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Prince Harry Plans To Rescue His Suffering Family, This is Their Response

British royal family news reveals that true to form, Prince Harry can’t stop himself from leaking private family matters.

This week he allowed himself to be asked about King Charles’ private cancer battle during an interview with Good Morning America.

At one point Harry even seemed to indicate that he sees his father’s terrible condition as a way for him to rescue his family and reinsert himself back into the monarchy.

Royal Family News – Harry Sees Himself As A Savior?

In a typically self-centered Harry moment, the Duke of Sussex declared that “illness and sickness brings families together, seemingly hinting that he is willing to put his feud with the Royal family aside” according to GeoTV.

Prince Harry Plans To Rescue His Suffering Family, This is Their Response

And yet as tasteless as Harry’s comments were, one source claims that after a trailer of the interview was released the royal family were thankful that he didn’t do more verbal damage.

Royal pundit Cameron Walker told GB News that “a sigh of relief at Buckingham Palace” was let out when it appeared Prince Harry did not divulge details of his private conversation with his father.

When Harry was asked, “What is your outlook on his [the King’s] health?” he replied, “That stays between me and him.”

Royal Family News – Harry Learning His Lesson?

Harry was interviewed in Canada while attending an Invictus Games event. He was asked if his father’s illness could reunify his family and Harry said “yeah, I think any illness, any sickness, brings families together. I see it time and time again, and that makes me very happy.”

Royal Family News: Will Harry Visit King Charles?

However, Harry seems to have no timetable for visiting his father again. He stated “I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go see and spend any time with him, I’m grateful for that.”

But then he seemed to show that supporting his father in person is a low priority: “I’ve got other trips plans that will take me through the UK, or back to the UK, and so I’ll stop in and see my family as much as I can.”

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  1. Betty says

    That self important pr_ _ k really thinks his the only person who can waltz in take over to save the RF from themselves and they will bow down to him after all the damage and hate he has done. Sorry Harry there’s no way back for you. You need a big taste of reality and a psychrist.

  2. Carolyn says

    I agree with Betty’s comment. No way Harry to come back.

  3. Kate says

    He’s such a narcissist and so out of touch with anyone else’s feelings and needs. The RF doesn’t need him or want him. He can’t be trusted. He only wants to stay connect for money and fame. He and Megan are a disgrace. All she wants to do is destroy Princess Kate because of her jealousy.

  4. Pam Terra says

    If he were my family member, I wouldn’t trust him from here to there. I think it would be bad news to have him in the clan again. He “loves his family”, yet look at all the damage he has done. They don’t need any enemies with a family member like that.

    If this goes the way of my usual comments it will be reconstructed by the powers that be and never be seen or not read the same.

    1. Frank says

      Forgiveness, repair the damage,then FORGIVE.

  5. Rae Harward says

    Let’s not forget whom we are talking about. The royal family can do their own thinking and acting upon all sorts of things.
    They will handle every situation with respect and decorum. Please don’t assume they are helpless and need to be supported or not. They get by just fine.

  6. Teresa says

    Really? Harry can’t seem to save himself. He must be on some strong medications to believe that the RF will allow him back in. Too much damage has been done and for him to pretend all is well and I will be the savior, he must be delusional. He cannot be trusted. He may not have divulged any private info in those 2 interviews but that’s just because they are not paying him for it. He will for the right price.

    1. Kim says

      I agree all Harry wants 1 money 2 more information to write a book.

  7. Joan says

    Pretty much what everyone else here has said sums it up!

  8. Deborah says

    MY God Harry’s more than DELUSIONAL, what he states doesn’t make any sense. He sounds like he’s on some sort of drugs. He’s so desperate for publicity he makes crazy remarks & statements out of nowhere. He doesn’t sound rational anymore tome.

  9. G says

    Harry has tried to fix his his family and do you all think the RF is perfect? I don’t think so , they are cruel and care about themselves and money , servants etc , I can’t stand them , I’m so glad H& M are out , and living free , I believe Harry is really trying to help his family during their hard times with Charles and Kate , what ever happened to forgiveness? Harry told the truth in spare and his Mom
    Would be so proud, I hope he never goes goes back , screw them all . Camilla needs to keep her mouth shutt, she broke that family up , what will she do without her darling Charles

  10. Susan says

    I have always said it . Harry is jealous of his brother. Let’s face it he got the girl , what did Harry get a pale version of a princess. She has done a lot of damage to her own family,and is trying to do the same to Harry’s . I really don’t think the royal family are bothered. They are not smart enough to do to much . Harry needs to think about what he wants and do it . In or out and keep his wife on a short leash.

  11. Debby says

    With this supposed statement Harry sounds deranged & delusional. He really needs help, I sincerely hope he gets it.

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