Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Engagement Photos Are Breathtaking

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Engagement Photos Are Breathtaking

AMP in the post

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have released their official engagement portraits and according to royal fans from all over the world, the photos are absolutely stunning. The couple announced their engagement last month after dating for well over a year and a half.

Acclaimed fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski took the portrait photos at Frogmore House at Windsor Castle earlier in the week. Kensington Palace released the photos of the bride and groom on their official Instagram page.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Engagement Photos Are Breathtaking

Alexi Lubomirski also shared the portraits on his Instagram account and captioned them with, “A huge thank you to His Royal Highness Prince Harry and Ms. Markle, for allowing me to take their official engagement portraits. Not only was it an incredible honor, but also an immense privilege to be invited to share and be a witness to this young couple’s love for each other. I cannot help but smile when I look at the photos that we took.”

Many fans can’t get enough of the gorgeous shots. A lot have taken to social media to comment on them and have said such things as, “Lovely pics – I like how natural they are and the love does shine through. My fave is the 2nd one where he’s wrapping her in his coat.”

AMP in the post

Another royal fan wrote, “He looks great and he is happy. And I am happy for the both of them. I wish them the very best throughout their lives.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will get married at Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018. So far the royal couple have not made any comments about their wedding plans or who will be in the wedding party for that matter. In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.
Also, don’t forget to check back with Celebrating the Soaps for all the latest news and updates on Meghan Markle right here!

Also, don’t forget to check back with Celebrating the Soaps for all your latest news, updates on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle!

Photo by Alexi Lubomirski via Getty Images

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle and Prince HarryMeghan Markle NewsPrince HarryPrince Harry Engagement PhotosThe Royals
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  • PennieP.

    Just how many “Official “engagement portraits are they going to pose for.
    This has to hold the record for most pictures in the history of the Royal Family..
    And quite frankly, there is not one that looks approiate for any engagement, let alone from the Queen’s grandson… What a difference a generation makes

    • KittySiggy

      Have you read the lovelolaheart dot com site yet ? Oh God she’s so funny – she talked about that photo too.

      • PennieP.

        Yeah. Ladyhawke recommend it..
        By the way, she needs to come here to see this hideous rag, she said she didn’t get a good look at the full view, just the one of them sitting down.
        She needs to check this out
        And lolalove was hysterical.. The blind Mary Ingalls really got me!!

        • KittySiggy

          Yes “Lola” is always hysterical. She’s done some really good rips on Waity too.

        • KittySiggy

          LOL ! Oh we’re being so mean, but oh well, it’s a gossip site !
          Yes I could see her family in Buckingham Place…..

          • PennieP.

            Hey, anyone says one thing about “race ” is going to get a big mouth full from me
            If we can bash Middleton’s family, we poke fun at Harry’s Father, we even throw a few insults toward the Queen..
            Hey, Snarkle is fair game… And her family, too.. I don’t care WHAT color they are. I’m not playing that Race game..
            Like the big Blow- up about that Brooch.
            Now, we have to tiptoe around anything black, Africa, race… For HER?
            NO…NOPE…NADA.. ZIP..ZERO ..ARRET….NEYT….UH-UH… Etc…

          • KittySiggy

            Yes I totally agree. They’re all fair game. Snarkle’s putting herself out there in her fictionalized version and that’s just asking for comments.
            I agree – things get way too “politically correct” and like Snowflakeville.
            I didn’t even really think the brooch was a big deal, until I read the “lovelola” site and the info on “Princess Michael”,{?}, and then I realized why some people might think it was a planned insult scenario. But,? So what, an artistic depiction of an African , in jewels,the brooch looked beautiful. Are they saying it’s “bad” to use Africans in portraits, in art, in jewelry ?

    • KittySiggy

      Do you think she had a nose job ? I do.

      • PennieP.

        Oh, definitely.. There was some tweeking going on with her.. Definitely a nose job.. But I’ll admit
        It’s far superior than what Waity did to her nose.
        MeAgin was a semi- success. I do wonder why she wants to look more Caucasian… Especially since she is so proud of her heritage..
        She really needs to ditch those horrid extensions.. Can’t she find a Stylist anywhere that can work with her?

          • PennieP.

            Ohhh. Sonovabitcch!! Ya did it AGAIN…
            I’M CRYING laughing so hard.. My ribs hurt..
            Doggone.. It’s a dead ringer..

          • KittySiggy


          • Sigi

            LOL !!!

