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It read, “Earlier this week The Countess of Wessex came into contact with someone who has subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. Her Royal Highness is not experiencing any symptoms, but is following all relevant government guidelines and is self-isolating at home.”
Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19 in March and experienced what was described as, “mild symptoms.” Sophie’s brother-in-law has reported that he still is recovering his sense of taste and smell.
Sophie Wessex Has Had Contact With Someone Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus
It is thought that Queen Elizabeth’s daughter-in-law will remain at her Bagshot Park home with husband Prince Edward and their two children, Lady Louise and James, Viscount Severn, where she will observe the proper coronavirus protocol. It has been said in the past that Sophie is Her Majesty’s favorite daughter-in-law and she has been commended for representing the royal family in outstanding fashion.
The palace statement did not identify where Sophie was exposed. But we do know that she has been on the go for the past few days with a busy schedule. On Thursday she visited a farm with her husband Prince Edward. Following that appointment, she joined a member of Mencap’s Learning Disability Running Team on Sunday for the first 1.5 miles of their Virtual London Marathon.
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The virtual run was held along the Great Walk at Windsor Castle on a dreary weather day. Then on Wednesday Sophie was seen wearing a green mask during a visit to the National Space Centre. Her attendance there was to mark World Space Week.
It Has Not Been Specified Where Sophie Was Exposed To The Coronavirus
Speaking about the matter, health care assistant Jeff Wall told the Daily Mail, “He [Prince Charles] did speak of his personal experience, so the first-hand experience for him. He also spoke about his loss of smell and taste and, sort of, still felt he’s still got it now.”
After a summer spent in isolation as part of the COVID prevention strategy, the royal family has gone back to making visits in person. The family, including Kate Middleton and Prince William, had done multiple virtual visits while in isolation. Now that they are back to face-to-face events the royals have taken all of the required precautions to remain as safe as possible. This includes wearing masks and practicing social distancing.
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Please don't get sick! Sick and tired of this virus.