Royal Family News: Aides Brutal In Chopping Queen’s Schedule After Hospitalization

Queen ElizabethBritish royal family news shows that Queen Elizabeth was hospitalized last week for an undisclosed ailment, the first time in eight years. The 95-year old monarch has an iron will and a strong work ethic but now senior aides reportedly must hack away at her schedule to make it manageable given the circumstances.

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How will Buckingham Palace devise a strategy to manage the Queen’s enormous workload? Luckily there are other royals to pick up any slack.

The Queen Must Cut Back

Sir Edward Young is the Queen’s private secretary and he is said to have been told to, “be ruthless,” in cutting back her workload. As a result officials are thought to now be paring back the list to crucial events that the Queen can then prioritize. Not in jeopardy is her 2022 Platinum Jubilee. That event commemorates her 70-year reign and takes place in June.

However, her presence at the UN climate change summit in Glasgow next month remains up in the air.
The Palace’s communications team has come under criticism for not being 100% upfront about her hospital stay.

 The Queen Was Hospitalized

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Criticism was leveled at the queen’s aides after it was discovered that she was admitted to King Edward VII’s Hospital in London on Wednesday and remained overnight for testing. The media was informed of the circumstance on Thursday, reportedly after the news was leaked.

The issue has brought to the surface matters of privacy versus the public’s need to know. The Queen is an active head of state but she is also accorded a certain degree of medical privacy.

Queen Overworked?

Royal sources point to the relaxing of Covid restrictions as a reason for the queen being inundated with events. According to the Court Circular, “she has held 13 separate audiences or meetings, attended seven major events and travelled almost 900 miles since leaving Balmoral on October 1,” as reported by the Daily Mail. That is enough to make anyone tired, let alone Her Majesty who is still dealing with the loss of her husband Philip. He died at age 99 in April.

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“They have to find some kind of balance,” said Sally Bedell Smith, who wrote a biography of the queen. I hope they have learnt from the pretty punishing pace she kept over the course of a month that that is maybe just too much.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • M. Payton

    Goodness, HM did all that in just over 3 weeks, no wonder she is tired. I would like to see a 20 or 30 something do all that and NOT be tired. Get those York Princesses out there and put them to work and everyone else in the family who has 2 legs that can think and talk at the same time. HM needs some help from her family now not later.

  • Guest

    I think she's got plenty of loving family and friends that will do anything to help her. God bless the Queen and her loyal family.