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Prince Harry & Meghan Setting Themselves Up To Be Alternative Royals

Prince Harry & Meghan Setting Themselves Up To Be Alternative RoyalsBritish royal family news shows that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are desperately trying to rebrand themselves as not-your-grandmother’s royals.

How else to explain their cringe scamjam and faux-royal tour to Nigeria? Although the Nigerian Riveria Tour was not for naught, as Meghan was given a new princess title. Will she use her Nigerian Warrior Princess title in place of Duchess of Sussex? What do you think?

Royal expert Sarah-Louise Robertson isn’t fooled by the couple’s tacky trip and called them out for grandstanding while King Charles and Kate Middleton are in the midst of grueling cancer treatments.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan’s Nigerian Riviera Tour

She told GB News that the couple are clearly “setting themselves up to be the alternative royals. This is another stab at making it for the Sussexes and redefining their brand.”

“They just put different hats on for different things – she’s setting herself that this is her rebranding herself, and Harry’s obviously part of that.”

Reports indicate that the struggling African country laid out the red carpet for the Sussexes, giving them free security and all the local delicacies they could eat.

Half-naked Meghan also came away with several free blankets that were tossed at her in an attempt to get her to cover up her nudity.

The expert added that “Harry’s got a four man security team, which sticks in the throat for people over here because he was bleating, trying to sue us over his security.”

She pointed out that the couple claim they are not safe in Britain “yet he’s gallivanting away over in Nigeria with not a care in the world, when actually they are at risk of kidnap threat.”

Royal Family News – Expert Trolls The Sussexes

But experts warn that the real threat to Meghan Markle is the way the public responded to her crass attempt to gift VIP’s questionable jugs of allegedly handmade strawberry jam.

She made a production of sending out 50 jars, but only a handful of celebs were willing to admit to being gifted, let alone giving her free social media publicity.

Royal expert Daniela Elser told that the couple’s popularity has never been lower, with a YouGov poll showing that “the duchess has fallen five points, from -38, in the space of only a month and yet she has not exactly done anything aside from supporting Harry and Invictus and announcing her forthcoming lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard.”

Let’s let the expert have the last word: “Who knew that getting into the jam game would cause such a strong public reaction?” Indeed.

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Editorial credit: Lorna Roberts /

1 Comment
  1. Eljo says

    I am so angry that the Sussexs chose a time when the monarchy has to major royals dealing with cancer and trying hard to keep things moving along. I can hear MM saying to Harry, now is the time we should do everything we can to make us important by visiting Nigeria and wherever we can
    What a sad couple. They crave attention so much that they do it when the King and Princess are trying to get better. Karma is a b____!

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