          • Sigi


          • Sigi

            You posted similar ones on CDL ?
            Just wondering – thought I’d replied but maybe that was on CDL.
            Love these martini jokes !!!!!!!!!!!

          • PennieP.

            They keep disappearing!!
            I don’t know if you are getting all my comments..
            Like the one in the “Bathing suit “?

          • Sigi

            I can’t be sure, because I haven’t tried to read them all yet –
            but that one doesn’t sound familiar. It might be there but I’d need to search.

          • PennieP.

            Look how bad the part in her hair is at the Invictus Games – when she was dressed like a vagrant.
            Then fast forward to the pictures of them when she wore that green skirt and white sweater.
            Her hair grew 5″, and the part was not cockeyed.
            I don’t care about extensions, but get them done proper and often.. If not, find a hair do more suitable for your particular hair type.

          • KittySiggy

            You’re good at noticing details – I’ve been letting a lot of this news slide unfortunately. Because I knew it was going to be like this and wanted to keep up with it, but sometimes I can’t. So thanks for the details ! I agree,sounds like extensions not done so well, and yes I saw her Invictus “outfit”…shredded clothing…she looked like she’d crawled all the way there on a rough road.

  • KittySiggy

    I’ve seen other photos of her before,and yes, they were a lot like this. I’m still unsure if the RF are really going to let Harry do this. Something might go wrong, if they have any say in it. Unless there’s some crazy agenda and they have a reason that no one can fathom, for letting it proceed.

    • PennieP.

      Snarkel can’t take her Mother of a Spa day?
      She’s waking around like a Bag Lady.
      If I saw her, I’d slip a $5 to her for a coffee and Danish.
      Can you believe it??

      • KittySiggy

        I’d slip her 5 bucks to stay away from me.

  • KittySiggy

    Oh my GOD ? She “thinks” the dog might be alright ?????
    Abandoned one dog already, leaves the one w/broken legs somewhere else as well, {if it were my dog I’d insist on taking care of it after catastrophic injuries like that} and she’s not sounding upset,concerned or embarrassed about it. I think Markle sounds like a Sociopath.

  • KittySiggy

    Hey write to her and tell her to add the info about the way Snarkle treats her dogs !
    That would help gain a lot of signatures !

  • KittySiggy

    Yes a lot of snowflake-style whining and freaking out.

  • KittySiggy

    Exactly. Harry’s comment was so idiotic.He keeps trying to make that street-smart manipulating slut seem like a poor dear girl who needs all the sympathy in the world…..

    • PennieP.

      Oh, yes, that poor little Lamb.. All alone. And here comes Harry and Granny to save the dear Damsel


        • PennieP.

          Kit, honestly.. Were on Earth do you find this stuff?

          Amaz5..the fangs, fake smile.. Is that a wolf peeking out of the ‘Sheep Clothing “.. This is nothing less than brilliant!!

          • KittySiggy

            Found it in “Google Images”,
            A great source of photos ! Snarkle looks great as a poor lamb,eh ? LOL !

  • KittySiggy

    Well, that seems logical. She outright abandoned the other dog, and the one with “broken legs” was probably shot by Harry while he was out shooting things, the way the RF love to pass their time. It was “convenient” since Snarkle decided she didn’t really want to keep that dog either. “Ooops”. Right if they cared about the dog and had ANY feelings they’d realize the “broken legs” story would upset NORMAL people who have FEELINGS….and it would be bad not to update the public on the incident. Like , OK, it has broken legs ? Well then where’s the updates and how are Harry and Snarkle Face going to help the dog recover ????
    ALL THE CRAP about their CHARITIES but the DOGS are NOTHING to them ?

    • PennieP.

      Oh,please…snarkel sure is paying some in the Press handsomely.
      With all her BS Charity work, adopting dogs, Humanitarian assistance..
      I have searched and searched..

      • KittySiggy

        There ought to be sites that REALLY call this sort of B.S. out and I mean out !

        The “lovelola” is pretty good, but I’d like to see something even more in-you-face, you know ?!

        • PennieP.

          I think it is just a matter of time.. There’s some rubbling starting to pop up… I think this will explode, and it can’t be soon enough.

          • Sigi

            Good !

    • PennieP.

      Jeeezusss.. This is the best.. I’ve got to steal it from you.. I love it.
      This and the

      • Sigi

        Sure, it’s not mine anyway !

        • PennieP.

          Here we have the Ultrasound of Waity when she was “Pregnant” with George

        • PennieP.

