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Prince William Angered Over Kim Kardashian Comparisons

You can call him whatever you want, but just don’t call him a Kardashian. There’s one royal critic who has gone on the record to say that all of the promises that Prince William has made in the past have been as short-lived as some of Kim Kardashian’s marriages.

Apparently, the future king of England has said that he wants to work on things like racism and diversity, but so far he’s done very little in those areas. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince William Angered Over Kim Kardashian Comparisons

For her column in, Australian royal critic Daniela Elser says that ever since Prince William uttered the words “We are very much not a racist family,” he hasn’t really done anything to back up those claims.

Prince William Angered Over Kim Kardashian Comparisons

In fact, Prince William is yet to diversify his own staff at Kensington Palace. That, or apologize to his sister-in-law Meghan Markle for the way that she was treated in the UK.

Elser puts it this way, Well Your Highness, what have you actually done to back that up? Neither William or Kate has ever employed a private secretary or communications secretary who is a person of color.”

That said, royal staffers behind the scenes said that Buckingham Palace was looking to appoint a “diversity tsar” to help modernize the royal family. But that hasn’t happened, either.

For Elser, she thinks that the royal family spend too much talking and not enough time actually doing any of the things they’ve promised.

Prince William Has Done Very Little To Stop Racism

Else continued, Would you be shocked to know that more than two and a half years on from then, The Firm has somehow not gotten around to actually coming good on this promise?

The monarchy’s track record on race is about as healthy as Kim Kardashian’s when it comes to marriage.”

Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the criticism but at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said. Watch this space as there is so much more royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: 360b /

  1. Sherron Edwards says

    All the Royals are fit for is to suck the UK taxpayers dry while Kate runs around in dresses and coats that cost thousand while they gave the best of everything and DO NOTHING to earn it! I really wonder when the people will ever get sick of struggling while they support Royalty!

  2. Sissy says

    B.S. this story is worried about whether or not they are practicing diversity or needing to apologize to Markle on B.S. heresy. Please the royal family is about bring light to issues that truly need to be heard and seen. Enough of this left-wing crazy. Stay focused on what truly matters. As for finding people working for the royal family it is not whether skin color is right for the job it is the person and the right qualifications.

  3. Vlj says

    Just because some one is a person of color doesn’t make thenmm qualified for a position. While Afgirmative Action overlooks tgat fact, it doesn’t make it any less impirtant. I’d I ‘m hiring someone who would fit in my organization, Race doesn’t play a part…character, personality, qualifications and work ethic do. If the peooke I feel gave excelled in tge areas mentioned are not people of color, shouldn’t gave any bearing on it…if they’re the better fit for my organization so be it. I hate to gear the phrase ” kids need to see someone who looks like them….” no…they need to see qualified competent people…period. they also need to be exposed to successful people in all industries. Most importantly, we need to stop identifying people by color…” the first black woman to …” or “the first white woman to… ” just say ” she was the “…first woman to….”.
    Too much emphasis os placed on Race trying to advance tge victimhood of slavery to those who know nothing of being a slave and holding white people responsible…people who had nothing to do having slaves.
    Move on and let’s all just be Americans.

    1. Sherry says

      I absolutely and totally agree with you 1,000% for it is becoming outrageous that we private people have to hire someone because of the color of their skin………who in the hell are these idiots? This reporter is a full blooded racist idiot…..hire people because of their qualifications only. This is one of the reasons we have racism today as some in the black community are promoting it to make themselves look good and to make money.

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