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Prince Harry Has Nothing To Do Except Walk The Dog As He “Broods Over the Past”

Prince Harry Has Nothing To Do Except Walk The Dog As He “Broods Over the Past”British royal family news shows that today is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s daughter Invisibet Lilibet’s third birthday. At least that’s what we’ve been told in years past. There are no current pictures of the girl, and scores of people believe that Lilibet and her older brother Archie don’t exist. Google it.

The media was told that the traitors celebrated Lilibet’s birthday this past weekend in Montecito, California. It wasn’t made clear if they celebrated at their own home or rented the mansion down the street, the one they frequently sublet instead of allowing anyone into their McMansion.

Royal Family News – Today Is Lilibet’s Birthday

People broke the news today that Harry and Meghan were denied an invite to Trooping the Colour for the second year in a row. Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror that Meghan has “moved on” from the royal family, but Harry is “still brooding over the past.”

Quinn said “She’s the main driver for their commercial enterprises in the States where, having taken the dog for a walk each morning, Harry has little to do beyond brooding over the past.”

Royal Family News – Harry And His Dog Days

Harry and Meghan have rumored Netflix projects however, he a polo show and she a cooking show. Some fans theorized that the Markle kids could appear in either or both shows, but first a show has to filmed.

They are also said to be producing a film adaptation of Carley Fortune’s novel Meet Me at the Lake. And of course, Meghan has American Riviera Orchard jam to peddle.

Plus, they were just welcomed to Nigeria by a notorious criminal who paid for their trip, the one in which Meghan was given the 43% Nigerian name, Adetokunbo.

Royal Family News – Meghan Now A Nigerian Princess

Quinn also clacked to The Mirror that Harry wants his kids Archie and Lili to know their cousins George, Charlotte, and Louis. Which is hard when their father alienated the family to the point that they don’t want to be on the same continent let alone a rumpus room.

Louella Alderson doubled down on Quinn’s assertions, telling The Mirror that Harry “would have a strong emotional attachment to his past as part of the royal family. On the other hand, Meghan was born and raised in America, and it would feel more like home to her—so it makes sense that she has an easier time moving on from their time as working members of the royal family and is focused on her opportunities in the U.S.”

Tell us royal fans, what is your current assessment of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex?

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1 Comment
  1. Ananda says

    Every opportunity they’ve had theyve squandered & they’re still doing it. That’s why Hollywood named them “the biggest losers, Spotify called them fcking grifters & KC3 has been too busy to evensee him. Yet they still think that Americans will fall all over themselves to see the shows they say they’re making. Who cares about polo or her fake cooking? No one does, that’s who. They might as well pack it up & go hang out with the Nigerian criminals who love them so much. Princess maggot! Sounds fitting for a wannabe like her.

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