          And here is Waitys’ Ultrasound for Charlotte..I think Frilly added the Vermouth…

  • KittySiggy

    LOL ! Be careful ! She’ll come after it !

  • KittySiggy

    ha ha !
    It has been fun finding the photos !
    I’m so immature !
    Yeah good point.Shape-shifting grifter. Remember,Scarry is trying to out-do Wimpo by finding another useless bimbo grifter to marry. They should both get prizes for “Worst Taste In Marriage Partners”.

    • PennieP.

      You know.. It’s really, really bad when WAITY is looking like the ‘normal ‘ one… Now, that’s pretty hard to knock her down to 2nd place in the Useless, Lazy, Crazy Family department.. But, golly.. Harry sure picked a doozie..

      • KittySiggy

        Right ? I said that somewhere too, maybe on CDL…but it’s like you know it’s bad when in comparison, Waity looks somehow “better” than anyone !.
        If an @ss flashing,slutty,useless,shallow,perverted,immature,tacky,manipulating,cheap pointless,embarrassing,awkward bimbo like Waity actually starts looking almost like Mary Poppins then you KNOW the other party must REALLY STINK. And that’s Snarkle Markle !

        • PennieP.

          Waity was constantly flashing her “girly smile “.. But she’s yet to poke her tongue out at the Press…
          Both are horrible examples of Leadership, Poise, Modesty, Class and least of all, Royalty.. For whatever Royalty is worth, these days.
          I’m thinking it’s going well on the way of the Dodo Bird.. Chunk is gradually phasing out the Kilng-ons and will definitely trim tons of fat off the Payroll once his @$$ hits that Throne.
          After him?? Hard call.. I’m not sure Will is ever going to be “King “.

  • Sigi

    We hope. It’s not very likely though,right ? Nice looking guy too. Not precisely my type but he’s a nice looking.

    • PennieP.

      Hey.not really my ” type” , either.
      But, nice- looking is Nice- Looking.
      He is way more handsome than our Prince. Without his ” Title”, the Snark wouldn’t give him a second glance, too bad dumb Harry didn’t figure it out a year ago.
      This is the Man who owns the Chain of Chicken Shacks across Canada. They specialize in Roast Chicken.
      Of course, that is exactly what they were having for Dinner when they got ” engaged” , and didn’t Snarky toss that out into the Media a few THOUSAND times. She’s such a rotten B!t¢ h.

  • Sigi

    hi Pennie,
    Yes I replied to the martini posts, but have been caught up in a bunch of stuff and had to let a lot of comments pile up,
    I hope to catch up with them though. I think I’m being notified, I was just busier than normal.

    • PennieP.

      Ahh. OK… Won’t post to you for a while.
      Ijust thought several went missing.
      ….I’ll touch base later.
      Thank you for the information..

      • Sigi

        Oh OK sorry. I kept meaning to respond so I saved them. Been having some real pains lately with extra work,

        • PennieP.

          No.. Take your time.. Really.
          Just some stuff to lighten the mood.
          No hurry.

          • Sigi

            I’m wondering too, whether or not any of your posts are missing ! Do you think so ? I hope not. I was getting some that I just saved though –

          • PennieP.

            It seems like after a site hits over 100-150 posts…. Everything is scrambled and out of any type of order.
            Especially over on CDL.. THAT is a complete disaster… I’ll send you a few posts you missed on an article that was just put up.
            I think 2new articles about Snarks sister (I’m loving this woman more every time she opens her mouth!!) and her pretend “Charity “.
            Then, there’s another one with about 10 comments

          • Sigi

            OK thanks. I get frustrated with CDL, but they tend to put out articles m,ore often I think. Or do they ?!

            So I end up on Gossip Cop or the “Megan Mania” thing on “lovingthesoaps”. Royal Central is one I’ve stopped visiting but maybe should look at sometimes. They’re hissy though.

          • PennieP.

            Is this the photo of Waity ? By the way, did you see her FACE the other day at the BAFTA Awards?
            She looks like she’s had a TON of cosmetic surgery done.
            What Doctor does that on a “8 month pregnant women “???
            She looks like a MANNEQUIN!

          • Sigi

            Yes WAITY looks like a tight-faced mannequin !!!!!!!!!
            BOTOX ! PLASTIC SURGERY ! She looks C-R-A-Z-Y !!!!!!!!
            William looked like he just left a GAY nightclub. AS usual.

          • PennieP.

            I had to read that he was wearing “Velvet Shoes “!!. Velvet shoes???

          • Sigi

            If you uploaded a photo it didn’t show up.

