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Prince Harry & Meghan Let $$$ Get in the Way Of Posh & Becks Friendship

Prince Harry & Meghan Let $$$ Get in the Way Of Posh & Becks FriendshipBritish royal family news reveals that while Meghan Markle and Prince Harry struggle to be relevant, all they have to do is look at Victoria and David Beckham for inspiration.

According to one royal expert, the tarnished couple would love to have the status and adoration afforded the former Spice Girl and her gilded soccer legend husband.

Instead they are reduced to selling giving away jam that no one wants and touring Nigeria, their newest homeland.

Will Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ever be great and succeed at a level not parallel to a sewer line? Here’s what one royal insider thinks.

Royal Family News – The Markles Are Not Thriving

According to Richard Fitzwilliams, the Sussexes “would like to be” the Beckhams. But he told The Sun that the Duke of Duchess of Excess will never be able to build a strong Beckham-like brand nor match their degree of patriotism.

He stated “The Beckhams and the Sussexes aren’t comparable, they aren’t on the same level. There isn’t a modest comparison other than the superficial, because you’ve got those who’ve basically survived decades, and they’re absolutely huge.”

He added that through thick and thin, controversy and success ” the Beckhams have not only survived, they’ve thrived.” Can we say the same thing about the Markles?

Royal Family News – Harry & Meghan Are No Becks & Posh

Fitzwilliams has covered the royal family for decades and has the kind of insider cred that the Markles loathe. He said that while there once was a “period where apparently Meghan was endorsing Victoria’s brand, and the couples were apparently getting on in one way or another …

here’s no doubt that the Beckhams are very, very patriotic — they are great supporters of the royal family.”

And we all know that the Markles themselves have drawn the battle lines—others–like Princess Eugenie–must choose the Montecito losers or align with the real royals.

Royal Family News – The Markles Monetized Their Royal Connections

Fitzwilliams has a theory as to why the grifters fell out of favor with the Beckhams and it all comes down to greed.

He said “I suspect strongly, and this is just my view, that they didn’t like the way the Sussexes monetized their royal connections for gain … It would seem that what was once a blossoming friendship has now descended into something of a rift.”

Guess this means we’ll never know if Vic got a bottle of jamscam, will we?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

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