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Prince Harry Told Not To Return To The UK

Things are certainly not going to go back to the way things were before. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry has been told not to return to the UK.

Even though he has the best of intentions right now and wants to be there for his sister-in-law Kate Middleton after she had announced her cancer diagnosis, he’s also being told to stay away.

That’s because both the princess and her husband Prince William have no intention of ending their feud with Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle. The hurt is just way too deep. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Told Not To Return To The UK

Prince Harry has been told not to return to the UK even though the royal family is in crisis mode right now.

Prince Harry Told Not To Return To The UK

With both King Charles and Kate Middleton dealing with their cancer battles, the Duke of Sussex has been told to stay away.

That’s mostly because there are very few people behind closed palace doors that actually trust him right now.

Both Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have a long history of leaking personal information about the royals to the press.

That’s the last thing that Harry’s brother Prince William wants to see right now. Both his father and his wife are dealing with the biggest challenges of their lives.

He needs to focus on them and not whatever drama Prince Harry is going to bring along with him in his suitcase.

After all, Prince William knows that Prince Harry tends to make every problem and every headline about him and that’s what he wants to avoid right now.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duke Of Sussex?

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about whether or not he is going to travel to the UK anyway.

It’ll be interesting to see if Meghan Markle goes with him, too. We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in. 

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /

  1. Carolyn says

    Harry and Megan should not be let in the UK. They are evil and will hurt the Royal Family any chance they can. Their titles should be taken away from them and children.

    1. Dolores Newman says

      They should nit have titles, I agree. They wanted to be on thei4 own with their own financial independence. That’s what they said. Now they find they’re failures and only have their titles to lean on. Not so easy..oh well. They need to grow up and leave the royal family alone.

  2. Pk says

    Agree, please leave them alone. They cannot be trusted. They will betray if trusted again.

  3. Andrea says

    In my view only my view it’s sad for William His Father Kate.
    Harry, wants to come home to live, megan takes hold of him.
    He Loves William and his Father he wants his children to see his family not this not now.
    Princess Diana, didn’t bring William nor Harry up this way!
    She was about Love Forgiveness, therefore they should allow Harry his children back to his home.
    Absolutely not Megan Markel No!!!

    1. K. L. King says

      Bravo and thank you for recognizing that William and Harry our family and that their father as well as his sister-in-law are sick and do need all the support they can get even though we both know however because of all the drama right now Let Well I was going to anyway but Kate and chucklehead get through their treatments if however his dad should take a turn or even Kate then maybe they should be allowed to go ahead and bring the children over however Megan must not leave the palace grounds to talk to any of the press and she should be nowhere around press that maybe on the grounds but the kids need to see their grandfather and get to know him and they get need to get to know their aunt and their cousins yes they are young but they’re still in need of family and to get to know their family there needs to be restrictions on Harry’s movements as well I think but they all need to learn is what everybody learns when somebody says that a family member has cancer the family usually comes together and starts acting like human beings if they haven’t been up to that point it’s the responsibility of the people who are not sick to not add stress and act like human beings for those that are sick because what goes on when somebody in the family does get sick is they usually rally they need those people around too say what they have to say before something horrible happens and those that are sick often have a bit to say good bad or whatever the case may be they need to be allowed to say what they need to as well this is just my opinion and like bums everybody has one

  4. Grsdy says

    Megan and Harry are only interested in the lime light. Just the opposite of what they said in the beginning.

  5. Kim says

    I think that Harry and Megan have been terribly abused by the Press and now by their own family. After all the things that this family has been through, they need to stick together now not fight about old shit. They all need other to bury the hatchet and come together as a family. And that means love and support and Trust. Yes Harry has said a few things, but I believe they are the truth and that he should be able to come home with his wife and children, anytime he wants. JMHO.

    1. Maryjane says

      You have got to be kidding. Megan and Harry have said terrible things about the Royal family. They should never be trusted. H and M need to go away and live the private life they wanted. We all know they do not want privacy, they just liars.

    2. Marie says

      I think Camila needs to back off about Harry. After all she caused Diana so much hurt she is a rebellious person who is trying to run everything including Harry life she needs to keep her opinions to herself concerning Harry and his father.