          • Sigi

            OK I see, haven’t seen that one before but she sure looks phony, as usual. The poor child will be having nightmares.

          • Sigi

            You know I was thinking,it’s been awhile since I saw the photo we’re trying to find, Maybe that is one of a series and I saw a slightly different one,same day ,same outfit – but I’m just not sure.
            Was she “pregnant” in the photo here ?

          • PennieP.

            Hard to tell because her “baby” seems to fold up every time she bends over!!
            I’m still looking. I know it’s out there, and if it is… We’ll find it!!

          • PennieP.

            Pope John Paul II died April 2, 2005
            Prince Rainier III died April 6, 2005

            And…. Chunk &Rott tied the leash
            April 9, 2005.

            Stinking selfish and rude.

          • Sigi

            You know Samantha recently was asking why Snarkle doesn’t help their father ! I hope she keeps it up. It’s refreshing not to see the typical sycophant B.S. PR about ME-GAIN.

          • PennieP.

            I love how she keeps shoving that she doesn’t help her beloved Father out.
            I can see not being a personal ATM for everyone in her entire family, but didn’t Daddy give her all his cash for her Education at Northwest University ( that she didn’t graduate from, because she was short a few credits) and to launch her illustrious Career as a

          • Sigi

            Right. ME-GAIN is a sociopath/Narcissist. Can’t imagine why she doesn’t help her father out – even if they are not on the best of terms she could still help him out. Anyone with a conscience would help out even if things weren’t 100% great, he’s still her father and like you said, he made sure he gave her all he could give her to launch her in life.

          • PennieP.

            I was always taught…look how ( who you are dating) treats their mother/ father.
            Well, Harry…I suppose that is something he’s going to learn the hard way.
            She’s just as much as admitted she’d BETTER get something for Valentine’s Day.. How immature. Beyond ae certain age, things like that should not have to be a threat..

          • Sigi

            I agree with the “watch how they treat their parents”thing,but once in a while there are parents who need to be avoided or cut off. But in general, they should be treated better than what ME-GAIN is doing.
            It’s kind of amusing Harry’s not become fed up with ME-GAIN’s crap already. He’s fairly dim-witted.
            Oh she came out with a Valentine’s demand ?! Was it supposed to “a joke” or “funny” ?

          • PennieP.

            Nooo. She EXPECTS Breakfast inw bed, dozens and dozens of flowers( Peonies)…. And a little bobble or two.
            There was an article about her getting MASSIVE amounts of Flowers on the Set of SUITS….
            Woman has no shame

          • Sigi

            LOL, sounds like a real drag. Maybe the queen will have her bumped off. You know how queenie is.

          • PennieP.

            Wine, Pups and Flowers From Harry! See Meghan Markle’s Favorite ThingsHere are a few of the actress’s things, according to Markle herself!

            1. Her dogs.

            Markle’s beloved pups are pros when it comes to posing for selfies with the animal lover. She frequently posts photos of her four-legged pals.

            2. Stopping to smell the roses.

            The way to Markle’s heart is through a stunning bouquet of flowers. And she has coincidentally received several deliveries of her favorite flower — peonies — since she met the prince. She captioned one of the first photos, “Swooning over these,” with the hashtag, #spoiledrotten.

            3. Living the jet-set life.

            Markle is an avid traveler. She always has her passport handy and loves to share photos of her latest vacation spots — Harry’s hometown of London has become one of her most visited destinations this year!

            4. Red, red wine.

            The actress knows the value of a good glass of red wine.

            *PEOPLE MAGAZINE*

          • Sigi

            Barf-worthy !!!!

          • PennieP.

            Don’t you just love that “Pups ” crap?
            Knowing she ditched one dog….. And still…. Nothing, absolutely nothing on the other dog and his injuries. If, in fact he really did have 2 broken legs. I’m starting to doubt that whole BS story.

          • Sigi

            Eeeeew ! It’s ME-Gain Snarkle and her Enormous Ego.

          • PennieP.

            Disgusting, isn’t it?
            Just look at how she’s craving attention with her arms loaded up with flowers…. Sick behavior. Very immature and narcissistic

          • Sigi

            Belongs in an asylum. She’s actually creepy !

          • PennieP.

            And of course she has to Parade up and Down the Street so everyone can see her and the Paps get a real good shot of her for the Tabloids.

          • Sigi

            ME-GAIN = Narcissist/Sociopath. Harry’s too retarded to see it, has enough mental issues of his own.They’ll continue to be weird together as long as it lasts.

