that email address. I wonder if we’re actually on DISQUS? This is almost an identical format.

        • PennieP.

          Hello! Now. This is more like it. Yes, I do believe it is powered by DISQUS. I think I saw the logo on the bottom of the page, here.
          Thank god! I like this much better.
          That other site is so mumble – jumbled. I can’t follow a thread and I have to log in and out every time I read a new article.
          The Sharkle wedding is planned for the 19th, I think, and they are saying that it breaks protocol for being on a weekend. S h! T.. Want else is this interloper going to screw up before they finally catch on to her nonsense??

          • HotMess88

            I’m off the other site P – I really can’t stand the time it takes to edit a document. This one will do nicely.

          • PennieP.

            Oh! My GOD!! That site was a Nightmare.
            What a shame, because it did have a great mix of people there ..I do hope they’ll read SIGGYS post to come here
            Anyhow, I left you an excerpt from The Washington Post about Diana going to Princess Grace’s Funeral ALONE..

          • KittySiggy

            Diana went to Versace’s funeral alone too. Can’t imagine the pathetic idiot,Waity,having friends like Versace and Elton John !!!!!

          • PennieP.

            As a matter of fact, I can’t find anyone who really hangs out with her.
            The only friend she had dumped her because of how she treated husband #1.

            I don’t see her pales with any Hollywood elite, but she’s desperately trying to get in with the Beckhams.
            They were at the Will & Kate nightmare wedding, Sharkel thinks she’ll come to her garrish affair

          • KittySiggy

            Right ? I’ve never heard about Waity having friends,except a few like EMMA SAYLE,THE PIMP ! and some unfortunate looking girl Waity went out drinking with back in her pub crawling {literally} days.

            I was referring to Waity, I think you’re speaking of Snarkle, with the husband #1. Yeah, Snarkle is a “user” sounds like.
            Snarkle thinks the Beckhams want to come to her “it won’t happen” wedding ?

          • HotMess88

            Thank, I’ll have a look.

        • PennieP.

          OK, check it out. Everything has the MeMeMegan screw- up. They can’t even plan a ( second) wedding without drama..

          ⚽⚽BBC is scheduled to air the competition live, however, it is unknown whether the plans will change to take account of the ??.

          Kensington Palace announced this afternoon that the couple will wed on Saturday 19th May.

          The confirmation of the exact date follows the announcement in November that the couple will marry in St George’s Chapel located in the grounds of Windsor Castle.

          The choice of venue means the wedding will be a much smaller affair than that of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011 when they got married at Westminster Abbey.

          The palace also confirmed that Ms Markle is a protestant and will be baptised and confirmed before the wedding.??

          Now, doesn’t it figure they have to dance around her “Religious Affiliates “, too?
          How pathetic

          • KittySiggy

            Yes the satanic RF needs to be sure MeAgain gets BAPTISED ! Are they thinking of having her for dinner ? Literally ?

        • KittySiggy

          I think AnneMarie said that yes, here she’d have DISCUS, but for some odd reason not on CDL.

          • HotMess88

            Thanks, good to know. I spent 20 mins writing a serious comment on H & M on the other site this morning, then spent 30 mins chasing a cursor, which was apparently on crack (to edit and you know I do love editing) all over a screen that appeared to be having petite mal seizures. I’ll stick to this site. That’s an hour I won’t get back. I recall P. commenting she had similar issues.

          • KittySiggy

            LOL !!!!! Cursor on crack – !!!!!!! seizures, ha ha ha !!!! Sounds perfectly hideous,as only computers and bad sites can do !
            I’d love to read what you wrote, I hope you put it here somewhere –
            and I’m noticing somehow I don;t get alerts for everything here either ! like on CDL.

          • HotMess88

            No, as is my usual routine, I deleted it and whinged to Elizabeth.
            I’ll rewrite it on this site tomorrow.

          • KittySiggy

            That’s what I hoped, that it would get reincarnated here !

          • HotMess88

            I don’t know how secure this site is, but I’ll be quick and delete the comment.when it goes through.
            The reason AM wanted to contact me the other day was that the Editor has seen one of my comments and wondered if I’d be interested in writing for CDL part-time.Very thoughtful offer. Odd too, because I was having a dreadful day over the fracas with the Will, so I took it as a little boost and said “yes”. She is aware of health situation and commented to to get in touch with her post-op. Thought you’d be interested to know – but I’ll delete this after it goes through.