    3. Ablalo says

      Nope. H&M made their own nasty bed – let them lie in it.
      The Royals have made it quite clear they want nothing to do with them.

  6. Dolores Newman says

    Harry needs to understand actions have consequences. PERIOD.

    1. Lynn says

      If actions have consequences, is it a coincidence that the two royals who are fighting cancer right now are the same ones who were commenting about Archie’s skin colour?

      1. Joan says

        How do YOU know who commented who made comments about skin, or if anyone ever did? I wouldn’t believe anything MM or her plastic mouthpiece said, they can’t keep their lies straight.

      2. Maryjane says

        Wow, that’s a low blow. First off, you don’t know anyone actually said anything about color. And, if they did, it could have been a very innocent thought, like, I wonder if the baby will have curly hair, . Megan is a sick, narcissistic girl and Harry has his own mental issue, “ woe is me”. H and M need to go quietly into the sunset. Liars are they.

  7. Deborah says

    Where Harry goes trouble & drama aren’t far behind. He’s completely unreliable and runs his mouth off for money. During this time Catherine & her family need peace, privacy, & support. NOT HARRY.

  8. Phyllis says

    Unforgiveness and bitterness can cause cancer to grow and get worst. When you hold things against others in your heart you cause your health to suffer and can’t heal the way you need. I’m praying all going through difficulty will let go of the past and learn to forgive and move on. God forgives us, why do we refuse to forgive one another. Hurting people hurt others. It’s time to put an end to the pain…

    1. Dorothy Davenport says

      I agree with everything you said. If God can forgive us. Why can’t they forgive? Life is too short to not forgive and to hold grudges. I’m praying for the entire family.

  9. D says

    I think it’s way to many skeletons in the Royal closet way before Harry and Megan came out. All the way back when Princess Diana was alive. We really don’t know what they actually went through to make them want to run away from the royal lifestyle we can only imagine or assume. However he still love his family and want to be there for them despite the issues they have caused. What if they don’t overcome cancer Harry don’t want to miss the opportunity to spend time with his father. I feel they should just put their differences to the side and focus and spending time with one another and mend the strife for the sake of the kids because it’s not their fault they are wrapped up in this generation curses they are chooses to create. They need to stop the beef and start making memories for the kids sake period. God don’t make no mistakes two people in the Royal family at the same time struck with Cancer mend y’all family set the differences aside and clean up all the toxicity and curses that the past ancestors have created and move on with their lives if not the kids will grow up dealing with their beef like Harry and William did.

    1. Maryjane says

      Nope. H and M cannot be trusted.

  10. Brenda Price says

    I am so sick of Harry crying the spare. Every baby burned after the first child is a spare no title. Harry and Meghan are very narcissistic and it is all about them. The only way that Meghan will let Harry move back to England as if it is co possible Harry could be King. The way that Harry has hurt Princess Catherine he needs to stay away. Harry looks like karma has found you.

  11. Carol says

    Harry needs to support his family!!! He needs to have the opportunity to do so. Who keeps telling him to stay away? They need to stop saying that.

  12. Dee gritz says

    Harry and Megan need to quit bothering
    Princess Kate you couldn’t even acknowledge her name just calling her Kate !!!and leave William and your dad alone you two have hurt that family
    Enough megan keep pretending you are a princess what a joke the victim that you
    Keep pretending you are!!! Poor megan
    You are a phoney poor Harry

  13. Yvette says

    I would not go at all and that monarchy need to end period it is outdated and phony

  14. Giovina says

    It’s Avery sad situation. But h and m cannot be trusted with private matters and royal uk matters ever. They chose independence so let them have it never to be working royals again and their titles and the children should be confiscated forever they’ve betrayed the family and the uk people after such a grand wedding which she wanted all for show so now never to be in the uk again as part of the royal family. Sad fir the children who she has kept away from family friends and the uk people. Never let them back on uk soil as royalty of course there are exceptions but no to anything royal or uk business. They especially Harry need to apologise for all they have done. Long live the royal family. Harry apologize before it is tooo
    Later this is my opinion

  15. AllahsHappyHalalPorkEmporium says

    Nothing “Royal” about any of them! Just a lucky collection of pompous a holes! Their snobbish petty squabbles stink up the plumbing the same, if not worse than any so called ” commoner”!!!

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