          • PennieP.

            Maybe they packed her back up in her Shipping crate and will release her as soon as she can behave in public…. Ha! Which will be NEVER.

          • Sigi

            Me-Gain has that amazing junk shop style.

          • PennieP.

            I saw vagrants on the streets of Las Vegas covered with newspaper for a blanket, wake up and look better than that slob.
            She was a mess in Scotland with those horrible pants sweeping up the street… And the hair… That little Shetland Pony was cleaner and better turned out than that slob.
            I can’t imagine what those plants looked like at the end of the day.. Ugh, Chunk better start cracking down on the allowance until she can figure out how to look (and act) presentable.

          • Sigi

            LOL ! She likes Vagrant Style. It’s the in-thing now,she thinks.
            I really still believe they won’t get married. Something will go wrong, maybe someone at the palace of inbred rats will get really ticked off and “deal with” Harry and/or Snarkle.

          • PennieP.

            I’m thinking (rather morbidity) The Cadaver is finally going to cark.. That will delay the nuptials for about a month.
            She will get PO’d over the delay and throw a fit, ticking off the Queen and send her packing… That is my “Happy Ever After “…
            Rather bleak and full of gloom & doom… But, it’s the best I can wish for, at this point.

            Yeah, Sharks is the equivalent of “Shabby Chic ” but when it comes to fashion and style, she definitely falls into the Vagrant or Bag Lady category.
            I can’t think of another person who dresses as slovlenly as that pig…

          • Sigi

            LOL ! I should have known…Phil the C. might help out by “carking” !
            That’s really funny !!!!!!
            Yeah , her and Waity really were brilliant additions to the royal crime family.

          • PennieP.

            Look how sloppy she is standing. ..And guess who WASN’T invited? ?
            Yep! My favorite target and soon to be Royal .I’ll bet she’s seething .

          • Sigi

            Not following you about who wasn’t invited. Unless you’re referring the upcoming disaster/wedding and how ME-GAIN certainly won’t invite her own family.

          • PennieP.

            Waity was at some “Fashion Show ‘ disguisedisguised as a Charity Event.
            Snarkle was NOT invited!!!
            But Waity ,as per usual, made some stupid comment about the custom made gowns

            Among those Kate chatted to was Nigerian designer Nkwo, who said she had been fascinated to learn about the heading process and how long it had taken her.

            ✂“I explained to her that everything had been hand sewn. The only time a machine was used was for the lining. She couldn’t believe it.❗

            How stupid can she be ? This is the Art History Major. ..She knows nothing about Art, Design ,Fashion….. Worthless

          • Sigi

            Ahhhh ha ha ha hahaaaaaahaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!
            She keeps shooting herself in the foot. She’s so freaking dumb.
            You know Waity. She was busy with other things, no time to study. Was busy being a public drunk, flashing her crotch, stalking Baldy,attending parties where she was promoting “vibrators” while wearing bunny ears………

          • PennieP.

            Honestly, I never thought it was THAT easy to get a Graduate Degree from St Andrew’s..
            Humm, I was doing it all wrong. I should have been legally drunk, chasing some fool with a Title and ditching my panties… I’d have finished that Degree and married a Prince.
            And the cherry on top of the garbage heap

            Well… Too late for me. That train left the Station. Even that idiot Prince Albert is “taken”…

          • PennieP.

            Where are my pictures? ?
            Something screwy is going on here!!
            I posted a picture of Waity at some Charity event… She and Sophie was hosting .
            Snarkel wasn’t invited!!!

          • Sigi

            The site is freezing up. I wanted to post a photo but nothing happened. I’ll try again….

          • Sigi

            Ugh. Waity is so fukkking boring. Can’t stand the sight of her !

          • PennieP.

            Look how great Sophie looks

          • Sigi

            I’m pretty sure Cadaver Phil “passed on” months ago, from look of him. He’s on wheels now and they roll him around by remote control.

          • PennieP.

            Well, anytime I have to ” Edit” a comment on CDL…. It vanishes.
            I’ve learned to come to DISQUS post edit then cut and paste on CDL. Nothing gets lost that way.

          • Sigi

            AnneMarie should salvage her CDL site. She has to know how bad it is.

          • PennieP.

            I made another complaint about my “buddy ” Patricia doxxing me, and I’ve not heard anything back for a week

          • Sigi

            “Doxxing” ? What’s that ? So the complaint worked ?
            I hope so.

          • PennieP.