          • KittySiggy

            OK thanks for telling me – congratulations ! What a nice compliment from her. I’m glad you’ll do it.
            I’ve lost track of what you’d said, if anything about an operation so good luck with anything that comes up.
            You’ll boost her site to a spot it’s never been to before !

          • HotMess88

            That’s very sweet, but I haven’t written tabloid for a long time. Still, I’ll get through the medical stuff and see where I am 🙂

          • KittySiggy

            Just what you normally write is great. Don’t worry !!!

          • HotMess88

            Again, I’ll delete this. I have cysts on my lower spine which are pushing against the nerves. They need to be removed or they’ll keep growing. Have appoint w neurosurgeon middle of January. I’m hoping it won’t be too invasive. Fingers crossed.

          • KittySiggy

            I’ve been editing my replies, too –
            Oh yes now that’s familiar,spinal surgery. Yes good luck,anyone would be nervous with that.
            I’ve had plenty of surgery myself,various kinds, so yeah it’s no picnic.

          • HotMess88

            Thanks 🙂 Very jittery.

          • KittySiggy

            Yes i know the feeling ! At least they can help with that later though. OK talk to you later, I have to go attend to things.
            Wish I felt more sure about looking at that astrology {mid January} –
            when it comes to mentioning anything so serious I just wouldn’t since I’m really not a professional.
            But,something in January looks rather impactful in the 8th house, probably resources. Mostly, I’m guessing, are OK. A few deep Pluto conjunctions, so , wow.

          • HotMess88

            I appreciate your concern about the astrology for health , however, I think it’s far too much responsibility for anyone to predict outcomes. I’m v anxious, but am also a fatalist 🙂

          • KittySiggy

            I usually word things @ss backwards !

            I should have said I’d like to try to do that astrology just to offer some info although you hadn’t asked, and then I should have said that it’s probably beyond my scope. That’s what I was trying to say {I write off the cuff and really need to slow down}.

            There are always things that might appear obvious in astrology, ,but unless a person is really well versed they are likely not taking everything into account that they should.
            Meaning –> me.
            Yes fatalism, why not ?! Basically humans have the lifespan of gnats, so anything else like a bit of medical business shouldn’t look so bad considering that !

          • HotMess88

            I thought your original comment was very clear – I got it anyway.

          • KittySiggy

            No… it’s me not you ! {LOL}.

          • HotMess88

            {lol} No…I INSIST – it was MY miscommunication!
            This could continue for some time.
            Catch you later – 44C heat today ( in the midst of a heatwave). I love Australia, but it can be quite brutal in summer: if the creepy crawlies don’t get you, you have the possibility of carking it from the heat. The first place the gormless diqus head for is the beach – so they can burn themselves to an appealing crisp. Go figure

          • KittySiggy

            OK, I agree, you fekked up !!!! Your fault.
            A heatwave for Xmas ?! Sorry to hear that !
            Oh I can picture that beach….ha ha ha ! Rock Lobsters.
            If the heat doesn’t get them the sharks will.

      • KittySiggy

        LOL !!!!!!!! Brill-o pad !

  • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Right, she’s revolting. I wonder of it’s a business arrangement. I don’t think Harry ever really planned on marriage. There’s some quackery going on.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      LOL !!!!! Ha yeah she probably was !

      Yes Snarkle loves dogs………so much so that she’s abandoning one of hers and will leave it behind in the USA. The b*tch.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      But it’s been portrayed as her dog all along,right ? There were excuses given ! So now A NEW EXCUSE ? LOL ! Before it was “the dog can’t travel because it’s too old”…………..

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Agreed. I read somewhere someone was calling her out saying the dog was certainly not too old. LOL – yeah ..MeAgain Markle is too old to change her ways !!!

  • KittySiggy

    “Ever since Harry and Meghan announced that they are engaged to get married, the public just can’t get enough of the royal couple.”

    ????? SPEAK FOR YOURSELF ! She’s annoying and phony as HELL. Bleah !

    And as for Snarkle being “fresh air” PLEASE don’t use that phrase. It’s so ridiculous. Diana as young as she was, as truly sincere too, WAS THE ONLY BREATH OF FRESH AIR that stank,sordid,creepy inbred family ever had.

    Snarkle is too old,boring,calculating,egotistic and overly fond of the press to be anything pleasant, let alone “FRESH”.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      No, I’ve had to deal with extra B.S. lately and I’m behind on news.

      What Xmas debacle ? I thought Snarkle was back home in the USA ? Oh good Lord, Snarkle’s MOTHER ? Ha ha ha. Shades of Scarole ?

