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Prince Harry Is Blaming The Press For His Royal Feud

Prince Harry Is Blaming The Press For His Royal FeudIs it really fair to put the entire blame on the press? Probably not, but that’s exactly what Prince Harry is doing as he believes that the British media is the real reason why he is no longer speaking to his family members back in the UK. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Blaming The Press For His Royal Feud

In a new interview with ITV, the Duke of Sussex says that he thinks his press battle is central to his ongoing rift with the royal family. 

Some would like to beg to differ though as they think that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have also been using the press to throw the royal family under the bus, too.

But Harry doesn’t see it that same way. He thinks that his decision to fight against the intrusion from the tabloid media has been a central piece behind the breakdown of his own relationship with his father, King Charles, and his brother, Prince William.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duke Of Sussex?

He told ITV, “I think that’s certainly a central piece to it. But that’s a hard question to answer, because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press.”

“I’ve made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done, it would be nice if we did it as a family.”

“I believe that from a service standpoint and when you’re in a public role, these are the things that we should be doing for the greater good. I’m doing this for my reasons.”

“I think everything that’s played out has shown people what the truth of the matter is. For me, the mission continues, but yes, it’s caused part of a rift.”

Now, whether or not Prince Harry can convince the royal family of the same remains to be seen, but right now King Charles and Prince William want absolutely nothing to do with him.

And there you have it, folks! Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows and The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

  1. Irenne says

    Harry and Meghan have done nothing but rag on tbe press from day one. It seems that Meghan suffered a sudden terrified attack when the press found out she was dating Prince Harry. Shades of DIANA. Then Harry denied the press access to the royal wedding. They made themselves notorious by acting as though they are hiding something. What a couple of spoiled brats.

  2. Debby says

    Harry BLAMES EVERYONE ELSE for all his trials, fueds, press… but everything comes from his delusional, narcissists mind.

  3. Gioviina says

    That’s right blame someone else for your lies and damage to your family. You both use the press when you want and then abuse them for what you want. It’s all your doing the wouldn’t print lies unless you told them otherwise you would sue them. Your family know that the media prints things for the public and the royals have nothing to do with you because of your lies and abuse of them. When you apologise for your lies and narcissistic behaviour maybe things might change and not in your demands and timing an organised time that is agreed by all concerned who do you think you are to demand arrangements when it suits you you have to make arrangements like other respected persons after all you are only spare you know !!!! Keep that in mind!!!!

  4. noellastober says

    Oh Harry I did not even read this article of bs You do not have tolook farther than your nose or catch your mirror It is not the press, it is you and MM all along Take responsibility for what you have done along with your wife It is sad to see a man your age and a wife so stupid that you would still blame others If you could own up to what has been done and all the chaos that has come of this, put it on your shoulders and not the worlds you maybe could find you could eventually get back into good graces with your family Your wife is so adamant that she only has hatred for the people who welcomed her with open arms, especially the man who walked her down the isle when she threw her father to the wolves but no, not this woman Hate, hate and hate, that is all she does She will drain you of every cent you have because that is her way then throw you to the curb Get the damn paternity test about Archie and let the world know lthe truth I pray he will be y ours but if not, get it out om the open and start clearing up all the crap and get it behind you She is evil, I tell you she unfortunately is very evil Your mum would have never let this happen,. Your grandma tried to stop this crap from lingering on and on. Take the adivce the loved ones shared with you and stand up like the man that you once were You have to find him as he is somewhere in there, fully hidden from sight You will feel so much better and you have an entire world willing to forgive y ou but not the wife and that is sad but you could become the man you once were and later on in life, the kids will look up to you for being the man who took care of all his issues to make it right

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