Prince Harry Regrets Marrying Meghan Markle?

Does Prince Harry regret marrying Meghan Markle? That’s what some royal critics can’t help but wonder as things just seem to be going from bad to worse for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as they are constantly being mocked and ridiculed by the media for all the things that are going wrong in their lives right now. Here’s what you need to know.

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Prince Harry Regrets Marrying Meghan Markle?

It seems like ever since Harry and Meghan have left London, the only thing that has helped generate money for them is if they sell secrets about the royal family in their interviews and tell-all books. But even airing out your family’s dirty laundry can only take you so far, right?

That might be one of the reasons why Harry is so tired of it already. There’s a good chance that he just wants to go back to London and do all of the royal engagements that he did before Meghan came into the picture and better yet, help make a positive impact on the world.

According to The Mirror, royal expert Kinsey Schofield even believes that things will never be the same for Harry unless he decides to divorce Meghan Markle and go back to the way things were before she entered the picture.

She said, “Sadly, I think the only way that things would go back to normal is if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were to separate and Prince Harry returned to the UK solo.”

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Is Harry Going To Leave Meghan Behind?

Now, whether or not the Duke of Sussex actually does that remains to be seen but for now it looks like he’s going to fight for his marriage and his family in California. After all, the couple are parents to their two small children, Archie and Lilibet.

If Harry does decide to return to London, there’s a good chance that Meghan will try to stay behind in California with their kids, which means Harry will have very little access to them. Here’s hoping that Harry and Meghan can sort out their issues before the you-know-what hits the fan. Watch this space.

Tell us celebrity gossip fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Also, Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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Editorial credit: AU Media /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Martha

    Markle won’t divorce Harry. He is her only revelance in this world.

    • ILoveMeghan

      WOW, Martha!! “He is her only REVELANCE in this world”. I guess since you are so superior to the Duchess of Sussex, you are already acquainted with the benefits of using a dictionary! If you’re not, however, you might want to consider trying it.

      I am SICK of the way people think it’s their birthright to criticize Meghan and Harry, regardless of what they do or don’t do! Now I’ll probably be banned from this site for having expressed my valid opinion, while people like Martha are allowed to continue spreading their venomous hatred towards Meghan and Harry!!!

  • Dennis

    People should leave the couple alone to figure out their lives by themselves.

  • Kathy Stout

    I wish everyone would leave Harry and Meghan alone! They need to get Camilla out of her title as a queen because she is a home wrecker.

  • Tammy Enyart

    I think it’s time that the media should stop behaving like school yard bullies with all the negative reporting about Harry and Meagan. I’m so sick of the juvenile way that media maligns and destroys their reputation. I would love to see news sources gain some integrity for a change and practice being kinder and just grow up. Your article wasn’t the worst I have read. I’m mainly speaking about these last few years in general. Thank you for letting your readers voice their thoughts. Peace be with you.