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Special treatment ? How ? I wonder of it’s because queenie likes the extra attention the RF is getting ? As long as Snarkle doesn’t goof up. Well, sh*t I think she already has goofed up. In general. She’s yucky.

      Hmmm, I don’t think Chuck and Diana held hands in public, but then again, Diana was a virgin too and Snarkle isn’t even close. I guess we can’t go by the past that’s for sure. Strange that Snarkle would walk in front of Harry,yes. But she’s a Leo and aside from that has issues with just wanting attention,period !

      Oh hey Pennie…..WAITY did get alarmed by Snarkle and is trying to one-up her !
      I guess you didn’t see it. Waity just got some press attention just for touching Wimpo’s knee. And like you said, they rarely touch in public. I think they do a little bit on tours, but not normally at home. So Waity , very childish, decided to copy Snarkle. Waity’s never been very bright.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Ha ha ha. That reminds me. Yes. Her FAMILY. They get arrested and all sorts of interesting things, right ? LOL ! GOOD ONE HARRY ! WAY TO GO !

      If they bumped off Diana for dating a muslim….then why on earth……….

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Sounds great ! I’m OK if the “ROYAL FAMILY” gets ended by some untalented soap opera actress/grifter. Cool.

    • KittySiggy

      Hey Pennie….chitlin’s and greens at Sandringham. They’re asking for it. Sounds quite British, eh ?

    • PennieP.

      Sounds like she’s going to be the kiss of death for this gang.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      They deserve it though.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      It’s funny ! It would take a trainwreck like MeAgain to make Waity the Butt look
      anywhere close to admirable….!

    • KittySiggy

      ha ha

    • KittySiggy

      I forgot ! Did I get flack from anything I said, ? Ohhhh, yes I did ! I said it wasn’t appropriate.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Her and Waity, the Kiss of Death to the RF. And Andrew the Perv.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Wow. That’s going to be hard for Snarkle to cover up. Sounds bad. It’s like the RF has gone on auto-pilot and just accepts “anyone” now {I’m not trying to say the RF is “above” anyone though}. I knew that as far back as when they let Wimpo Willy marry that stupid exhibitionist git, Waity Middletrash.

  • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Exactly. That’s another thing that is rather mind blowing. I know it’s 2017 and all that, but they’re publicly announcing, and showing on TV, that they’re shacking up. Uhhh. I think queenie has gone senile. No one’s watching the kids, you know ?

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Yeahhhh, but, that’s going pretty far. It’s going to help ruin them. But then again, the media and globalists are busy cutting down any idea of class and good conduct anyway. Nothing’s sacred anymore, largely thanks to the media + globalists.

  • KittySiggy

    OK, so the RF made sure Diana didn’t survive Paris because she was with a muslim. So why are they now welcoming MeAgain Markle ? Odd. Really odd.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      I would literally die laughing to see pics of MeAgain and her Mommy at the queen’s for the holidays. Yes indeed,Diana had more royal blood than the dunces she married into.

      Oh they KNOW who MeAgain’s father is ? Ah,surprise.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      LOL !

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Hey you know, Waity tried to compete with MeAgain + Harry’s press on how affectionate they are, by touching Wimpo on the knee at a recent outing. Too funny –

    • KittySiggy

      LOL yeah don’t forget the w-melon !

  • Elizabeth Connell

    I wonder if she’ll try to get pregnant during this trip?

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Do you think it’s even possible ?! She’s rather old for it. You know,at her age and never settled down and had any kids….she really doesn’t want any, I’d bet.

    • KittySiggy

      For sure.

  • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Yes I heard ! I hope he’s not “FOR” her. I hope he simply exposes her for what she is. I hope the RF don’t put a hit on him.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      ha ha ha . Oh wow. This is getting better all the time – !

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      PASS THE BARF BAG !!!!

      Nasty and absurd,that anyone would try to put Diana down. MeAgain can’t hold a candle to Diana.

    • Guest

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    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Ahhh. I see. Grandma’s favorite.

    • KittySiggy

      That would be really funny. I hope they do it. Would be absurd.

    • Guest

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    • HotMess88

      Oh, Morton’s now a “sell-out” – he’s obviously writing the book and capitalising on Markle’s “curiosity” value for the dollars. I thought he did a fine job on “Diana: Her True Story”; he was prepared to assist Diana to shake the foundations of the Monarchy, by revealing the truth about the institution generally and Diana’s experience specifically.
      Now he’s rolled over and become a sniveling sycophant, along with Lacey, Seward and Junor

    • KittySiggy

      WHAT ?! His book is “pro-Snarkle” ?

