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Prince Harry Regrets Not Spending Christmas With The Royal Family

Prince Harry regrets not spending Christmas with his family back in the UK. Even though  the Duke of Sussex has built a new life for himself in California with his wife Meghan Markle and their two children, he still misses his family back home, including his father King Charles and his brother, Prince William.

In fact, he’s missing them now more than ever before during the holiday season. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry Regrets Not Spending Christmas With The Royal Family

According to a new report, Prince Harry is desperate to patch things up with his royal family. He also wants this Christmas to be the last Christmas that he spends in California.

Prince Harry Regrets Not Spending Christmas With The Royal Family

At least, that’s what royal expert Kinsey Schofield believes. She told GB News in an interview that Harry truly misses his family, and especially during the holiday season.

She put it this way,I think that there are elements to Prince Harry; I do think he truly misses his family. I don’t think, and Omid Scobie’s book said this too, that Meghan has any desire to return to the U.K. to patch things up.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Sussexes?

Now, as far as Meghan Markle is concerned, it might take her a very long time to fix things with her husband’s family, let alone ever step foot in the UK again. 

Schofield added, “She would like to utilize the platform that they gave her to monetize this fame or infamy. I do think Harry is likely very lonely and misses his family and misses the chaos that surrounds those fun Christmases. But for Meghan, I think it’s mostly financial.”

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter, however at this point it’s doubtful anything will be said. But it will also be interesting to see if he does make it to the UK by next Christmas.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

  1. Cathy says

    I think he misses the fact he has no gossip for a new book. She wants the free money. If RF is smart, distance themselves from grifters forever. The King needs to realize if he accepts them again they’ll destroy his family..his other son and grandkids and the memory of his mother

    1. Sherry says

      Absolutely and totally agree with you about Harry and Meghan. No way should they ever be trusted to be back with the family as that is what they will use for another book or Oprah interview again. Harry made his bed so sleep deep and you can dream of good times with your family as that is all you deserve after what all the lies and hurts and more lies again you have done to the royal family.

  2. Giovina says

    You will miss many more if you do not apologise for all the lies and hurt you have caused and don’t use the children to get back either go back alone because megain doesn’t want to put feet in uk unlesss she knows $$$ are there for her gain

    1. Sherry says

      You hit the nail on the head, all Meghan cares about is MONEY and TITLES to make her feel she is better than everyone else……Let her suffer Ca and never to be back with Charles and the family again. She is plain evil in stabbing people in the back after she gets what she wants from them. Look how Charles walked her part way down the aisle in her marriage and now she has bad mouthed him and his family after all they did for her to welcome her into the family…..shame on Meghan Markle, not a real duchess at all, just an empty title is all it is.

  3. Tracylynn Chrestman says

    He brought all this on himself.

  4. Deborah says

    If Harry really wanted to “patch” things he could have done it at any time. He wants things his way & screw what his family thinks. Harry wants his titles & UK protection & from daddy.

    1. Deborah says

      PS Money from daddy to float his lifestyle

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