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Prince William HATES Meghan Markle For THREE Revealing Reasons!

Meghan Markle never got a chance when it came to Prince William. And a new report reveals three very different reasons why William disliked Meghan so much. 

Find out why Prince Harry’s decision to tie the knot with the former Suits actress horrified his brother. And keep reading to learn all the reasons why William believed Harry made a huge mistake. 

Prince William Disliked Meghan Markle From Day One

Not a fan. With all due respect to the non-royal cast of Suits, Prince William will never become a fan of the legal drama. And that’s because it includes his enemy Meghan Markle. 

But sources via InStyle have revealed that Prince William hated Meghan from day one. And among three key reasons for his distaste, William viewed Meghan as “the living embodiment of an ‘outsider’,” revealed one insider.

Prince William HATES Meghan Markle For THREE Revealing Reasons!

However, royal author Omid Scobie also shared that William felt Harry made the wrong choice in wanting to marry the former Suits star. And Scobie shared, “William had been wanting to distance himself from his brother ever since Harry’s marriage to Meghan — whom the then Duke of Cambridge took a disliking to from the start.”

Prince William Felt Harry Ignored Risks

But beyond viewing Meghan as an outsider, William found two more reasons to dislike the American actress. First, Harry’s brother believed that he had become “swept up in her glamour and American joie de vivre.” And second, William felt that Harry became blindsided to the dangers. 

As a result, William believed that Harry couldn’t and wouldn’t “acknowledge the rules and risks of managing a relationship within the institutional apparatus.” And he also felt concerned that Meghan could hurt “the family image.”

But William also wanted Harry to slow down, according to Scobie. And he believed that Harry “was rushing into something that had serious blow-back potential.”

King Charles Stages Intervention

But the clashes between Harry and William over Meghan concerned King Charles. As a result, Charles arranged for an intervention. And he did his best to mend the rift between the brothers. But Harry became more angry at William for failing to welcome Meghan into the royal family.

However, amid Harry’s and Meghan’s time in the UK, they scored only one holiday invitation. And that invite occurred when King Charles convinced Prince William and Princess Kate to host the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for Christmas at Anmer Hall.

But throughout her years in the UK, Meghan “never felt at home.” As a result, the Duchess of Sussex has made no plans to visit England again. And Meghan has resisted any efforts to get her to “dive back into the soap opera,” say insiders. 

Overall, Prince William gave three reasons for disliking Meghan Markle. First, her outsider status; second, the risks to the royal family that she might embarrass them, and third, his belief that Meghan’s glamour blinded Harry to the downside.

Which reason do you think played the biggest role in his dislike of Meghan? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news. 

Editorial credit: 360b /

  1. Martha says

    Meghan was a “NO” from the get go! She is so jealous and evil. Prince William was correct in his judgement of her. Harry fell in love. Meghan saw $$$$$$.

    1. Cecelia says

      Meghan already had money. She didn’t have to wait 10 years for a man to ask her to marry her.

  2. Peggy says

    Megan thought Harry had money. She wants to be queen, jealousy of Kate and trying to destroy William and Kate. Megan is mean, deceitful, a lousy human. No one can trust those 2. They are looking for ways to make money. I hope Parliament strips them of everything connected to UK.

  3. Edward says

    I believe that William and his wife (Katherine) would have accepted a wife for Harry had she been Caucasian, and from one of the families that the royal family knew, and was connected to. I think that the Sussexes failure to be survive in the royal family/institution was the direct result of William’s and his wife’s sabotage. They took advantage of Meghan‘s ignorance of their system and world, and determinedly did not support her, or the marriage. Everyone in the institution is going to follow William’s lead. Yes, I believe that the leadership in the British royal family is racist. God Bless the late queen, she wanted Harry to be happy, and appeared to welcome Meghan into the family. She saw Meghan’s value, to combat the British history of colonialism, and racism.

  4. Edward says

    In addition to race and class issues, William appears to be a bully. Within the Royal hierarchy, William, who will be king, exercised what he believes is his prerogative, and ordered Harry not to marry Meghan. The brothers had never gotten along, but with Harry’s marriage to Meghan, William and his wife declared war on Harry and Meghan, with Meghan being their initial target.

  5. Louise says

    Harry made a terrible mistake she just wanted to be a princess. He should go back to London with the kids and leave her in California .

    1. ablalo says

      Just run off with the kids? Harry can’t legally do that, and by keeping the kids here in the USA, Meghan is barring any opportunity for him to try.

      Harry made his bed and he must now lie in it. If he wants his kids NOT to experience divorced parents as he did, he must suck in up, shut up and live quietly in the USA – “free” like he said he wanted to be. Lol – William might just PAY him to stay out of Royal business!

      1. Cecelia says

        And free he is. Free of the snobbery, stuffiness and having to display his children like puppets in a show.

  6. Judy Markham. says

    Louise, you have it right. He should go back to his home country act like the prince he was born into. And allow his children to be with their relatives and get to know their heritage. Their mother? She blew it and shows she too selfish to participate in their lives.

  7. Giovina teresa says

    H and m deserve everything they get l hoo the king never invites them to functions so as not to upset the family because they cannot b trusted. It’s a shame for Charles but look at Megan’s fathers situation she only hangs onto Harry for the $$$$ that might come their way and uses the children to get close to Charles and the family because if they go to uk she has to go such a sad situation

  8. Judy says

    I dislike Megan. I think Harry should move back to UK with his kids and leave her. She’s his biggest downfall! I also think William and Kate are money hungry and if they get rid of Harry more for them. Kate is jealous of anyone who gets more attention than her. William is a jerk! They are brothers by blood, nothing is more important than family. Charles needs to fix this Now and forgive Harry. W and C are certainly not without blame Camilla just wants everything for her kids. Charles needs to step up

  9. Robert sutton says

    Prince William needs to stick his face into some mud my prince is Jesus Christ the real prince of peace

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