    • HotMess88

      Yes, it sounds like he’s a smitten-kitten – as least as far as the dollars are concerned.

    • KittySiggy

      LOL ! From what I know about Anne.I’d have to agree !

    • Sigi

      That’s disgusting. I could understand him using Snarkle to make a profit {why not ? she’s on the make herself}, but I sincerely hope he doesn’t truly admire her. How could he ? ugh

  • KittySiggy

    I know why Harry thinks he loves her. Put a short, red wig on her and she’s his twin. They nearly have the same face.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Wow. Geez, you know,? who will be at the wedding ? I guess just her mother. That will be bad enough too, I’m sure. Not certain this fiasco will really happen, or maybe I’m in complete denial !

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Her mother looks pretty out of shape so I guess the yoga was eons ago. And right not exactly in the same league as a real therapist !

      MeAgain = liar,liar,pants on fire !

    • Guest

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    • PennieP.

      The kids will look like they have a rusty BRILL-O Pad on their wee head.
      ☺Did you let Ladyhawke know about this site / I’m going to dash off a message to her
      I like this format much better. It’s like DISQUS.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      LOL !
      “Psychotherapist” sure….and I’m the Easter Bunny ! Too bad she’s not a therapist, Waity could use one and so could ME-AGAIN.

    • HotMess88

      Found it P!. This format allows me to use HotMess, whereas the other site didn’t recognise that email address. I wonder if we’re actually on DISQUS? This is almost an identical format.

    • HotMess88

      So, her mother isn’t a therapist? This tale gets murkier and murkier.

    • Guest

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    • Guest

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    • Guest

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    • HotMess88

      Seems there’s been an incredible amount of lies and manipulation to get these two together. It sounds more and more as this was a setup.

    • Guest

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    • Guest

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    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      LOL !!!!!!!! Brill-o pad !

    • KittySiggy

      I think AnneMarie said that yes, here she’d have DISCUS, but for some odd reason not on CDL.

    • KittySiggy

      ha ha ha !

    • KittySiggy

      You know, the usual B.S. “PR” from the RF !!!
      A lot of abbreviations eh ?

    • KittySiggy

      LOL, that’s funny about B. palace.

    • HotMess88

      Thanks, good to know. I spent 20 mins writing a serious comment on H & M on the other site this morning, then spent 30 mins chasing a cursor, which was apparently on crack (to edit and you know I do love editing) all over a screen that appeared to be having petite mal seizures. I’ll stick to this site. That’s an hour I won’t get back. I recall P. commenting she had similar issues.

    • HotMess88


    • HotMess88

      Yes. Here, you can refer to yourself as a “Counsellor” with no training at all.

    • HotMess88

      Very classy, indeed.

    • KittySiggy

      LOL !!!!! Cursor on crack – !!!!!!! seizures, ha ha ha !!!! Sounds perfectly hideous,as only computers and bad sites can do !
      I’d love to read what you wrote, I hope you put it here somewhere –
      and I’m noticing somehow I don’t get alerts for everything here either ! like on CDL.

    • HotMess88

      Oh dear, that’s a bit sad. One would think Markle could toss a few shekels his way, if only to give the public perception she cares as much for her family as she does for her charitable causes.

    • KittySiggy

      Yes the satanic RF needs to be sure MeAgain gets BAPTISED ! Are they thinking of having her for dinner ? Literally ?

    • HotMess88

      No, as is my usual routine, I deleted it and whinged to Elizabeth.
      I’ll rewrite it on this site tomorrow.

    • KittySiggy

      That’s what I hoped, that it would get reincarnated here !

    • KittySiggy

      Her ah knowledge “therapy” didn’t help her freakish daughter. Failure !

    • KittySiggy

      She’s semi-talented at B.S., Has a Master’s in B.S. but should have not got a passing grade.

    • KittySiggy

      They all ought to start hanging out with Waity’s family. Geez, imagine WTF sort of news that would generate.

    • Guest

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    • HotMess88

      I’m off the other site P – I really can’t stand the time it takes to edit a document. This one will do nicely.

    • Guest

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    • HotMess88

      Whereas Clueless is “stupid” personified, I get the impression Markle is rat-smart – she seems to know how to play the “game”, however, it makes her no more appealing.

