Royal Family News: After Prince William’s COVID Battle He Desperately Needs To Do This To Return To Normal

British royal family news divulges that the United Kingdom’s Prince William, Duke of Cambridge was diagnosed with coronavirus back in April. He took a bit of heat over the fact that it was revealed just days ago, but almost everyone has accepted his explanation that he did not want to needlessly worry Britain at a time when his father, Prince Charles, and the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, were also diagnosed with the deadly disease.

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With the battle behind him, the Duke of Cambridge is now ready to see the humor about his condition, suggesting that he may have gained the infamous COVID 19 pounds while in lockdown.

Prince William Is Looking To Get Back In Shape After Lockdown

Prince William recently spoke to deployed troops from the Royal Navy, the Army, and the Royal Air Force to mark Remembrance Day.

One of those on the Zoom call was Leading Physical Instructor Damon Bell who is aboard the HMS Montrose in the Persian Gulf. He told William that in October they seized almost 1,000 lbs. of methamphetamine from smugglers in the Straits of Hormuz.

He said, “Only half of what you got on Iron Duke but still nonetheless very good.” His reference was to William’s 2008 job flying a helicopter from the HMS Iron Duke in the Caribbean. During his time William was part of a drug bust that netted over $50,000,000 of contraband.

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Prince William Battled COVID In April And Kept The Secret Until Now

William admired Bell’s expertise and said, “I remember being beasted by people like you Damon on the Iron Duke. The on-deck PT was always quite a fun afternoon. I think after a number of lockdowns I might need your PT skills to help get back into shape again.”

Bell responded, “Always on the end of a Zoom call sir, whenever you’re ready.”

William has joked before about eating too much in quarantine at Anmer Hall with his family, wife Kate Middleton and their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

According to William, the family enjoyed a great deal of baking and he joked that he was worried, “about the waistline of the nation.”

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He also told bakery owners during a royal work visit, “I think we’ve all eaten so many cakes and chocolate.”

In conclusion, William commended Bell, Flight Sergeant Gemma Thomson, and Corporal Jiwan Kumar Thapa for the jobs they are doing. “I hope that you know that we are still thinking about all of you and the important job you’re all doing and that everyone is very grateful. I hope that over Remembrance Sunday we can remind people just how committed and determined, and how brilliant all the people we have in the Forces are around the world.”

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