            Doxxing is putting out personal information on another poster.
            Highly, highly looked down on…..
            Have not heard back.
            Usually, Anne-Marie responds within 4-6 hours…..

          • Sigi

            OK. I’d heard the term before and forgot the meaning. What personal info ? Where did they obtain from ? That’s creepy.

            I thought you meant that AnneMarie took care of the issue fast.
            I hope she responds soon.

          • PennieP.

            When I set up my account on CDL new format, they gave a choice of tying it in with your Gmail account so you can get notified.
            Iwas UNAWARE they put all the information on your Gmail on mistake…but, Patricia, Guest, Ghoul..whatever is having a field day…. Oops!

          • Sigi

            Oh no. That blows –
            Yes I’d bet the troll-twat was proud of themselves. They’re that dumb. For then it was probably a real “coup”.

          • PennieP.

            I see ‘Patricia’ found you on Gossip Cops….she just had to add her worthless 2¢ of information in.
            The comment about KFC and Snarkel eating buckets of “The Colonel”….
            I was going to join in the levity about eating with her hands, ect…
            As soon as I saw S/HE made some dumb reply…I just backed away..
            Not worth my time to even insult that dolt.

          • PennieP.

            Ha!! You got it!! That’ll be the day when Snarky dates one of THEM..
            THAT is the Markel toss. When the Soul Music stops, you’re stuck with her .Harry was the one holding the Melon this time
            I saw that and just about DIED!!
            Ladyhawke was hysterical…

          • Sigi

            LadyHawke ? What do you mean ?

            Glad you like the pic !

          • PennieP.

            She saw the Bathing suit picture. About died!!

          • Sigi

            Oh, OK –
            You posted the photo elsewhere , I guess on CDL ?
            It really is a great find.
            It’s astonishing ME-GAIN would wear it – considering !

          • PennieP.

            She doesn’t get the connection.
            She’s only black when it suits her agenda

          • Sigi

            Oh yes, I agree !

          • PennieP.

            Yeah.. I posted it a few times. I suppose it got lost in the mess.
            That was why I was asking you if you got all your messages last week

          • Sigi

            I see. I went back to try to catch up a little at CDL. The trolls were there too, I noticed.

          • PennieP.

            I swear they are the same two.
            I can’t imagine being that bored and lonely they find people just to say something stupid!
            You know? Like, I can’t waste my time going from site to site looking for us just to post something ridiculous.

          • Sigi

            I can’t imagine it either. Especially since the “royal” wankers they try to defend aren’t even paying attention.

  • PennieP.

    Markle wrote an article for TIME called “How Periods Affect Potential

    She also supported World Vision’s Clean Water Campaign in Rwanda in 2016.

    Ottawa, Canada (2016). At 2016’s Summit, she delivered a talk alongside Justin Trudeau

    In November 2016, Markle wrote for ELLE UK about her experience working with the United Nations

    when she was just 11 years old. Upon seeing a sexist advertisement on TV, Markle wrote letters to Hillary Clinton,

    Markle posted on Instagram, “Exercise your right to vote—

  • Sigi

    I agree. Looks like a spinach color and the jewelry doesn’t look right with it.
    That Prom outfit probably looked adorable, sounds innocent,

    • PennieP.

      I would have NEVER though of mixing the two colors.
      I was PISSED because I HATED that color.. And a few other things…
      But, isn’t that what she pays good money for a STYLIST???
      I can think of at least 3 color combinations that would have made that dress a “WOW “… instead she looks like a clown… And her Face..

      My God !!. It’s horrible !

  • Sigi

    C. Phil will keep on ticking, as long as he stops for enough refills of embalming fluid……..

    • PennieP.

      Haha. He looks about a quart low on that formeldehyde!

      • Sigi

        Yes the whole sham is starting to fall apart – finally ! Why not just give the guy a decent burial ?

        • PennieP.

          Agree. Someone needs to get that thing back in his Crypt…
          But, I’m still hoping he’s going to screw up that horrible excuse for a Wedding.
          I remember that when Chunk and Rottie wanted to get married (and finally make him an honest Tampon)… The Pope, or Mother Teresa died, then Prince Rainier died right around the same time.
          Queenie wanted them to hold off, for respect, And I can’t remember WHO it was that died… But, Camilla put her big fat foot down and demanded that the Wedding will not be postponed…. And they carried out the plan as if nothing happened.
          I’m sure Shark will try to pull the same sh! T… But, a Family member, and especially a High Ranking Member… Like Cadaver will not be tolerated.
          That will certainly be the end of her.