Prince Philip Issues Rare Public Statement Over Coronavirus

Prince Philip has been retired since 20017 but he has just issued a rare public statement in recognition of the efforts being undertaken to fight back against the coronavirus pandemic.

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The 98-year old Duke of Edinburgh made it clear that he admired the tremendous efforts taking place to keep the country safe and functioning as best as possible.

At this time Britain is considered to be at or near the peak of the coronavirus outbreak. More than 16,000 individuals have already died, the fifth-highest national death toll worldwide.

To date, the pandemic has claimed approximately 150,000 deaths across the globe.

Buckingham Palace has relapsed an official statement from Prince Philip concerning COVID-19

In his statement, released by Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth’s husband said he wished to, “recognise the vital and urgent work being done by so many to tackle the pandemic,” and he praised, “all united in working to protect us from COVID-19.”

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It is understood that Prince Philip was speaking of the many individuals involved in the medical and scientific realms as well as essential workers such as those in delivery services, trash collection, food production and postal work.

Prince Philip has made it clear he values the contribution of the untold number of everyday heroes

The Prince’s official statement noted, “As we approach World Immunisation Week, I wanted to recognise the vital and urgent work being done by so many to tackle the pandemic; by those in the medical and scientific professions, at universities and research institutions, all united in working to protect us from COVID-19.”

“On behalf of those of us who remain safe and at home, I also wanted to thank all key workers who ensure the infrastructure of our life continues; the staff and volunteers working in food production and distribution, those keeping postal and delivery services going, and those ensuring the rubbish continues to be collected.

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It is a rare occurrence for the retired prince to address the nation

Both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth are now isolating at Windsor Castle to ensure their safety from the raging pandemic. The Queen turns 94 on April 21 and her husband turns 99 in June.

The prince stepped down from engaging in official engagements in 2017 but has made a few public appearances since then.

Philip is affiliated with over 750 organizations, including those withing the healthcare and infrastructure, scientific, technological and research divisions assigned to address the pandemic.

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  • Guest

    Cheers to him for reaching out.