    • KittySiggy

      OK thanks for telling me – congratulations ! What a nice compliment from her. I’m glad you’ll do it.
      I’ve lost track of what you’d said good luck with anything that comes up.
      You’ll boost her site to a spot it’s never been to before !

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      Diana went to Versace’s funeral alone too. Can’t imagine the pathetic idiot,Waity,having friends like Versace and Elton John !!!!!

    • HotMess88

      Thank, I’ll have a look.

    • KittySiggy

      HA ! Perfect description and I really agree with it ! Would be funny to see Waity dealing with Snarkle alone in a room. Both are pretty
      ratty in their own ways.

      Waity really is stupid. I found out by accident,by watching a video about Jill Dando….guess who helped deliver baby Prince George ? Dando’s fiancee at the time of her death {a doctor}. “Dando Web” was the title of the video. Looks like the “widower” did OK after Jill’s death…got moved up {in a manner of speaking} to attending to the likes of P. William’s spawn. The video was hinting at why he got promoted. UGH !!!!! ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE RF = CREEPY,CORRUPT AND JUST NASTY STUFF. So deeply corrupt.

    • Guest

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    • HotMess88

      That’s very sweet, but I haven’t written tabloid for a long time. Still, I’ll get through the medical stuff and see where I am 🙂

    • KittySiggy

      Right ? I’ve never heard about Waity having friends,except a few like EMMA SAYLE,THE PIMP ! and some unfortunate looking girl Waity went out drinking with back in her pub crawling {literally} days.

      I was referring to Waity, I think you’re speaking of Snarkle, with the husband #1. Yeah, Snarkle is a “user” sounds like.
      Snarkle thinks the Beckhams want to come to her “it won’t happen” wedding ?

    • KittySiggy

      Just what you normally write is great. Don’t worry !!!

    • KittySiggy

      Good point about how “humanitarian” Snarkle supposedly is, and then lets her Dad live like that.

    • HotMess88

      LOL!!! “eating cat food”. I shouldn’t laugh, but where the Hell did the RF manage to find these two dregs of society. It’s a slippery slope down a greasy pole.

    • Guest

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    • KittySiggy

      I’ve been editing my replies, too –
      Oh yes now that sounds familiar. Good luck,anyone would be nervous.
      I’ve had plenty of surgery myself,various kinds, so yeah it’s no picnic.

    • HotMess88

      I really find that appalling about the father. We don’t know the backstory, but Hell’s bells, at least let him have some dignity.
      Catch you later, P – getting quite fagged:)

    • HotMess88

      Thanks 🙂 Very jittery.

    • KittySiggy

      Yes i know the feeling ! At least they can help with that later though. OK talk to you later, I have to go attend to things.
      Wish I felt more sure about looking at that astrology {mid January} –
      when it comes to mentioning anything so serious I just wouldn’t since I’m really not a professional.
      But,something in January looks rather impactful in the 8th house, probably resources. Mostly, I’m guessing, are OK. A few deep Pluto conjunctions, so , wow.

    • HotMess88

      I appreciate your concern about the astrology for health , however, I think it’s far too much responsibility for anyone to predict outcomes. I’m v anxious, but am also a fatalist 🙂

    • KittySiggy

      I usually word things @ss backwards !

      I should have said I’d like to try to do that astrology just to offer some info although you hadn’t asked, and then I should have said that it’s probably beyond my scope. That’s what I was trying to say {I write off the cuff and really need to slow down}.

      There are always things that might appear obvious in astrology, ,but unless a person is really well versed they are likely not taking everything into account that they should.
      Meaning –> me.
      Yes fatalism, why not ?! Basically humans have the lifespan of gnats, so anything else like a bit of medical business shouldn’t look so bad considering that !

    • HotMess88

      I thought your original comment was very clear – I got it anyway. I think my response could have been more detailed and slightly longer 🙂

    • KittySiggy

      No… it’s me not you ! {LOL}.

    • HotMess88

      {lol} No…I INSIST – it was MY miscommunication!
      This could continue for some time.
      Catch you later – 44C heat today ( in the midst of a heatwave). I love Australia, but it can be quite brutal in summer: if the creepy crawlies don’t get you, you have the possibility of carking it from the heat. The first place the gormless diqus head for is the beach – so they can burn themselves to an appealing crisp. Go figure

    • KittySiggy

      OK, I agree, you fekked up !!!! Your fault.
      A heatwave for Xmas ?! Sorry to hear that !
      Oh I can picture that beach….ha ha ha ! Rock Lobsters.
      If the heat doesn’t get them the sharks will.